Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 3: Strength 3<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 3: Strength 3
Nathan Briner

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Jane W
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Loving this class! The cues are fantastic, small adjustments bring greater strength. I'm only on day 3 and fee stronger already. Thanks so much!
Nathan Briner
Right on Jane!! Great to hear :) thank you for sharing your experience!
Meagan P
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Another wonderful practice! 
One thing I could use some advice on: as I mentioned before concerning my hypermobility, I struggle with my very hypermobil shoulders. They're very unstable,  which makes coming out of any push-up style move incredibly difficult.   While I can easily go down into chaturanga, coming back up doesn't happen much for me.  I'd like to know if there's anyway to train, safely,  so my shoulders can be more stabilised making the up part of a pushup/chaturanga more possible? Thanks.  
Nathan Briner
Meagan, yes absolutely. Here are a couple simple ideas:
1) do push-ups at an angle where you can confidently push out of the move. Leaning against a counter for example. 
2) I am a big fan of weight training. Shoulder work in all planes of motion is a great way to build strength and safety. 
3) You can practice chaturanga with a bolster (or 2) under your upper thighs to take the weight of the lower body out of the equation. 
Hope that helps!
Carmen S.
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llena de energia, muchas gracias
Nathan Briner
Carmen S. Que bueno! Comparta su energía con el mundo. Necesitamos esas buenas vibraciones!! 
Rosanna S
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Another great class! The pelvic tilt exercises in the beginning reminded me of physical therapy. I could feel how good this is for you.
Joy E
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You guide me really well.  I do need help with my abs. Thanks.
Nathan Briner
Joy E, core strength will help with all the poses. 
Jasmin E
1 person likes this.
I love the sessions! 🙏
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