Yoga for Mobility: Yoga with Weights<br>Melina Meza

Yoga for Mobility: Yoga with Weights
Melina Meza

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Melina Meza
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Great idea Kate! There's a lot to take in here, I'm happy to hear you're breaking it down into sections. Thanks for taking such good care of yourself!
Christel B
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Fabulous practice!

Laura M
4 people like this.
Wow, loved this. I see a new show in the future, Yoga with Weights, for all us older ladies who need to focus on keeping our strength and bone density! All I had were 5 lb hand weights, and that was a little too much this first time, but I’m excited to see how it gets easier as I go. Thank you Melina!
Melina Meza
Thank you Laura, I'll for sure share your brilliant idea with the YA team and see if we can make this happen. I have a hunch I'll at least fold in the weights/band in some future classes. I also have 5 lbs and find its too much for many moves, 3 lbs are my favorite all purpose for hand weights, 2.5 for ankle weights. Take care and thanks for trying out my classes.
Kate M
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So! I've been working with these exercises everyday (not all of them at once - but a few every day) and I am noticing a BIG difference! I am actually acquiring more strength, and I can feel it in my Bharatanatyam dance practice and my yogāsana! It really feels great when one is older (I'm 64) and realizing that it is entirely possible to make gains in fitness.
: )
Melina Meza
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What a great share Kate! Thank you. I'm so happy for you and love hearing that you're already feeling positive feedback from adding weights and resistance work to compliment your dance and yoga practice. I hope these classes continue to inspire you in the months and seasons ahead. Happy holidays to you.
Eric K
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Wonderful class. Using weights is a new practice for me. I really enjoyed this. Intense in a good way.
Kim I
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Really enjoyed this class, alot tougher with the weights, just used arm weights this time and changed to lower weight during the class.  I will put this one into my library as a one to do at least once a week.  Many thanks to all at YogaAnytime.
Melina Meza
Great idea Kim, I think you can for sure feel benefits doing this once a week. As you get into a rhythm with this practice and it starts to feels "easy", perhaps you'll experiment and try this class two or three times a week and see how you feel. Thanks for saying hello and practicing with me.
Luciana B
1 person likes this.
What an awesome class, Melina!
I hope you consider a new season soon!
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