45-Minute Yoga Flows: Embrace the Flow<br>Sarah Beston

45-Minute Yoga Flows: Embrace the Flow
Sarah Beston

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Jenny S
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Sweet Sarah ❤️. I saved this class for the weekend as a little treat for myself…and of course it was luxurious and calming and wonderful.  A true “Sarah” class.  I’m so looking forward to the rest of the season! 🙏🏻😌
Sarah Beston
So nice to hear from you again, @Jenny S! Thank you so much for checking out this new season. Stay close and I’d love to hear how it goes for you. Sending lots of love and blessings, Sarah
Christel B
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Perfectly balanced class. Loved the Garuda focus and variations.  So enjoying your classes once again. Shanti, shanti, om.
Sarah Beston
I’m so happy to be here with you in this new season, Christel B! Please stay close and let me know how the other classes go for you. Warmly, Sarah
Allison P
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great class thank you!
Kate M
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Loved how you explored Garudāsana in this class! It has inspired me to play with these postural ideas, along with the mythology of Garuda - to create a class...
It really felt lovely and I sank into a deep śavāsana after... 
Love, love.
Sarah Beston
Thank you for practicing with me, Allison P! I’m so happy you’re here. Warmly, Sarah
Sarah Beston
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So wonderful to hear, Kate M! I love how all of these shapes offer so much more wisdom than just the posture itself. Thank you for sharing your exploration! Hope to practice with you again soon. Much love. 
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