Yoga for Athletes: Leg Flush<br>Lydia Zamorano

Yoga for Athletes: Leg Flush
Lydia Zamorano

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Lovely. I feel so much more grounded. (And I'm NOT an athlete...:) )
Lydia Zamorano
Hi Wynter!
Happy that everyone can get a little grounding and release from this sequence. Thanks for letting me know. Hope you have a beautiful day. Lydia
Joan J
Ahhhh Lydia, this is so nice for my tight hamstrings, and crackly knees. Turning the foot gives a more intense feeling in the side IT band. I can't reach the floor when extending to the side, but using a block under my shin helps me to relax in the position. I just love the osscilating, it helps me extend a pinch more. Flushing the legs is wonderful!
I walk 2 miles a day, and I am doing this today before my walk. Opening up those little fibers, and the hips, I believe will make a difference in my walk. Thanks for another gentle, sensitive session. So grateful.
Lydia Zamorano
Joan Love practice with you here! Big love to you! Lydia Zamorano
Kit & Dee Dee
Thanks! This is just what I needed today.
Lydia Zamorano
Kit Happy!
Katarina V
Dear Lydia! After a spring and summer with a lot of orienteering this was what I needed. More than once I think. Love Katarina
Lydia Zamorano
Katarina I love doing this practice a few times a week. One thing that I love about having your legs up for a while is that it helps move stagnant fluid. In the Hatha Yoga Pradipika it says if you have your legs above your heart for 3 hours your can conquer death. I always laugh about this! But it certainly feels good to get that flush! Especially when you're on your feet a lot. Sending you big love! Lydia Zamorano
David G-
Another gem! I love how much fun it is to stretch, to get more flexible, but it has consequences. My cat Cassidy tried to climb on my chest while I grabbed my big toe (new milestone) and she was love-biting me. Chuckle. So many cool insights, especially with fascia discussion. I needed this flush. I road 118 miles yesterday with 8,400 elevation gain. Really taxing and way too long away from home, but the Catskills + Autumn = Epic. 
Lydia Zamorano
David Goldstein Your ride sounds incredible David! I can imagine those fall colours! And yes, I have found cats love yoga. :) Warmth, Lydia 
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