Prana: Healthy Prana Circulation<br>Robert Svoboda

Prana: Healthy Prana Circulation
Robert Svoboda

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Eileen C
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Thank you Dr. Svoboda for the wonderful practice. Some texts say muladhara for women is at the cervix. Do you agree?
Kit S
The two lectures and the Prana practice were the perfect start to my day. I'm interested to see how this comes with me throughout this day and evening. Thank you so much.
Denise V
Thank you for this practice, Dr. Svoboda!
Dorothy B
1 person likes this.
I really enjoyed this practice and felt the benefits immediately.
Randy B
Thank you so much. Incredible to find you here. Bows, ...Gratitude. Master Teacher.
Locana S
1 person likes this.
A perfect practice for a perfect day ! Many thanks.
Maria Elena D
thank you for this dr. Svoboda!
John Jackson
1 person likes this.
Felt my body needed a break from my asana practice and this was the perfect substitute for me today! Thank you!
Alexandra Kambler
Alexandra Kambler
1-10 of 13

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