Kundalini Rising: External Radiance: Replenish<br>Ali Cramer

Kundalini Rising: External Radiance: Replenish
Ali Cramer

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Diane C
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Ali Cramer
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Diane C love that! Shine ON 🔥💓
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Alive 🫶💗
Ali Cramer
Angel thank YOU! All the love your way for all your help! 🙏🏽💗
Catherine A
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Hi Ali, I have only dipped into kundalini yoga occasionally over the years but I  really felt amazingly energized and replete after that practice. I'll look forward to your next session. Best regards 💓
Ali Cramer
Catherine A I’m so happy to hear that! It’s always interesting to climb onto another  branch of the Yoga tree! Hope you enjoy the series 🙏🏽💗
Sandra Židan
Wow! What a beautiful and energizing practice! It really helped me to feel better and more alive! Thanks, Ali! I am looking forward to the next practice! Namaste! ❤️🥰🔥☀️
Ali Cramer
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Sandra Židan thank you for sharing…There are a bunch more to come, can’t wait for you to try them! 🙏🏽💕
Jenny S
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I love the way you describe Kundalini as a “provocative” practice.  That’s what is so cool about it because it not only stimulates the body but also the mind and even our whole auric field as you talked about today.  What a blessing to have you here guiding us along! 🙏🏻❤️
Ali Cramer
Jenny S thank you so much for your feedback-it’s what I have always loved about Kundalini as well! 😜🙏🏽
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