That was my all time favorite class. I really enjoy your practices. Thanks so much. My aim is to 'fly' some day. It might not be in this life time but who know?!
Thank you for your personal time in your own practice and growth, such that you provide wonderful sessions for us out here. You showed a pose first and I literally laughed out loud cuz I felt pretty sure that 4 months out of back surgery, that wasn't going to happen for me also I've never made it happen before. However, with your gentle scaffolding and suggestions it actually came together for me deeper than expected. Because YOU showed the way. And I so appreciate that about you. Abundant Blessings to you sweet Rosemary Garrison
Beautiful Kim, this means the world. Yes, indeed... personal time invested in my practice and growth do ripple out into the teachings. I'm glad to know that is felt and received well! And I love that the scaffolding/ suggestions moved you deeper than expected. One pose, one breath, one step at a time. Gratitude to you. Enjoy!