Let's Feel Better: Feel Better from Feet Up<br>Shelley Williams

Let's Feel Better: Feel Better from Feet Up
Shelley Williams

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Ted J
2 people like this.
Thank you!
Jenny S
3 people like this.
Wow! This felt amazing! 💥
Pia A
2 people like this.
Good practise. I will do it every da.  Thanks👌🙏
Kate M
1 person likes this.
What a sweet little healing. invigorating practice! Thank you, Shelley!!
Shelley Williams
Ted J You are so very welcome Ted!
Shelley Williams
Jenny S Its my go to almost every morning! 
Shelley Williams
Pia A Thank you Pisa, you can definitely engage in this practice every day! So good for the body :)
Shelley Williams
Kate M You are so welcome Kate! It is short and sweet, but give you a lot of miles :)
Sandra Židan
Thanks, Shelley, for this beautiful and energizing practice! I loved doing it! Namaste! ❤️🌹🌷☀️
Shelley Williams
Sandra Židan You are so very welcome! A little of this stuff goes a LONG way! Glad you found it helpful :). 
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