Spring Ayurveda Yoga Challenge: Day 5: Spring Essentials<br>Melina Meza

Spring Ayurveda Yoga Challenge: Day 5: Spring Essentials
Melina Meza

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Christine V
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thank you Melina, I have been enjoying this challenge. Looking forward to the next one, 🤗
Melina Meza
Thanks Christine and know I'll have NEW yoga videos on my Yoga for Our Nature Show early summer. When it feels like SUMMER where you are....the Summer Challenge is available in the Challenge section (tab) on the Yoga Anytime site. Wishing you much health in the seasons ahead.
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Hi Melina,  I just received your 'Art of Sequencing' book (I had to go via Amazon.com as the UK site doesn't have it) and it is soooo brilliant.  I think it might be the yoga book I have been dreaming of all my life!  I really look forward to trying it out on my mat tomorrow morning.  Fab to have both the live and the paper version of your teaching.  
Jane W
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Thank you Melina! A wonderful series and a great start to my Ayurveda study. I love all the movement in this class. 
Melina Meza
I'm so glad the book arrived safely, I hope it provides you with additional ideas on how to adapt your practice and drop deeper into sequencing.  Stay tuned for Season 5 of my Yoga for Our Nature show here on YogaAnytime, I'll be sharing some fun new sequences to take your practice to the next level!   ( :
Melina Meza
Jane ~ Best wishes to you in your Ayurveda study. If you like this topic, you might go back to some of my Yoga for Our Nature series and listen to the presentations on the elements, seasonal ayurveda, etc.  Thanks for being part of the community.
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oh that's fab news, Melina re: another season of 'Yoga for Our Nature'.  
Kate M
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Happy, healthy Spring, Melina! Thank you for this carefully thought-out season. Lovely sequencing. BTW, are you the musician?
Melina Meza
Thank you Kate, twas a dreaming up this series for you all!! I play a little guitar...just the basics. You?
Kate M
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I like to play piano and sing - so good for the spirit, especially these days!
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