Freedom Yoga Immersion Artwork
Season 5 - Episode 1

Welcome to Day 5

5 min - Show Intro


Erich invites us to Day 5, our final day together of the Freedom Yoga Immersion, where he talks about the importance of cultivating a personal practice. Erich introduces us to "mirror gazing," encouraging us to practice with a notebook and a mirror so that we can see what we're feeling. Thank you for being here! It's been fun.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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May 17, 2015
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Okay so here we are in our final day together. Thank you for being here. It's been fun. Again I've been learning a lot. Now one of the points that we'll get into today is personal practice. And personal practice I think if you have space at home get a big mirror and practice in front of the mirror some of the time. Especially if you're learning to be a teacher. Part of what having a mirror does is it helps you see what you're feeling. I'll often be in a pose and I'll be making like a subtle shift of alignment which isn't very visual but it feels significant. And if I practice watching myself in the mirror it sensitizes my seeing ability so that I can see what I'm feeling. So we're going to get into that a little bit. But sort of the expanded significance of practicing with a mirror. And I didn't know that this was going to happen when it started happening. What's usually when I practice is I go go go and then I stop. And I usually have a notebook with me and I write down notes of what I've the sequences that I've been channeling or if I get an insight about something I write the insight down while it's clear and succinct. I recommend practicing with a notebook. And so on this one day in particular I was go go going and then I stopped and I happened to be sitting in lotus in front of the mirror. And I was checking out my alignment and I just happened to like start doing eye gazing with myself. And as I was doing eye gazing with myself I just got on the same eye beam with myself and just like got into the now. At first I just looked like me the way I always look. But as I immersed myself in the experience I started to see a glow around the form in the reflection in the mirror. And I started to realize that wow if I'm seeing a glow off the form in the mirror then evidently I must be glowing a little bit and either I'm glowing more or I'm beginning to see the more of what was there the whole time. And again this is one of those concepts that's beginning to like change my mind about what I think is happening. As it's developing I realize oh wow this is what the meaning of it the word namaste means. Namaste, my understanding of the word, is the light of my awareness is seeing the light of your presence. And as I was seeing the reflection in the mirror with the increased glow I started to understand oh wow that's a literal that's a literal thing that starts to happen. It's just not a it's not just a sentimental it's nice to see you type of greeting. It's a oh wow the light of my awareness is beginning to see the light of your presence. Which again began to teach me that wow there's more going on here than we are currently hip to. Suddenly my personal practice started getting more interesting and beginning to look for the light of other things wherever you look suddenly, suddenly life gets more interesting. So let's get into that a little bit today. Glad you're here. Namaste.


Moira C
1 person likes this.
Well…. your light, your glow has brightened my understanding ….literally. I’m the one that does best knowing the “why” of behaviors. Namaste, my glow, my light, is a constant public smile covering a personal practice to find inner peace.

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