Keepin' it Real: Core to Restore<br>Robert Sidoti

Keepin' it Real: Core to Restore
Robert Sidoti

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Anastasia T
Thank you Robert!  I loved this practice. I felt like I was sitting in a live class with you, and everyone else.  It was fun and challenging.  Just what I needed.  Thanks again.  
Robert Sidoti
Anastasia T Awesome, so good to hear - especially the part about feeling connected to others in a live class :)) Thanks for being here!! 
Wendie Heijmer-Arendse
Thx Robert nice practice, ready for the day with a lot off energy! :)
Have a good day everyone and greetings from the Netherlands!
Christel B
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Yeah! more sessions with a familiar face on YogaAnytime.  So great to work on the core to support our backs ,etc.
Robert Sidoti
Greetings Wendie Heijmer-Arendse ! Always so nice to see you here and to read your comments - I cannot wait to visit the Netherlands sooooon, I hear so many good things! 
Robert Sidoti
Nice to see you again Christel B !! Yes, core work to support our backs - let's feeeeel goooood and do what it takes to do so! Have a blessed day! 
Charlie S
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Wooo Hooo! Happy to have you back Robert. Always such a treat to practice with you. 
Sandra Židan
Thanks, Robert, for this great and interesting core practice! Namaste! ❤️
1 person likes this.
Brilliant. So challenging and juicy! Thanks, Robert. I love practicing with you. Feeling super refreshed now :).

Lina S
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Energizing yet calming practice. By the way, mermaid stretch is a side stretch in Pilates (that can be done with Z legs too) and not a twist. Great class as always!
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