Freedom Yoga Immersion Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 1

Welcome to Day 2

5 min - Show Intro
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Erich introduces us to Day 2 of the Freedom Yoga Immersion, where we will be learning more about Erich's personal story and how he found yoga, reviewing opening three, and diving deeper into some of Erich's favorite patterns. We're glad you're here!
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Apr 26, 2015
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Welcome back. Day one was fun. Again, this freedom yoga, the way I'm talking about it, it's the outgrowth of my practice. It's sort of, the more I get into this, the more I'm thinking it's the original yoga, the authentic yoga, in the sense that in the beginning there was no yoga. And sort of what happened was people felt inspired. They weren't just learning from other people yet. And sort of the point is to learn from other people to get back into the inspired state. And so I'm going to spend some time today talking about how it happened for me, sort of my story. I didn't know it was going to play out like this. We'll then get into some asana practice, some more review of opening three. And part of like the big learning in all of this is that you only exist because the all is being you. And as it turns out, the energy is love. When you start feeling the truth of who you are, as you start feeling the truth of what's going on, you start feeling more confidence in what's going on because it feels, you start feeling loved. Therefore many, many, many all of the practices are geared towards having a clearer experience of the energy that you are. I've been calling this main practice the holy instant. Yoga is the inquiry into truth. What's going on? What's going on? And therefore the way to practice the holy instant is with this question is like, what is the truth here really? So we're going to get into that a lot. And then we'll get into more big review of opening three and more of the patterns, my favorite patterns that I practice a lot and recommend. Thank you for being here again.


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