Living the Yamas and Niyamas: Ishvara Pranidhana<br>Robert Sidoti

Living the Yamas and Niyamas: Ishvara Pranidhana
Robert Sidoti

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Fabian H
1 person likes this.
thank you for your love and support.
Robert Sidoti
You're welcome and my sincere pleasure my friend Fabian !! 
Anne Marie V
1 person likes this.
I just loved this whole series. Thank you, Robert.
Robert Sidoti
So happy you enjoyed it Anne Marie V !! You are so very welcome - it was a joy to create and be a part of! 
Christa K
Thank you so much for this class! Today was a really hard day for me, and this practice actually helped me cry it out-- in a good way. I feel restored. =) 
Beth F
Thank you for this course, Robert. It was wonderful to wrap it up with this final restorative practice. The subtitle could be sweet surrender! Practicing these principles with yoga was very grounding and helpful to me. This course is a gem in the YogaAnytime archives and I hope more will find their way here!
Julie Bell V
I loved this class and needed it much more than I realized!  Thank you!
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