Rest Deeply: Melting into Safety<br>Arturo Peal

Rest Deeply: Melting into Safety
Arturo Peal

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Sara S
Lovely awareness 
Jenny S
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So incredibly relaxing…a lovely way to rest and refresh in the middle of my hectic day…
Hortensia G
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So lovely and soothing. Goes to show that sometimes less is better. Thank you!!
Lorraine Marek
Perfect pace for me after surgery thanks
Amanda H
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So gentle, so refreshing, thankyou so much.
Alexandra H
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That was so lovely. Thank you :]
Leah K
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This was perfect for finishing off a long week. Thank you!
Janet L
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Arturo, I loved this practice! Especially, the pacing. I am having constant pain from tightness in my right groin. It feels so much better after this practice. Thanks.
Rachel S
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Really lovely. Thank you. 
1 person likes this.
Loved your gentleness. Keeping this one for insomnia days or hurty-ribs days. Thank you!
1-10 of 11

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