Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Chop Wood<br>Ashley Rideaux

Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Chop Wood
Ashley Rideaux

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Sandra Židan
It was a bit challenging for me to do the tree pose in side plank especially on the left side but I have tried to do it and to lift the upper leg up in that position was impossible for me today but the practice was very interesting. Thanks, Ashley! See you tommorrow again! Namaste! ❤️
Jenny S
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I feel you Sandra…the side plank-tree-leg extension has always been challenging for me.  I used to let myself fall out of it, but as I’ve grown older falling isn’t the best option either.  I’ve built up a lot of mental barriers around this pose but today I went for it and managed a second or two of hang time.  I feel better for having tried!  I love that this challenge series really does challenge!
Lina S
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I'm looking forward to the next practice. I enjoyed the hip openers.
Ashley R
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Sandra, these side plank variations are still challenging for me! It's a tricky little beast, but one that often teaches me patience and non-attachment and has humbled me on more than one occasion
Ashley R
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Way to go, Jenny! Somedays we get a second or two of hangtime and other days, not so much. And so goes the journey of the practice. The fear of falling is real. What helped me move beyond that mental block was learning how to fall out of shapes safely. In this particular shape, if you feel your body starting to fall backwards, let go of the top foot and try to set it down behind you like a kickstand; similar to the position of the bent leg in "wild thing."  This way we avoid landing on the outer hip  or back of the pelvis if we fall. You can also take a moment to slide a bolster or a couple blankets under the bottom to give yourself a softer place to land . I hope that helps!
Ashley R
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Thanks, Lina Happy practicing and happy (almost) New Year's Eve!
Tara L
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I think this is my favorite class so far in this series. Not just in terms of asana offered but the message of cutting back to grow. Letting go of the illusion of perfection. Thank you, Ashley! 💗
Amanda H
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Oooo another challenging practice, but I showed up for the challenge and am proud of that. Thanks Ashley for your encouragement.💕
Ashley R
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Tara, you are very welcome!  I’m so happy that the practice, and the message, landed with you🤗😘
Ashley R
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Yaaaaaassss, Amanda H! Showing up is often the hardest part of the practice, so way to get to your mat today and, even more importantly, taking the time to acknowledge how proud of yourself you are. I’m proud of you too🤗❤️
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