30 Minute Vinyasa Yoga: Water: Flow State<br>Shelley Williams

30 Minute Vinyasa Yoga: Water: Flow State
Shelley Williams

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Shelley Williams
Francesca Venturini Thank you for the kind note Francesca, I love a water-based practice!! 
Shelley Williams
Kate M Thank you sweet Kate M! I appreciate it, its a lot of fun to work with this particular element. I may be an "air sign" as a Gemini, but there must be a water sign rising in there bc that feels like HOME!
Shelley Williams
Galina L Thank you Galina! Pleased to see you here, happy practicing!
Shelley Williams
Michelle F Thank you Michelle! Yes, the bolster and strap are key for me too, as this one is a big juicy pose that is just slightly out of reach, so the props help us to be in the spirit and opening of it!
Shelley Williams
Sandra Židan Thank you so much Sandra!  Makes me smile to know you enjoyed so much :)
Shelley Williams
Jennifer L Thank you Jennifer! It is such an enjoyable flow, one of my favorites, glad to know it landed in the LOVE zone with you! 
Shelley Williams
Catherine A HI Catherine! Thank you, and so much YES, I feel the same about good old royal King Pigeon. Out of reach, yet sooo necessary for the front body opening. So we happily accept a little help from our prop friends :)
Shelley Williams
Jenny S Thank you sweet Jenny!  Yes the help of our prop friends always makes it more enticing! So happy to know this practice helped you flip the script that day!! xo
Shelley Williams
Christel B Aloha Christel!! so Glad you enjoyed, and soooo nice to connect again here. Thank you for  jumping in the water with this one :)
Shelley Williams
Martha K Thank you so much for the imagery and shared memory... I love this, and swimming in the ocean is so healing for our soul!!!  
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