30 Minute Yoga Flows: Supple Spine<br>Sarah Beston

30 Minute Yoga Flows: Supple Spine
Sarah Beston

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Sarah Beston
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Welcome to Yoga Anytime, Silvia B! So happy to be practicing with you here. Please keep me posted on your journey. Warmly, Sarah
Loved that. Thank you.
Sarah Beston
I’m so happy to hear, Catherine! Thank you for practicing with me here. 
Leesa N
thank you so much Sarah. i really enjoy your classes and loved finding Dancing Camel. I have always found camel a bit uncomfortable but this was an easeful way to move in and out of it x
Sarah Beston
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Thanks for practicing with me, Leesa N! I am with you 100% on Camel Pose and also find dancing camel so much more accessible in my body. Wishing you a beautiful weekend!
Hortensia G
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That practice was so delicate and so beautifully put together. Thank you. I really enjoyed it.
Sarah Beston
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It's a pleasure to be practicing with you here, Hortensia G! Thank you for sharing your experience with this sequence and please stay close. Warmly, Sarah
David G-
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Did this again with my girlfriend. She loved it too, though she laughed at all the floating. I did too. Still a work in process. 
Sarah Beston
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Haha, love that, David G-! Thanks for sharing and so glad to hear your girlfriend is enjoying the practices as well. Wishing you a beautiful June!
1 person likes this.
My first yoga anytime class and I loved it. Thank you!

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