The Vinyasa Show: Detoxify and Flow<br>Sarah Beston

The Vinyasa Show: Detoxify and Flow
Sarah Beston

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Lourdes Z
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Love it! Thank you!
Catherine A
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Lots of crack, crack, wobble, wobble going on with me this morning, Sarah 😂😁😂! But I feel amazingly relaxed & at ease after all the wringing out! Many thanks 💖
Jenny S
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One of the bright spots of this never ending stormy weather here in CT is that I can luxuriate in these beautiful hour-long yoga sessions without any guilt about not being outside working in the yard…this whole season has been a delight and today’s savasana felt particularly incredible after all that twisting 🤤 Thank you Sarah and Yoga Anytime ❤️🙏🏻
Ruth V
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I really appreciated the pace and pauses during this practice.  It left me feeling more centered and relaxed.
Kelley S
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I really enjoyed the aspect of release.   I had not connected detoxify with release.   But yes!  Think about our organs of detoxification releasing urine and stool!   
Sarah Beston
You're so welcome, Lourdes Z! Thank you for practicing with me here on Yoga Anytime.
Sarah Beston
(Edited by Moderator - Sarah Beston on July 26, 2023)
Sarah Beston
I am so happy to hear that these hour-long sessions are helpful, Jenny S!  It was really nice to make these longer classes as well and so happy to be sharing them together. Warmest regards, Sarah
Sarah Beston
So happy that "release" landed with you, Kelley S! Thanks so much for practicing with me here on Yoga Anytime. Warmly, Sarah
Sarah Beston
So happy to hear, Ruth V! I am happy that you felt centered and relaxed - you're reminding me to practice today ;)
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