We're in This Together Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 1

Welcome to We're in This Together

1 min - Show Intro
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We're in this together, truly. Kira welcomes us to the first season of the show, where we will share a collection of conversations on the teachings of yoga from a global perspective with our friends from around the world.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Mar 10, 2016
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So we're in this together, truly. And in order to find out what that looks like, this show is a collection of conversations with our friends around the world. Because if we are truly interested in global intimacy, if we are truly interested in knowing what it's really like to be each other, if we're truly interested in each point of view, which is completely unique and different from our own, then we must engage. We must meet. Because everything comes down to a one-on-one relationship.

And so we're so delighted that our friends from around the globe are willing to converse with this about subjects that are not always easy. Because as the teachings of yoga meet different cultures and societies and rules and obligations and histories, they're required to morph, they're required to meet the traditions and customs of where they happen to be. And it's fascinating to find out how they do that. So thank you for being here, and thanks to all our friends who have agreed to be on this show. We're in this together.



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