Good Morning Yoga: Inner Strength and Flow<br>Alana Mitnick

Good Morning Yoga: Inner Strength and Flow
Alana Mitnick

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Alana Mitnick
Beautiful, Glenford. Thank you for sharing. My personal mantra after filming each practice is, "I hope this helps someone." This helps me get out of head (when I think to myself, "Oh I should have said this or done that...") and drops me right into the heart. This is where the magic happens. Namaste.
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I enjoyed the time spent in salabhasana and in bridge, and that last seated fold was delicious. Thank you Alana.
Alana Mitnick
Ahhh yes, the back bending in this practice is so nice... and the surprise forward fold at the every end. So glad you are enjoying Good Morning Yoga, Ali! xoA
Silvia Chierchini
Ciao Alana, one request for your suggestion: even after several weeks of practice I still can't feel my hamstrings reacting fluidly.... they're always yelling me to stop using them 🐒 Are there any particular excercises that I could focus on to have more elasticity in those tendons? Grazie for your support and for being as you are 💐
Alana Mitnick
Ciao Silvia! Great question and observation! Honestly, after decades of doing Yoga, my hamstrings always feel various degrees of tight... but the quality changes. For example, after a long hike my hamstrings feel very short and tight, whereas after weeks or months of hamstring stretches (like seated forward folds, standing postures and forward folds) my hamstrings feel sore, longer, and stretched, instead of short and tight. Pay attention to how your hamstring feel first thing in the morning verses later in the day after movement. As far as elasticity, YIN Yoga is a meditative approach that aids in increasing flexibility, elasticity, and mobility by stimulating  the connective tissues (fascia) around the bones, muscles, tendons, joints, organs, and so on. Your sincere investigation will inspire change. So happy you are here, Silvia! Love, Alana 
Silvia Chierchini
Grazie 1000 Alana.... I 'll try your suggestion right away. 😗
Alana Mitnick
Silvia, fantastic! Keep me posted on any questions or insights along the way. Enjoy! xoA
Sandra Židan
Thank you very much for this beautiful practice, Alana! Kind regards!
Alana Mitnick
Sandra Ž, You are amazing! So glad you enjoyed this practice. Your consistency is awesome. Keep it up! Love, Alana 
Laura M
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Beautiful practice!! Thank you!!
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