Freedom Yoga Immersion Artwork
Season 4 - Episode 1

Welcome to Day 4

5 min - Show Intro


Erich invites us to Day 4 of the Freedom Yoga Immersion, where he explores the story of Oneness, the All, and invites us to inquire about our real DNA being G-O-D.

Day 4 will include a manual, which you can find here.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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May 10, 2015
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(No Desires)


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Okay, so here we are day four already. So I finally got the manual produced. So I'm handing out the manual to everyone today. We'll start going through the manual a little bit. And sort of one of the main points that I'm, again, that I'm learning about and trying to talk about and trying to make sense of. Again, it comes back to the idea that the all is being all. That you only exist because the all is appearing as you specifically. Therefore, and this isn't in the manual, so I'm asking everyone to write it down initially. But the sentence that I'm, I want everyone to contemplate, to chew on, to agree with or disagree with and just sort of wonder about. The sentence is, your real DNA is not based on your mother or your father or your grandparents. Yes, there's genetic dispositions. Walk through your life without awareness, but increasingly have the awareness that, wow, your real DNA is G-O-D. And therefore start having justification for letting go of the justifications that you've come up with about why you're sick because your grandmother was sick. Why you're likely to have this because your father had this. More likely is because G-O-D is love. As we start recognizing this truth, if it's true, then because your real DNA is G-O-D, then there's increased justification for optimism about health and wealth and lifestyle. So we're going to get into that a lot today. Glad you're here. This is a fun topic to be getting into. Yay!


Doug G
5 people like this.
Non-threatening, non-preachy, smooth, kind, gentle, deliciuosly inviting, yet life changing and Life saving, a staggering thought reversal invitation to consider, "your real DNA is G-O-D."

YAY, YAY, YAY ... it is out of the box now world ... taste and BE the freedom!

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