Inner Workings Artwork
Season 5 - Episode 13

Engaging Arm and Head Bandhas

20 min - Practice


Jani offers a vinyasa sequence focused on the incorporation of the head bandhas and the arm bandhas: Jalandhara (Chin), Jihva (Tongue), Hasta (Hand), Kurpara (Elbow), and Amsa (Shoulder) Bandha. In each posture he cues Ha (compressive) or Tha (expansive) engagement of the bandhas, bringing new awareness to these locks within the subtle body. Sequence to practice with the head, neck, arm, and shoulder bandhas of the previous 2 episodes.
What You'll Need: Mat


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Okay, now we do short practice with these shoulder bandhas, arm bandhas and hand bandhas, and we also work with the neck, yalanda-ramanda. So start by standing in front of your mat, tadasana, keep spine long, shoulder blades down, and then inhale, lift arms, open chest, rotate the upper arms out, and exhale, fold forward, uttanasana, relax shoulders, and then inhale, lift lower, stand them up. So now it's tadkurparabhandha. So try to straighten the arms without locking the elbow. And then engage the muscles around the joint.

You can move inner elbow towards the inner wrist, outer elbow towards the shoulder. And then exhale, step or jump back, and go down. Rotate upper arms out. Then inhale, hips down, press whole palm down, roots of the fingers down, push middle, stand them forward, try to open palm, roots of the fingers down, and then press center of your palm down. This is tahastabhandha, expanding hand lock.

Same time when you do that, you can try to compress your wrist, tahammanibhandha. And then exhale, down dog, lift, cross, lift, inner cross, again tahkurparabhandha, straighten arms without overextending the elbow. And then pull your chin slightly in towards the back edge of the skull, hajalandarabhandha. And then inhale, turn left heel in, right foot between the hands, straighten legs, left hip back, and then lift your left arm up. Now try to move shoulders away from each other, and then shoulder blades down towards the lower back, inner edges of the shoulder blades in towards the middle of the sternum.

So this is tahamsabhandha now, try to move shoulders out, widen upper back, open. And then exhale, hands down, and go all the way down. Inhale, roll shoulders back, put the upper arms out, push the sternum forward and up. Exhale, lift, cross. And now inhale, turn right heel in, left foot between the hands, and then lift right arm up.

Now try to move inner shoulder blades away from each other, tahamsabhandha, straighten arms without locking elbows, tahkurbarabhandha, keep sides long, and pull your chin slightly in towards the back edge of the skull, this is hajalandarabhandha. And then exhale, come down, chaturanga. Inhale, roll shoulders back, lower shoulder blades, move inner elbows towards the inner wrist, open chest, hakurbarabhandha, exhale, down dog, lift, cross. Spread the fingers, press whole palm down, and then try to compress your wrist, hakmanivhandha, wrist lock. Then inhale, turn left heel in, right foot next to right hand, and then come up, cross the fingers, in the left fingers behind the back, rotate shoulders south.

Now try to move, keep your upper back open, and same time move inner shoulder blades towards each other, without squeezing the upper back. And then exhale, go down, sit weight on the left leg. So shoulders rotating out, open upper back, move shoulders away from each other, and same time shoulder blades moving towards each other, hakamsabhandha. Hold a couple of breaths, then inhale, slowly come up, open chest, and exhale, go down. Inhale, rotate upper arms out, keep backside of the body long, exhale, down dog, lift inner crunch, then inhale, turn right heel in, left foot next to hand, then come up, square the hips, move shoulder blades in, shoulders out, hakamsabhandha, and next day go down.

Try to move left hip towards the right hip, straighten arms, hakkurbarabhandha, and pull your chin towards the back edge of the skull, hajalandarabhandha. Try to keep your throat side long, and then inhale, slowly come up, open chest, exhale, go down, inhale, open chest, rotate shoulders out, shoulder blades down, and then exhale, down dog, lift inner crunch, lift perineum, rotate upper arms out, inner shoulder blades away from each other, hakamsabhandha, expanding shoulder lock, then inhale, turn left heel in, and right foot next to right hand, and then come up, square the hips, right hip is moving back, left hip forward, and then lift arms up, and then look straight forward, and try to pull your chin slightly, chin is moving slightly in towards the back edge of the skull, open chest. So this is compressive chin lock, hajalandarabhandha, and then change, then inhale, look up, try to keep your neck long, move lower edge of your skull towards the forehead, shoulder blades down, sacrum down, stanum up, tayalandarabhandha, and then exhale, hands down, and chaturanga, inhale, shoulders back, exhale, lift crunch, lift inner crunch, turn to the right heel in, left foot next to hand, square the hips, stanum up, and then inhale, arms up, look first, straight forward, pull your chin in, rotate upper arms out, thumbs abhandha, and hajalandarabhandha, and then inhale, look up, try to lengthen neck, tayalandarabhandha. You can try to bring your tip of your tongue behind the upper teeth against the gum, hajalandarabhandha, keep sides long, spine long, square the hips, lower abdomen in, and then exhale, go down. Inhale, roll shoulders back, shoulder blades down, exhale, lift crunch, lift inner crunch, keep sides long, spine long, and then inhale, thumb forward, lift lower, stanum up, straighten arms, and try to move shoulder blades away from each other, inner shoulder blade seen, expanding shoulder lock, thumbs abhandha, and exhale, bend forward.

At the end, relax neck, you can pull your chin towards the back edge of the skull, hajalandarabhandha, and relax tongue, tah-chi-wabhandha, and then inhale, bend knees, take tailbone down, pull lower abdomen in, open chest, forward and up, rotate upper arms out, push the inner forward, lift your nose, move it slightly back, tayalandarabhandha, press palms together, palm palms, pahas tabhandha, root of the fingers against each other, then inhale, straight legs, exhale, fold forward, inhale, lift stanum up, roll shoulders back, exhale, chaturanga, go down, then inhale, rotate upper arms out, exhale, aramukas, one thousand, lift inner crunch, then inhale, turn left heel in, and then right foot next to your right hand, straight legs, then left hand on the right shin or over your foot, try to lift left hip up, when you lift right arm up, move right hip slightly back, then move shoulders away from each other, inner shoulder blades moving away from each other, thumbs abhandha, pull your chin slightly in, tayalandarabhandha, and then open both palms, tahas tabhandha, and then exhale, go down, chaturanga, inhale, up dog or cobra pose, exhale, down dog, lift inner crunch, then turn right heel in, and left foot next to hand, straighten legs, open chest, and then right hand on the left shin or over your foot, and then lift your left arm up, now move left hip back, right hip up, shoulders away from each other, try to lengthen sides, press your right palm down, root of the fingers down, and then compress the wrist, hamanibhana, and exhale, go down, chaturanga, inhale, rotate upper arms out, lower your shoulder blades, lower edge of the shoulder blade in, thumbs abhandha, press whole palm down, tahas tabhandha, exhale, lift crayons, elongate neck, and then inhale, jump forward, and sit down, then flex the foot, open sole of the foot, stand him up, pull your chin slightly in, dandasana, chin towards the back edge of the skull, shoulder blades down, and then inhale, lift the arms, press palms together, tahas tabhandha, exhale, bend forward, inhale, tail and darabhandha, try to keep neck long, and exhale, bend forward, and now change, hajalandarabhandha, compressive chin lock, move your chin towards the back edge of the skull, move inner thighs down, inner heels forward, then slightly bend your elbows, and then lock the elbows by contracting muscles around the chin, haj, kurbarabhandha, compressive elbow lock, and then inhale, look up, open chest, and exhale, release, and then press hands down behind the back, for that shoulder's out, now try to move inner shoulder blade in without collapsing with your upper back, to keep your upper back still wide, open, open chest, release, stand him, and if you can, lift hips up, open whole palm, tahas tabhandha, keep sides long, neck long, tahalandarabhandha, and exhale, buttocks down, and then cross the shins, inhale, lift buttocks, move hands forward, and then exhale, step, or some back, inhale, roll shoulders back, shoulder blades down, exhale, lift groins, lift inner groins, and then inhale, right foot outside of the right hand, now extend right inner knee forward, slightly out, and then you can bring your forearms down, try to lengthen spine, rotate shoulders out, so hands are now tahas tabhandha, brista ha manibhandha, elbow ha kurparabhandha, shoulders, tahams tabhandha, and then neck, try to lift your chin slightly up, lengthen neck, tahalandarabhandha, and tongue is ha chivabhandha, press tip of tongue behind the upper teeth, brista asana, and then press hands down, and then inhale, lift, exhale down, inhale, roll shoulders back, open chest, exhale, lift inner groins, lift very now, tailbone down, then inhale, left foot outside of the left hand, hips down, if you can, forearms down, stay in them up, rotate shoulders out, open whole palm, expanding hand lock, compressive wrist lock, then compressive elbow, elbow lock, expanding shoulder, shoulders, amsabhandha, and then lengthen neck, soften your breathing, and then press hands down, inhale, lift, exhale, inhale, roll shoulders back, shoulder blades down, exhale, lift groins, lift inner groins, then inhale, right knee down, right buttock bone down, now turn the left front thigh in, stay in them up, square the hips, right hip is moving back, and then bend your left knee, try to hook with the elbow, if you can, lift right arm up, and try to turn your navel to the right, now move inner shoulder blades away from each other, and the inner edges of the shoulder blades move towards the middle of the seanum, open chest, palms abhandha, and then lift your nose up, elongate the neck, try to lengthen line between C7 and backheads of the skull, keep your neck long, tail under abhandha, you can help with your tongue by pressing tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth, and exhale, hands down, and then go down, inhale, roll shoulders back, shoulder blades down, exhale, lift groins, lift inner groins, then left knee, forward, now right front thigh is rotating in, and then if you can, with your right hand, hook with your right elbow, your foot, and then in the last fingers, try to turn navel to the left, keep lumbar spine long, and then compress, try to lock your elbows, work with the muscles around the joint, hakurparabhandha, keep shoulder blades down, palms abhandha, open chest, and exhale, hands down, and chaturanga, then inhale, roll shoulders back, shoulder blades down, exhale, lift groins, then inhale some step or some behind the wrist, okay, and then open palms, open whole palm, and now we try to do bhakasana, so cross the floor first with your hands, hahastabhandha, lift legs up, and now change, hahastabhandha, open palm, and hold for a while, rotate shoulders out, keep sides long, spine long, when you come out of the pose, cross the floor, and then legs down, and exhale, step or thumb back, and go down, then inhale, open chest, rotate upper arms out, exhale, lift groins, lift dino groins, and then inhale, look forward, and jump forward and sit down, and open soul of the foot, and then inhale, kripiktos, or you can use belt on your left foot, and then inhale, move right knee back, try to keep lower back long, shoulders, shoulder blades down, shoulder blades away from each other, palms abhandha, so left, left arm is now tahkurbarabhandha, straighten left arm, don't over extend the elbow, and right elbow is hakurbarabhandha, keep elbow bent, and then work with the muscles around the joint, and exhale release, and then other side, so inhale, move left knee back, push right heel forward, don't over extend the right shoulder, keep shoulder blades down, stand them up, push your left inner heel forward, open chest, keep sides long, spine long, and then exhale, release, bring feet together, and then inhale, lift buttocks, exhale, go down, inhale, rotate upper arms out, roll shoulders back, shoulder blades down, and then exhale, lift groins, lift inner groins, then inhale, look forward, and jump, then cross the shins from the middle, you can also do lot of pose it, if you can do that, so extend left arm to the side, turn the palm back, and turn your fingers pointing up, and then inhale, lift right arm, you can use belt between if you need, or cross your left hand with your right, and then open chest forward, go more cars, and so now move left, shoulder blade down, left shoulder is rotating out, and left inner shoulder, shoulder blade is moving in, so left side is now ha-amsa-vanda, and right side, right shoulder blade is moving out, still shoulder blade down, so right side is now tah-amsa-vanda, so left side is working different way than right side in this pose, then lift elbows up, and then exhale, release, and then change legs, other way around, cross the shins from the middle, stand them up, and now extend your right arm to the side, turn palm back, and then finger, fingertips pointing up, and then lift right thumb, sorry left thumb, and cross your right, rotate shoulders out, shoulder blades first away from each other, and then move your right side, right shoulder blade in, in, lift the elbows up, lift left elbow up, right elbow is moving down, look straight forward, you can try to pull your chin slightly in, ha-hyalanda-vanda, relax the tongue, and exhale, release, and then inhale, lift, exhale, go down, inhale, roll shoulders back, open chest, exhale, lift, cross, then inhale, look forward, jump between the hands or step, open chest, exhale, and then inhale, lift arms, tailbone down, open palms, tahastabhanda, tahamsabhanda, and exhale, so there's short practice for the shoulders and for the neck, and work for the elbows and wrist and hands, thank you.


Kelly B
1 person likes this.
Thank you for focusing on the neck! I appreciate your subtle cues.

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