Inner Workings Artwork
Season 5 - Episode 5

Engaging the Leg Bandhas

20 min - Practice


Jani brings rigorous attention to the cues of the subtle body in this sequence. We put into practice the leg, ankle, and foot bandha principles of the previous episode. He illuminates some ways in which the Ha (compressive) and Tha (expansive) forms work together through the asana.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Okay, let's explore these leg bandhas in short asana sequence. So first stand in the front of your mat, bring feet together, relax shoulders, open chest, then inhale, lift arms up, exhale, bend forward, relax shoulders, relax neck, then inhale, open chest, lift stanum up, now try to open sole of the foot, udva-udtana asana. So press ball of the big toe down, ball of the little toe, center of heel down and try to move these three points away from each other and then press these three points down and hold, one, two, three, four, keep on opening sole of the foot and five, then exhale, step or you can jump back, go down, open chest, then inhale, roll shoulders back, shoulder blades down, open chest, rotate upper arms out and then exhale, down dog. When you do down dog, you can do this kind of thing, so lift heels up and now press ball of the big toe, ball of little toe and center of the, sorry, ball of the big toe and ball of the little toe down and then slowly move your heels away from the balls of the foot so that you stretch all of the foot, so this is ta bada bada, rotate upper arms out, hold for a while, breathe slowly, keep spine long, sides long and then inhale, turn left foot, heel in and right foot, step forward between the hands and then right hand on the shin or on the ankle, move left hip back and now try to combine, so both feet are now ta bada bada, try to combine now with the hakul bada, same time when you open sole of the foot, try to compress your ankle, so you can move these malayos bones to our seats other, try to compress the ankle, relax shoulders, these sides long, especially try to lengthen your right side of the trunk and then exhale, hands down and go down, taduranga, inhale, open sister or shoulders back, shoulder blades down, exhale, down dog, again open sole of the foot, ta bada bada, then turn your right heel in, left foot between the hands and straighten legs, keep sides long, then lift left arm up, same time when you open sole of the foot try to compress the ankle, which is hakul bada, compressive ankle look, you can try to move your left groin slightly towards the right hip and then exhale after a couple of breaths go down, taduranga, then inhale, shoulders back, shoulder blades down and exhale, down dog, put the upper arms out and then lift knee gaps up towards the hips without overextending knee, same time press both of the foot down when you lift knee gaps, you can try to use front thighs quadriceps to lift knee gap towards the hips and then inhale, step or jump forward, open chest, lift sternum up and exhale, fold forward and then inhale, slowly come up and exhale samastiti, okay and then shift weight on the left leg and now grasp the floor with your left foot, ha bada bada and then lift right leg up, lift sternum up, you can stay here or if you can extend right arm forward, right arm goes around the shin, then grasp your left hand behind the back, badha yanukur parasana, so now if the pose is stable, open sole of the left foot which is tadpada bandha, so move ball of the big toe, ball of the little toe and center of heel away from each other and then hold the pose, breathe slowly, keep sides long, spine long and then exhale, leg down and then other side, so first grasp the floor with your right foot, then lift left leg up, extend left arm forward and left arm goes round chin and now open sole of the right foot, same time when you open sole of the right foot you can try to compress your ankle, so move inner ankle and outer edge of your ankle towards each other, hold rotate upper arms out and then exhale, release, bring feet together, sternum up, open chest, inhale, arms up, exhale, fold forward, then inhale, lift lower sternum and then exhale, step or jump back, go down, inhale, roll shoulders back, rotate upper arms out and then exhale, down dog, then we do sirangustasana, head to ankle pose, so turn left heel in, right foot next to right hand and then slowly come up and now hajana bandha, compressive ankle, knee lock, so extend inner knee forward, slide the out and then outer knee is moving towards the outer hip and you can try to draw the left front thigh in, so this knee is now working, right knee is working with the hajana bandha and left is working with the tahjana bandha and then cross the fingers behind the back open chest and exhale, bend forward, try to keep sides, long spine long, shift weight on the left heel, left knee gap up, extend right inner knee forward and breathe slowly, then when you come up, shift weight on the left leg, inhale, come up, exhale, go down, inhale rotate upper arms out, push sternum forward and up, hold palm down, exhale, down dog lift groins, then inhale turn right heel in, left foot forward, now lift your right knee gap up, then come up and then extend left inner knee forward, left outer knee towards the outer groin and then cross the fingers, open chest and exhale, slowly go down, you can try to move left hip towards the right hip and then extend your left inner foot forward, press inner foot down and forward, both feet are now working with the tahjana bandha, so open soles of the feet and ankles try to compress and then inhale slowly come up and then exhale, go down, chaturang, inhale, rotate upper arms out, lift lower sternum, exhale lift groins and then hold for a while, you can try to rotate upper arms out and foot bandha is tah, so open soles of the foot, ankle is ha, compress and knees tah, so try to lift knee gaps up without overextending the knee, then inhale turn left heel in and right foot next to right hand and then come up, now either cross your elbows behind the back or press palms together and then turn fingers pointing up, rotate upper arms out, open chest and then exhale, fold forward, now very strong way, press balls of your right foot down and then lift knee gap up, shift weight on the left leg, move hips back, rotate upper arms out, you can try to move your left inner thigh slightly back and when you come out of the pose shift weight on your left leg and then inhale, use your left heel to come up and then exhale, go down, inhale, open chest, exhale, lift inner groins, rotate upper arms out and now turn your right heel in and then left foot next to hand and then come up, press palms together, square the hips, lift sternum up and lean back, move your hips back, lift left knee gap up, tah yano bandha, open sole of the left foot, tah padha bandha, compress left ankle, move inner ankle, outer ankle to our seats, hold for a while and breathe and then inhale, slowly come up and then exhale, tah yano bandha, inhale, rotate upper arms out, exhale, lift groins, lift inner groins, keep spine long, side slow and then inhale, bend forward, then step or jump forward, open chest, exhale, fold forward and then inhale, bend knees and then arms up, utkatasana. So what you can do now, try to move knees a little bit back and then move buttocks down, groins down and then tuck tailbone down, lower abdomen in, keep sides long, spine long.

So knees are working now with tah yano bandha. So inner knee, try to move forward and outer knee towards the outer groin, with the inner arch of the foot up, inhale, straight legs, exhale, fold forward, inhale, look up, lift the sternum up, exhale, go down, inhale, udvamukhasvanasana or core purpose, exhale, down dog, lift groins, lift inner groins, relax shoulders, back tailbone down, so the lower abdomen is moving in and up, inhale, jump forward, open chest, exhale, fold forward, then inhale, arms up, tailbone down and exhale, tadasana. Okay, then turn right knee out and slowly lift right leg up, same time cross the floor with your left foot, right knee to the side, so right inner knee is moving out to the side, right outer knee towards the right hip, sternum up and then lift arms up. Now you can try to open sole of the left foot and same time compress ankle, ha, kulpa bandha. Take that you don't overextend the left knee, press right outer foot against the left inner thigh and breathe and exhale, arms down and then leg down.

On the other side, turn left knee out and then lift left leg up, so now left inner knee is moving out, outer knee towards the hip and then move arms out, exhale, palms up, inhale, lift arms, press your right heel down, lift right knee up, then balls of the foot down, for the upper arms out keep shoulders, shoulder blades down, lower abdomen in and then exhale, arms down and the leg down and the vinyas. So inhale, lift arms, exhale, bend forward, inhale, lift sternum up, exhale, go down. Inhale, rotate upper arms out, open chest, exhale, lift, cross and then right foot outside of the right hand and then left knee down. So now you can try to move the right inner knee forward, outer knee is moving towards the hip but take that you don't turn your knee out, try to keep knee and ankle same line and then either keep fingertips down or you can put block here, forearms on the block, on the floor, press stars on a lizard pose, keep inner foot down, right inner foot down and then move your right buttock bone towards the right heel. Repeat slowly, try the length and exhalation and then inhale, press hands down, right leg back and then go down, inhale, roll shoulders back, lower shoulder blades, exhale, down dog, lift groins and then left foot outside of the left hand and open sole of the left foot.

So left foot is ta padabanda, ankle is ha gulpabanda and knee is ta yanubanda. So bring forearms down, open sole of the left foot, compress the ankle and then extend left inner knee forward, lift stanum up, keep front side of the body long, try the length and line between navel and bubic bone, left buttock bone towards the heel without moving knee forward, okay and then inhale, press hands down, exhale, inhale roll shoulders back and co-propose, push stanum middle, stanum forward, push shoulder blades down and then try to lift knee gaps up towards the hips, here also don't overextend the knee, knee gaps up and tense your front thighs, contract the muscle quadriceps and then exhale, down dog. Now lift the inner groins up, root of the index finger down, inner groins up and then shift weight on the right foot, crest the floor with your right foot then lift left leg up, so right foot is working with the ha gulpabanda and left foot is working with the ta gulpabanda, so right foot is crest into the floor, left foot try to open sole of the foot and then exhale, leg down and then change the side, inhale lift groins and then lift right leg up, open sole of the left foot, rotate upper arms out, keep sides long spine long, relax shoulders, relax neck and exhale down, inhale lift groins bend the knees and exhale and inhale arms up and exhale darasana, then inhale interwise fingers, exhale root of the index finger forward, keeps eyes level, then arms up, root of the index finger up and then fold to the right, so open sole of the feet and then try to compress the ankle and back tailbone down and lengthen left side, so try to lengthen the left side of the trunk and then inhale slowly come up and then fold to the right, now lengthen the right side, back tailbone down, so the front side of the pelvis, try to move front side of the pelvis up, stand them up and then inhale and then lift heels up, now press forward with big toe down and lift outer heel up, so this is tah padabanda and very strong hakulbabanda, so try to compress the ankle, same time open sole of the foot and exhale arms down, heels down and then arms down, darasana samasthiti, okay there was short practice for the leg mandas, so you can try to explore with this, it's quite easy if you work with the standing poses it's quite easy, easy to get a little bit touch with these mandas and that's just by repeating, repeating they become stronger, so try, thank you, namaste.


Lia S
Thank you for this insight and for the practice! Do you have text to suggest to read about this interesting topic?

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