Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 5: Strength 5<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 5: Strength 5
Nathan Briner

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M Angela C
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Very appreciative of  this practice.  I can feel the benefit of my strength building from the prior practices. Thank you for the precise details with your cues - this has helped me personally in each pose. I am noticing off the mat benefits too just in the small details of movement  and awareness of core . I have been adding 10 mins of meditation to the end of each practice  for added benefits. Thank you!
Nathan Briner
M Angela that’s exciting to hear! 5 days in and already feeling the positive changes. I love to hear that you’re adding the meditation as well. 
Joan J
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I loved the kneeling side plank, new to me.  It opened and released so much space in my hip joint.  Love the twisted chair pose, glad to see that here.  Staying away from back bends due to my sensitive low back, I substituted  sphinx to relax my low back.  Grateful for another lively session🌾
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There are so many things to love about this class. I find the initial core work more interesting and satisfying than ‘crunch’ type core work. I LOVE exhaled warrior and will try to incorporate it into my personal practice. I also found spaciousness in revolved side-angle. I usually find my front foot wobbles from side to side in revolved side-angle. I’ve wondered if this is hip instability? Feeling the connection between back heel and thigh helps, as does firming (pinning?) the hips. I wondered if you might have any other insights?
Lyse B
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Hi Nathan, I'm loving this challenge, stayed with the 6 days on strength! it was tough at times because I'm a beginner. One question, or clarification... when completing forward bend, do I keep belly button and ribs engaged, tail bone down to keep my spine straight and long or do I round out to go down. Same question about rag doll. I was worried about just rounding out to go further but my back feels stiff down the middle. Thank you

Nathan Briner
Ali, this will be a broad answer to your question but a tip that may help is working to create a solid line of “energy” (a sense of muscular and bone connection) such that you feel grounded from hip to foot. Sometimes the cue “hug your muscles to the bone” is used here. The pose should then progress from this stability, and be maintained and grown from the stability. As soon as the stability is lost, you’ll feel wobbly like those old wooden toy figures where you could push the bottom of the stand and the toy would go limp. 
Nathan Briner
Lyse hi! 
Rounding in forward bends does happen but it varies from body to body. Stiffness in the mid back is very common when first exploring these poses. It will ease over time. For now, paying extra attention to how your pelvis is folding over the thighs is important. We want to be careful to not over do the flexion (Rounding) at the lumbar. My suggestion at this time would be enter the pose gently. Let your body shake off its stiffness with repeated practice of these lessons. It’s amazing how fast the body can change. I am happy to dive deeper but without seeing your pose I can’t be too specific. 
2 people like this.
Hi Nathan, yes, that is exactly how it feels. I will keep hugging my muscles to the bone!
Barbara N
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I'm really finding the programme helpful. Im not young but already I can feel that Im increasing in strength. I'm able to do a full plank with no trouble now though some poses are still not right, I feel I am getting there. Thank you
Luna J
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I've done other 30 day challenges on Yoga Anytime multiple times-- and love this one as well. I don't get bored (easy for me), your instructions are easy to follow and I'm learning more about how to be in this pose. Really appreciate how you teach!
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