30 Minute Vinyasa Yoga: Moon: Relax and Receive<br>Shelley Williams

30 Minute Vinyasa Yoga: Moon: Relax and Receive
Shelley Williams

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Sara S
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So good for me, thank you.
Jenny S
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That felt so good! A lovely lunar practice was a rather perfect way to end this season of yoga 🌚🌕❤️. PS I rarely practice full lotus but doing it against the wall made it feel so accessible and even enjoyable! Thank you for your infinite wisdom Shelley 🙏🏻☺️
Francesca Venturini
This beautiful session was perfect in my evening. You have such a great ability to make me feel fluid like water. I love it so,so much! Everything dissolve and my mind is floating with my body in sweet places. Thank you for the beautiful season!!!
Shelley Williams
Sara S So happy to know you felt this met you exactly where you needed :)My best!
Shelley Williams
Jenny S My friend Jenny! It is my great honor and pleasure. So happy to know you enjoyed the supta padmasana love at the wall... its my favorite, too! All my best to you!! 
Shelley Williams
Francesca Venturini It is my honor Francesca! How wonderful to know the yoga rivers are flowing through the virtual ether waves, and you felt the vibe so potently!  Thank you for dedicating your time to this, and for your kind comments! All my best to you! 
Kate M
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Such inspiring moon imagery: a nurturing way to structure the flow of time... Thank you, Shelley : )
Shelley Williams
Kate M thank you Kate! I hope you feel nourished and regenerated !
Christel B
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Loved the transition into and out of Janu sirsasana with the wave imagery. I enjoyed this lovely moon flow. Mahalo Shelly.

Sandra Židan
Thank you very much, Shelley, for this wonderful and relaxing practice! I feel great after doing it! Namaste! 🌹❤️🌷
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