The Sweet Heart Challenge: Day 5: Fear and Courage<br>Wade Gotwals

The Sweet Heart Challenge: Day 5: Fear and Courage
Wade Gotwals

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Thanks Kate Its so interesting how these videos translate to what's happening in the world now! I really think all the facets of yoga are the tools that will help us through this!!
Kate M
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So true, Wade . Our yoga practices are invaluable right now. The context we're living in now is bringing many things I've read from the Gita into a much sharper focus.
Sheryl U
Kick off the TAXMAN. Perfect! I needed the chuckle! Namaste Wade!
Sheryl hahah I forgot I said that - but yes! Keep practicing and thanks for making me laugh again!
Hi Wade, thanks for this as I am practicing my handstand and this helps so much. Fear is a state of mind, sometimes we have to face our fears in order to move on with our lives. Namaste.
Hi Dandan very well said and thanks for sharing your journey! Handstands especially, when we feel more solid and grounded in those inversions we carry with us that knew confidence in moving through our challenges, win win!
Kayoko W
Wow, it WAS a challenge! I feel really good being able to completing this, and ready for a next challenge. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. 
YES Kayoko W you went for it! That's what it's all about! Thanks for sharing your good energy and positivity!
Tracy C
Awesome!!! That was really fun.... Thanks!!!
Thanks Tracy C - that's one way to combat fear = have fun!!
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