Green Yogi Challenge: Week 1: Healthy Body, Healthy Earth<br>Melina Meza

Green Yogi Challenge: Week 1: Healthy Body, Healthy Earth
Melina Meza

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Jenny S
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I'm gathering things for Week 1 of the challenge and I'm wondering if you can recommend a vegan sub for the honey in the face mask?
Jennifer E
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Loved this class, Melina! Thank you so much!! I also have the same question as Jenny above. Is there a vegan friendly sub for honey to use in the face mask?
Melina Meza
Hello Friends ~ Sorry I didn't mention this in the notes...I would use avocado or coconut oil instead of honey! I hope you enjoy the way this hydrates and soothes your skin.
Christel B
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It's so great to be able to enjoy another of your series. Even so it's labeled "beginner" level there are a lot of challenges as I started to feel it in my legs with all the repetitions. You add so much to your class giving us lots of food to chew on. Thank you Melina.
Jenny S
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Thanks for the tip on the facemasks, Melina!  I also did some digging on the internet and found this interesting:  I knew maple syrup was a great sub for honey in food recipes but never considered it for skin care.  Another sub that seems to be popular is aloe vera gel, if you happen to have an aloe vera plant, that's another win in the environmentally friendly column 🪴🥰
Jenny S
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Sorry for the long link, lol!  It's basically just stating that maple syrup contains antioxidants and thus is a good sub for honey.  I'm going to experiment with all the options and see what works best for my skin 👍
Kara E
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Thanks for another great class Melina- really enjoyed it. Love you innovate take on poses.
Karin Castelle
Thank you Melina - So nice to see you! Karin Castelle
Jenny S
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Just finished the asana practice and it was “Vintage Melina” with your creative and fun (and challenging 😺) use of the block.  This was really refreshing!  My favorite part was melting into that nice long savasana…I almost fell asleep so I guess I really needed that 😴 Thank you!
Melina Meza
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Jenny, thank you for doing some research and letting the community know maple syrup would also be a replacement for honey.  I didn't know that and look forward to adding that to my next facial!
Karin C! Hello, I didn't know you were on Yogaanytime! What a sweet treat to see your name here. Keep in touch and I hope our paths cross again in Seattle.
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