Rock Yourself Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 13

Sadie's Personal Practice

20 min - Practice


Sadie's personal practice on March 12, 2015. Her voice coach and spiritual teacher, Thorald Koren of The Kin, shares two of his songs, "River Wild" and "Thankful," as accompaniment.

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What You'll Need: No props needed

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(Pace N/A)
Jun 18, 2015
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(soft guitar music) â?« Ride the wave â?« You're wide awake â?« Give into something you can't take â?« You allow the wave â?« As it starts to raise â?« It'll take you past the point â?« Where you could break â?« Don't be so strong â?« When all you find are shadows â?« That's all they are â?« Nothing more â?« Don't fight at all â?« Just there be a battle â?« To let it be the river running wild â?« Ride the wave â?« And as it starts to raise â?« It's washing out the fault that you're to blame â?« Ride the wave â?« As it takes its shape â?« You were waiting with your fears â?« To float away â?« Don't be so strong â?« When all you find are shadows â?« That's all they are â?« Nothing more â?« Don't fight it all â?« And just let there be a battle â?« To let it be the river running wild (light guitar music) â?« Is it just a star â?« Is it just the farthest cry â?« Is it just the wind â?« Is it just the river wild â?« Is it just a storm â?« Is it just the farthest cry â?« Is it just the wind â?« Is it just the river wild â?« Is it just a storm â?« Is it just the farthest cry â?« Is it just the wind â?« Is it just the river wild â?« Ride the wave â?« You got a lot at stake â?« That when all that you have formed â?« Has washed away (humming) â?« Ah â?« Ah â?« Ah â?« Ah (soft guitar music) (drumming) (soft guitar music) â?« How have we â?« Have we come to this â?« When all I've ever seen â?« Is you, my friend â?« Way back when â?« My feet were taken off the ground â?« But did your â?« But did your wings come out â?« Bestow in me â?« Fine form â?« For the gifts we share â?« Let's stop and be in this moment â?« For tomorrow's too far â?« Away â?« Oh â?« Oh â?« Broken words â?« He heeds broken ways â?« Thirsty with desire â?« And a lust for fire â?« And a yearn to change â?« With your wings â?« Will it take us separate ways â?« Only we dare to shape â?« Anew â?« Let's stop and be â?« Thankful â?« For the gifts we share â?« We better stop and be in this moment â?« For tomorrow's too far â?« Away â?« Oh â?« Hey â?« Oh â?« You better stop and be â?« Thankful â?« For the gifts we share â?« We're gonna stop and be in this moment â?« For tomorrow's too far â?« Away â?« Hey â?« Ah


Linda G
2 people like this.
Thank you Sadie I loved this! Your energy is contagious and you are a delight to watch as you move spontaniously and creatively within the ancient shapes of yoga. Nice music too. Linda
Rylla R
1 person likes this.
So beautiful Sadie. I followed some, and did my own, something I learned I could do from you. Thanks for reminding me. And THANK YOU THORALD - beautiful!!!
Caryn K
1 person likes this.
Thank you for letting us in. You both moved me.
Shari L
Would love to find these tracks from Thorald Koren - but cannot - any help would be wonderful - The energy and flow is contagious and beautiful
Gokce O
Heyyy ) You are amazing! I cried with you, because this is coming from your heart. After watching this practice, I listened your album and join your you tube channel too :) Thank you very much yogaantime team to meet you..
Deborah W
Gorgeous, lovely, real, spectacular, truthful ...Thank you for sharing ..God bless
Christel B

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