Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 22: Flexibility 4<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 22: Flexibility 4
Nathan Briner

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Nathan Briner
Rosie B  :)
That sound incredible! I’m so happy to hear that you’ve found that transformation in this class. 
Donna B
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Hi Nathan, I'm enjoying your series and learning so much!  I've made it to Day 22.  My question is about Hanumanasana.  I notice that your back is straight up when you do the posture.  When I do the posture, I'm way bent over,  holding onto the blocks.    I can't seem to straighten up.  Does this mean I've gone down too far in the split?  Any advice?  
Nathan Briner
Hi Donna B! Glad to hear you’re digging the challenge! 
Hanumanasana is a deep pose. Definitely a challenge on many levels. What you might not be seeing in the video is that, though my back is more vertical, my lumbar is VERY extended. For reference, can you see how deeply Iyengar bends his back? 

Nathan Briner
Donna B, the waistline of his shorts is almost pointing vertically. So, though this seems like it’s all hamstring stretching, learning how to take the low and mid back deeeeeeeeeeply in is a huge part of this pose. What I would recommend is not going as deep as you have been and practice using your back muscles to create the arch I’m talking about. Really feel the muscles generate the arch. You can use your arms on the blocks to help provide stability and resistance. Then when you can really feel comfortable control there, keep that arch and slowly drop and inch or two more down into the pose. Don’t do it by pushing the front leg forward, do it by settling the hips down more (the front leg will move on its own). 
Try that and get back to me. If you want to work with me live, I do zoom sessions as well. Reach out here or DM if you want to set something up. 

Talk to you soon! All my best 
Donna B
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Thank you, Nathan.  That's an excellent explanation and I see where I need to focus my attention.  Namaste
Nathan Briner
Donna B, I should have an Instagram post of the explanation I gave you here up in about 20 minutes. @nathan_briner is my insta. Hope it adds to your toolbox 🧘!
Nathan Briner
Donna B Ok it’s finally up :) @nathan_briner on insta. 
Donna B
Thanks so much!
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