Sometimes or maybe often we are so busy trying to make each moment “count”; so as we meditate we may catch ourselves solving a problem we haven’t had time to think about. Then it’s back to the breath as you remind us so well, to return to meditation.
Margi, each day of this series brings joy. I love your warm presence, clarity, precision and progressive building blocks of asanas, meditations and homework. A special thanks for introducing me to the most easeful posture of taking my meditation seat on two blocks between my feet— a relief for back,knees and ankles. You have a gift for teaching—Thank you for sharing it.
Your thoughts on being lost in fantasy are extremely helpful for my recovery journey. I felt a warm glow in my back which is how much I am grateful for this challenge. Thanks Margi.
Thank you so much Margi! Every practice feels so personal and like it is meant just for me and exactly where I am these days. The homework is one of my favorite parts (not what I expected)!
corinne So glad it is working for you. That often happens in yoga that it seems tailor made! Also happy that the homework is interesting. I'm especially glad since it lasts the rest of our lives! Waking up and up and up. Margi
Francie Welcome to the club! There is a lot of spiritual teaching around this negative chatter. If you want other suggestions, please contact me through my website, Margi