The Sun and Moon Show Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 8

Gayatri Lullaby with Julia

10 min - Practice


Julia guides us into a comfortable Savasana and sings a sweet lullaby. You will feel more relaxed, quiet, and expansive.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Namaste. Find yourself a really comfortable position lying on your back, somewhere where you can just completely relax, allowing the legs to be slightly apart, feet to relax, arms slightly away from the body, palms face up. Deep breath down into the belly, exhale out through the mouth, just releasing through the mouth. Another deep breath in down into the belly, exhale release. Just feeling the shoulders soften back and down, gently swallowing, letting the lips part, feel the jaw relax.

Eyes soften in their sockets, gently rolling downwards towards the lower eyelids. Allow the bones in the body to be heavy and melt down into the earth. Another deep breath in, exhale letting go. Helping yourself to rest. Thank you.


Jenny S
1 person likes this.
This was just lovely...thank you Julia 🙏🏻🌞
Julia Berkeley
Thank YOU for tuning in Jenny
Rosanna S
1 person likes this.
Julia Berkeley
Rosanna Thanks for joining! If you want to find a recording of the song it's on spotify, itunes, bandcamp etc under "julia berkeley" and "gayatri"
Wishing you a blessed solstice.

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