Yoga for Body & Mind with Jasmine Tarkeshi: Rise and Shine<br>Jasmine Tarkeshi

Yoga for Body & Mind with Jasmine Tarkeshi: Rise and Shine
Jasmine Tarkeshi

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Erika H
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Whoo-HOOOO so exactly what I needed -- not just the practice itself, but also Jasmine's bright, loving spirit. Thank you.
Kit & Dee Dee
Jasmine, thanks for a wonderful start to my day.
Catherine R
Very lovely practice. And, although the video was a bit spotty, the verbal cues were excellent and I didnt miss a beat! The meditation at the end was great, and I love the thought of the morning sun in the east because we havent seen that in days here in eastern WA.
Kate M
Another gem, Jasmine. What a lovely sequence. And your gentle cueing is so warmly inviting. Love. 
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I LOVED this practice!! Loved the image of the sun rising through the sky in a giant revolution every time my arms opened out. Also loved the forward bends flowing into stargazer. I even enjoyed the prep for headstand, which I usually back away from with grumpy grouchiness.
It just occurred to me today that the sound of ‘om’ starts with an ‘ah!’ then becomes ‘oh!’ And then becomes ‘mmm!’ What a wonderful comment on this practice, and what a wonderful way to approach the new day!
Brian M
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Thank you, Jasmine! Hope to see you in the real world soon!
Kate M
Your teaching is such a treasure, Jasmine. Thank you. Namaste : )
Thank you for this wonderful practice. Just what I needed before I head outside to clear snow from yesterday's storm. Jasmine your energy and positivity are much appreciated as we move into Winter and continue physical distancing due to Covid19.
Sue D That is so wonderful to hear. What a gift YogaAnytime is to us all during this challenging time to help stay balanced, healthy and warm! With many blessings for the new year, Jasmine 
Brigitte M
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I deeply enjoyed this practice and your guidance through the practice so on point, thank you very much. Will take this definately on my favorite morning list!!
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