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Morning Yoga Flows

It’s time to rise and shine! Welcome to Morning Yoga Flows, a revitalizing Yoga show designed to wake up your mind, body, and soul. Indulge in a variety of practices to energize your day and cultivate mindfulness. From gentle stretches to dynamic flows, each episode guides you toward a more centered and peaceful state.

Season 1 - Shelley Williams

Welcome to Season 1 of Morning Yoga Flows: What's In Your Cuppa? Join Shelley Williams for a delightful morning ritual practice, reflecting the essence of your favorite daily morning beverage. This multifaceted program provides a variety of practices in one class, including standing asana, ground poses, and playful arm balances, all infused with a lot of breath and laughter. Revel in the qualities and essences of these invigorating practices that will set a positive tone for your day.

Next Episode

Fresh Pressed Juice

Monday, Jul 08
(3 days from now)


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Thank you !
Shelley Williams
FLORICA U You are most welcome! Thank you for being here and practicing with us! 

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