Yoga Power Hour Artwork
Season 3 - Episode 4

Fluid Flow

60 min - Practice


Rosemary guides us in a fluid Vinyasa practice designed to awaken the waters of the heart and generate heat. Moving with our breath, we explore sensation in the body through a creative series of Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations) and hip-focused standing postures. Your legs, hips, shoulders, side body, and core will feel open, spacious, and strong.
What You'll Need: Mat

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(waves crashing) Welcome everyone, this is gonna be a fun one. The essence of this practice is all about play and fluidity and just letting the thinking mind drop and surrender. We're gonna be kinda spinning it around front and back of the mat, so if you find yourself turned around at any point, don't worry about it. Just do what feels good and enjoy. Let's start in Child's Pose, knees together or wide, arms reaching out, sink the hips to the heels and just ease down.

Let yourself breathe here for a moment. (moans) Making that transition into your practice, softening the thoughts and finding your breath. And then nice and easy with an inhale, let's flow it up onto the hands and the knees and ease the right forearm and elbow down to the earth, lift up through the heart, inhale and exhale. Round, releasing the left forearm. Inhale, lift the heart and exhale release the right forearm and just kind of playing with this.

Really fluid, soft cat cow following the breath taking it in any direction and really any pace that feel best in your body. You can stay down, alternating elbows. You can come up onto the hands. You can spiral the spine. Just another breath or two.

And then as you're ready, come on back to a neutral spine. Press through your hands. Take a big inhale. Tuck the toes. And with your exhale, press it all the way up and back into Downward-Facing Dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana.

And enjoy a few breaths here. Pedal the feet, shift your hips a little side to side. Again, whatever feels best. (deep breathing) And gently steady the body in downward-facing and let's walk it out a little bit. So with your inhale, sweep the right leg to the sky and exhale, release it.

And then inhale, take the left leg up and exhale release. Just once again on each side, opening a little through the legs and the hips. Inhale rise, right leg. And exhale, root that foot down. And left leg, inhale, reach it up and exhale release.

Then slowly, with your inhale, begin to walk the feet forward towards the front of the mat and Uttanasana, easy standing forward fold. Hands drop or hold the elbows. Neutral or sway a little. Just keep it soft and fluid. Releasing the spine.

Soft through the neck. One more breath. Then if you're swaying, find center. Keep the head heavy and the neck relaxed, keep that gentle bend in the knees and slowly, with your inhale, begin to roll the body all the way up to stand and exhale, roll the shoulders down the back. Stepping the feet together, take the hands to prayer at the heart center.

Let's close the eyes for a moment and drop into your intention for your practice. Anything at all you want to clear out. Anything at all you want to call in. Just setting that tone. Take another breath.

(exhales) And as you're ready, float the eyes open and inhale. Sweep the arms out and up and exhale, bow out and down. Inhale, lengthen halfway. Exhale, hop or step into your plank pose and lower either knees first or Chaturanga. Inhale, Cobra or Upward-Facing and exhale take it all the way back, Downward-Facing three breaths.

Again, long through the spine. Soft through the neck. Ease into the back body. And bottom of your exhale, gentle bend of the knees, hop or step to the front of the mat. When you arrive, inhale halfway.

Exhale, bow and fold. Strong through the center. Inhale, rise all the way up reaching it out and exhale, hands to prayer at the heart. Two more like that. Inhale out and up.

Exhaling, bow out and down. Inhale halfway, flat back. Exhale, hop or step back and lower as you choose. Inhale Cobra or Upward-Facing. And exhale go back, Downward-Facing.

Again, three breaths. Long spine. Sending the heels down as you lift through the sit bones. Roll those shoulders away from the ears. And at the bottom of your exhale, soft bend in the knees, hop or step to the front of the mat.

Inhale, lengthen it halfway. Exhale, ease back into your fold. Strong center, flat back, inhale, rise again all the way up and exhale, hands to prayer at heart center. Last cycle here, inhale, take it up. Wide open heart at the top.

Exhale, bow out and down. Inhale, lengthen it halfway and exhale go back and lower. Inhale, lift the heart and exhale, Downward-Facing, three breaths. Just warming the body. Arriving in the breath.

(deep breathing) Yeah, from here bend those knees with the exhale. Hop or step to the front of the mat. Inhale, lengthen it halfway. Exhale, back into your fold. Strong through the center, flat back.

Inhale, rise all the way up. Stay here. Take hold of the left wrist with the right hand and exhale, ease to the right. Feet about hip distance. Grounding down through that left foot, take the gaze up and under that left arm, opening that entire left side body and then inhale, rise again and exhale, switch the wrists, ease it to the left, breathing into the right side and then you can just carry on at your own pace.

If one side feels a little tighter, give it an extra breath or two, easing the upper body side to side, opening through the waist, the ribcage, up into the shoulders, the wrists. Just let it all unwind a little. About one more breath. And then finding center, big inhale, and as you exhale, let the arms just float down to the side. Feet together, hands to prayer at the heart center.

Take one breath, just grounding. And then as you're ready, with your inhale, we'll step the left foot towards the back of the mat shifting into Goddess Pose. So turn the toes out, heels in, and then sink down through the sit bones and start just by resting the forearms on the thighs. Find a little sway here. With the next inhale, reach the right arm up towards the left and as you exhale, just float back down.

Inhale, left arm goes up and exhale float down. Again, inhale, right arm reaching opening and exhale release and inhale left goes up. Exhale, release. Once again each side. Inhale to the right and exhale down.

Inhale left. Exhale down. Stay here, take a big inhale. Lift through the heart a little and as you exhale, just release, come on down to the earth and then shifting into Skandasana, go to the right, bend that right knee, lengthen the left leg. If there are any knee issues, stay relatively high and use your hands for support.

If you feel really comfortable here, come all the way down breathing into that inner left thigh and the back of the leg. Take one more big inhale, grounding on the exhale and then inhale, rise, and exhale shift to the left. Come on down. Listen to the knee. Take it high or low.

Use the hands for support to begin. One more cycle of breath and then shifting from side to side. Let the inhale draw you to center. Exhale, ease to the right. Inhale, center.

Exhale to the left. Again. Inhale and exhale right. Inhale up, exhale to the left. From here, inhale to center and as you exhale, twist all the way back to the right spinning that left heel up, rooting the left hand down and simple twist.

Inhale, float the right arm up to the sky and wide open through the heart, drawing that right arm back, take another breath or two here, just easing into it. (deep breathing) And then with your exhale, let the right hand release. Spin the back heel down to the earth. With your inhale, float the left arm forward, up and back, wide open into Warrior 2, Virabhadrasana B. Deep bend in that front knee reaching out through the fingertips holding steady for three (deep breathing), good, two and then keep that strong bend in the front knee, take a big inhale and just spin the palms open.

Keep it soft. Exhale, reach it back. Reverse your Warrior, opening through that right side body. Long through the waist, the ribcage, for three (exhales), two (inhales) (exhales), and then inhale, rise again and exhale into side angle. You can take the forearm to the thigh or the hand to inner or outer edge of the front foot.

Reach that left arm up and over, pinky side edge of the palm turning down and extend, rooting through the left heel, steady for three (inhale) (exhale), two (inhale) (exhale). With your inhale, float it all the way back into Warrior 2 just for a moment. Exhale, reach it back, reverse your Warrior. Stay here, big inhale, and then as you exhale kinda windmill the arms down, leading with the elbows inside of the right foot. Here's the transition.

Going all the way to the back of the mat, root the right hand, lift the right heel, simple twist to the other side. Left arm goes to the sky. Open through the chest. Draw that left shoulder back and breathe three, (deep breathing) two, with the exhale release the left hand down. Spin the right heel to the earth.

You're still facing the back of the mat as you inhale, right arm opens you, Warrior 2 second side. Sinking down into it, reaching through the fingertips, holding steady, three (inhales) (exhales), two (inhales), keep the strong bend in the front knee and now spin the palms open and exhale, reverse, reaching back, extending through those fingertips, open the side body. Three breaths. (deep breathing) With your next inhale, float it up and, again, exhale into Side Angle. Take any variation.

Maybe it's a little different on this side. Rooting through the right heel, reaching through the right fingertips, opening the whole circle of the ribcage. Three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales) (exhales). And pressing through the feet, inhale, float it up again, Warrior 2.

Exhale, reverse, reaching back. Stay here for a big inhale. As you exhale, come all the way inside of the left foot. Turn it back to the center. Variation of Prasarita Padottanasana.

Feet are wide, hands on the earth Inhale, lengthen it halfway and exhale. Just let the arms extend out really long through the spine. And let's keep this really supple and soft and fluid. If you want to take a gentle bend in the knees from side to side, if you want to let the upper body and the spine sway a little, just enjoy it for three (inhales) (exhales), two (inhales) (exhales), and slowly we'll inhale. Walk the hands back in.

See your right foot and as you exhale pivot back to the front of the mat, spinning the left heel up. Step directly back into Plank pose. Stay there for a big inhale. Exhale to lower. Inhale lift the heart.

And exhale take it all the way back, Downward-Facing Dog. Stay here for one breath (inhales) (exhales) and then with your next exhale, release your knees down to the earth. We're gonna keep the core alive through the whole practice so beginning with forearm plank, rooting down through forearms, elbows, hands, tuck the toes, lift the hips, lift the knees, and hold steady for 10. Send the heart out. Nine, send the soles of the feet back.

Eight, and lift that low belly. Six (inhales) (exhales). Five, pull it in and up. Four (inhales) (exhales). Three (inhales) (exhales).

Two (inhales). And exhale, just release the knees down to the earth, lift the forearms and the elbows, tuck the toes and make your way back into Downward-Facing. Give yourself a full breath here (inhales) (exhales) and bottom of the exhale hop or step the feet to the front of the mat. Inhale to lengthen it halfway. Exhale bow and fold and then bending the knees, inhale, take it up, Utkatasana, and take three breaths sinking down through the sit bones, lifting up through the fingertips, tall through the spine.

(deep breathing) And then pressing through the feet, inhale, rise all the way up and exhale open arms, open heart. Inhale rise and exhale come right back down to center. Hands to the heart. Steady the gaze. Take a full cycle of breath here (inhales) (exhales) and with your next inhale, step the right foot to the back of the mat, turning to the other side.

Again, Goddess Pose. Sink down through the sit bones. Ease into it a little bit. Rest the forearms to the thighs. Inhale, left arm reaches up to the right.

Exhale, release down. Inhale, right arm reaches. Exhale down. Again, inhale to the left. Sorry, to the right with the left arm.

Exhale, release. Inhale, right arm reaches to the left. Exhale, back down. Again to each side. Left arm reaches to the right, inhale.

Exhale down and then to the left with the right arm. Inhale. Exhale down. This time inhale, rise through the center a little and exhale, come all the way down. We're going Skandasana to the left.

Bend that knee, lengthen the right leg, give it one breath here (inhales) (exhales) and then use your inhale. Come to center and exhale go to the right. Inhale center, exhale to the left. Inhale center, exhale right. Again to each side.

Inhale rise, exhale lower. Inhale up, exhale to the right. This time inhale, rise to center and then pivot so you're facing the front of the mat with the left foot forward. Root the right hand. Inhale, left arm floats you open, returning to that simple twist.

Reaching it out. Feel the body warming and opening. (deep breathing) Stay for your inhale. Exhale left hand down. Spin the right heel to the earth.

Right arm opens you on the inhale. Warrior 2. Sink down into it for three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales) (exhales). Keep the legs strong.

Exhale, reverse your Warrior. Float it back. Holding steady here three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales). Let the inhale float you up and exhale, Side Angle.

Again, any variation that serves. Maybe you take it a little deeper this time. Maybe you find the bind this time. Breathing into it for three (inhales) (exhales) and two (inhales) (exhales). Legs strong.

Inhale, float yourself back up into Warrior 2. Just for a moment. Exhale, reverse. Reach it back. Stay for the inhale.

Exhale, hands come all the way down. Go through the center and turn all the way to the back of the mat. So you're facing back, right foot grounding. Root the left hand and inhale. Simple twist, second side.

Right arm goes up. Feel that opening through the chest and the right shoulder. Three (inhales) (exhales) and two (inhales) (exhales). Exhale, root your right hand and spin the left heel down. Still facing the back of the mat.

Left arm floats you open. Inhale, Warrior 2. Breathe into it. Three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales).

Keep the legs strong. Exhale, reverse, reaching back. Open that right side a little deeper. Three breaths. (deep breathing) (moans) Take a big inhale.

With your exhale, come on up and root the right hand. Rest the forearm. Whatever variation you're choosing for Side Angle. Maybe again, if you'd like, try the bind and open through the chest. Three (inhales) (exhales).

Two (inhales) (exhales). Legs stay strong. Inhale, come on up to center. Warrior 2. Exhale, reverse, reach it back.

Stay here for your inhale and then with the exhale come all the way down to the right and then just back to center, feet parallel, variation of Prasarita Padottanasana. Inhale to lengthen and exhale. This time walk the hands through the legs, easing the crown of the head towards the earth. If it touches effortlessly, feet come a little closer. If it's a million miles away from the earth, don't even worry about it.

Just enjoy. Sway a little if it feels good and breath into the back body. (deep breathing) As you're ready, slowly unwind and draw the hands back to neutral under the shoulders. See your left foot. You're spinning back to the front of the mat.

Take a big inhale and exhale. Step directly into Plank Pose. Stay there for your inhale, and exhale, lower, Chaturanga. Inhale, lift the heart and exhale, Downward-Facing. Take a breath here.

(deep breathing) Here we go. Back to the core. Drop the knees to the earth. Release the forearms and the elbows down. Palms grounding or palms clasped and then tuck the toes and lift it up.

One long line of energy through the whole body, no sagging through the low back and don't lift the hips too much. Steady for 10. Pull the belly in and up. Nine (inhales) (exhales). Eight, use the breath, (inhales) (exhales).

Seven (inhales) (exhales). Six, right from your intention. Five (inhales) (exhales). Building that core energy. Four (inhales) (exhales).

Three (inhales) (exhales). Two, one more breath, (inhales) (exhales) and release the knees. Come back to the hands. Big inhale, press through base of thumb and first finger. Exhale, Downward-Facing Dog.

Take a breath here (inhales) (exhales). And bottom of your exhale, bend those knees. Hop or step to the front of the mat. Inhale, lengthen it halfway and exhale, go back into your fold. Bend the knees, inhale, Utkatasana.

Again, just sink down into it. Super strong through the legs. Three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales) (exhales). Press through the feet.

Inhale, rise. Exhale again, open arms, open heart. Inhale back up and exhale, Samastitihi. Take the hands to prayer at the heart center. Close the eyes.

Just reconnecting for one or two breaths. (deep breathing) And building the pace. So we're gonna cycle through all of that again on each side. Just go with it. Trust your body.

Try not to think about it too much and enjoy. With the inhale, left foot steps back. Exhale, grounding in Goddess Pose, forearms to the thighs. Inhale, right arm reaches to the left. Exhale, drop back down.

Inhale, left arm reaches to the right. Exhale, back down. Inhale, lengthen. Exhale, release down to the earth. Skandasana to the left.

Inhale, center. Exhale to the right. Inhale, center. Exhale to the left. Inhale, center.

Exhale, right. Inhale, center. Exhale to the left. This time inhale center and exhale turn to the front of the mat. Right foot forward, ground your left hand.

Inhale, reach the right arm to the sky for the twist. Exhale, right hand down. Ground the back heel. Left arm opens you. Inhale, Warrior 2.

Exhale, reverse it. Reach it back. Stay for the inhale (inhales) and exhale, Side Angle. Reach that left arm out. Inhale, come back up.

Warrior 2. Exhale, reach it back again. Stay here. Inhale and exhale, hands all the way down. Inside of the right foot, then turn all the way over to the left, spinning the right heel up.

Ground your right hand. Inhale, take the left arm to the sky. Stay and expand. Exhale. Left hand down.

Root that right heel. Right arm opens you. Inhale, Warrior 2. Exhale, reach it back. Stay for the inhale (inhales).

And exhale, Side Angle, any variation. Inhale, take it back up and exhale, reverse again. Stay for your inhale and exhale. Hands down inside of the left foot. Turn just to center, feet parallel.

Again, Prasarita Padottanasana variation. Root your right hand directly under the heart and then inhale. Take the left arm up to the sky. Try not to let that right hip drop too much. Pull it back and up.

Twist from the mid and the upper back. Big inhale. Exhale, left hand replaces the right. Inhale, right arm goes to the sky. One more breath.

Exhale, release and then inhale, just lengthen it. See the right foot. Back to the front of the mat. Lift that back heel. Step the right foot to meet the left.

Plank Pose. Inhale. Exhale, lower. Inhale, lift the heart. Exhale, Downward-Facing.

Beautiful, take a breath here (inhales) (exhales). Stay for your inhale (inhales). Exhale, release the knees and, again, forearm plank. Root it down. Clasp the hands.

Root them. Tuck the toes and pick it up. Lift that low belly. Really strong through the core. 10 breaths.

If you need to ease out of it a little bit, you can take the hips up, but don't drop through the belly, don't collapse through the low back. Maybe about halfway there. Stay with it for six (inhales) (exhales). Energy out, slight gaze forward. Five (inhales) (exhales).

Fire up the legs. Four (inhales) (exhales). Three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales) (exhales). And exhale, release the knees, plant the hands.

Big inhale, tuck your toes. Exhale, Downward-Facing. Give it one breath. (deep breathing) After that one breath, take a soft bend in the knees. Hop or step back to the front of the mat, inhale to lengthen, exhale fold.

Bend your knees, inhale, Utkatasana, strong through the legs, strong through the glute muscles, keep the heat building in the body. Holding three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales) (exhales). Pressing through the feet, inhale to rise. Exhale, open arms, open heart.

Inhale, lift it up again and exhale hands to prayer, heart center, take one breath, (inhales) (exhales), and second side. So as you inhale, step the right foot to the back of the mat, Goddess Pose, toes out, heels in, sinking down, rest the forearms. With your inhale, right arm reaches to the left. With your exhale, release it down. Inhale, left arm goes to the right.

Exhale, release it down. Inhale, tall through the center. Exhale, release, Skandasana to the right. Bend that right knee. Ease down, inhale center, exhale to the left.

Inhale center. If you really want to challenge it, don't use the hands. Exhale right. Inhale center. Exhale left.

All from legs and core. Inhale center, exhale to the right. This time inhale center, exhale pivot back to the front of the mat. Left foot is forward. Root the right hand.

Inhale, left arm goes to the sky. Exhale, release it down, grounding your right heel. Inhale, right arm floats you open. Warrior 2. Exhale, reverse, reach it back.

Stay here for a huge inhale and exhale, Side Angle, any variation. Inhale, float it back up, Warrior 2. Exhale, reverse again, reach it back. Stay for your inhale and exhale, come all the way down inside of the left foot. Come through center all the way to the back of the mat, right foot forward, ground the left hand and inhale.

Simple twist. Right arm goes to the sky. Exhale, release it down. Ground the left heel. Left arm opens you.

Inhale, Warrior 2. Exhale, reverse, reach it back. Stay here. Inhale (inhales). Exhale, right hand down.

Side Angle. Inhale, draw it back up, Warrior 2. Exhale, reverse. Again, stay for your inhale and exhale, come down inside of that right foot and then come to center, Prasarita Padottanasana. This time grab your big does, inhale to lengthen, exhale, release.

Legs are super strong. Head is heavy, neck is soft, working the crown of the head towards the earth and breath three (inhales) (exhales), two (inhales) (exhales), and then inhale, lengthen it halfway. See that left foot. Exhale back to the front of the mat. Step directly back into Plank Pose.

Stay here for your inhale. Exhale, Chaturanga Dandasana. Inhale, Upward-Facing Dog. Exhale, Downward-Facing Dog. We'll play with this a little bit.

Keep rooting through the hands. Inhale, right leg goes to the sky. Exhale, open the hip, bend the knee. Just a breath or two here. (deep breathing) Inhale, lengthen it.

Exhale, simply release the right foot down to the earth. Second side, inhale, left leg goes up and exhale, open the hip, bend the knee. Give it a breath or two. (inhales) (exhales) Inhale, lengthen it. Exhale, return to Downward-Facing.

Take one breath here. (deep breathing) And then, with your exhale, release the knees down to the earth and come on back into forearm plank. Tuck the toes, lift the knees, reaching out through the heart, reaching out through the soles of the feet. Hug the belly in and up. Fire up the legs.

Use the whole body here. About seven more breaths. (inhales) (exhales) Shoulder blades down the back. Six (inhales) (exhales). Five, heart extending.

Four (inhales) (exhales). Three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales) (exhales). And exhale, release, knees to the earth. Plant the hands.

Inhale, tuck your toes and exhale, Downward-Facing, one breath. Bottom of the exhale, soft bend in the knees, hop or step to the front of the mat. Inhale to lengthen it. Exhale, bow and fold. Bending the knees, inhale, Utkatasana.

Exhale, sink down into it a little. Inhale, rise all the way up and, again, exhale, wide open heart. Inhale, lift it and exhale, Samastitihi. Take one breath (inhales) (exhales). One last cycle.

Inhale, step the left foot out, Goddess Pose. Exhale, sink down into it. Rest the forearms. Inhale, reach the right arm up to the left. Exhale, come back down.

Inhale, left arm goes up to the right. Exhale, back down. Inhale through the center. Exhale, release, Skandasana to the left. Inhale center, exhale to the right.

Inhale rise, exhale left. Inhale up, exhale right. Again, inhale center, exhale left. This time inhale, lift to the center, exhale pivot to the right, back to the front of the mat. Root your left hand.

Inhale, right arm up. Exhale, release it. Ground the left heel. Left arm opens. You inhale, Warrior 2.

Exhale, reverse it. Stay for your inhale (inhales) and exhale, Side Angle, any variation. Inhale floats you back up, Warrior 2. Exhale, reverse. Again, stay for the inhale (inhales) and exhale, come all the way down inside the right foot, sway all the way to the back of the mat with the left foot forward.

Root the right hand. Inhale, left arm up (inhales). Exhale, release. Ground the right heel. Right arm opens you.

Inhale, Warrior 2. Exhale, reverse, reach it back. Stay, inhale, (inhales). Exhale, Side Angle. Root the left hand, rest the forearm.

Inhale, back into Warrior 2 and exhale, reverse it. Stay here, inhale and exhale. Hands inside of the left food. Come back to center. Prasarita Padottanasana.

This time clasp the hands behind the back. Inhale, lift just a little through the heart and exhale, fold. Enjoy this for three (inhales) (exhales). Legs strong, breathing into the shoulders. Two (inhales) (exhales).

And then, with your exhale, release the hands down. Inhale, lengthen it. See the right foot. Exhale, turn back to the front of the mat then step right foot meets the left, stay in Plank, take a big inhale, exhale lower, inhale lift the heart, exhale go back, Downward-Facing and we'll play with this a little bit. Nice and strong through the center.

Exhale, release the knees and come on back. Building that super strong core energy. Forearm plank. Send the heart out. Breathing into it.

Belly in and up. Seven (inhales) (exhales). Six, use your intention. Use your breath. (inhales) (exhales) Five (inhales) (exhales).

Four (inhales) (exhales). Three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales) (exhales). And exhale, lower the knees down. Plant your hands, tuck the toes, Downward-Facing, take one breath (inhales) (exhales).

And bottom of the exhale, hop or step the feet forward. Inhale to lengthen it. Exhale, fold, bend your knees. Inhale, Utkatasana. Exhale, just sink down a little.

Inhale, rise all the way up. Exhale, open arms, open heart. Inhale, reach it up and exhale, Samastitihi, one breath. (inhales) (exhales) And almost home. One more side.

Inhale, right foot out, Goddess Pose. Exhale, sink down, strong legs, strong glute muscles. Inhale to the left. Right arm reaches. Exhale, back down.

Inhale to the right, left arm reaches. Exhale back down. Inhale, lengthen through the center and exhale down, Skandasana to the right, with or without hands. Inhale up, exhale left. Inhale up, exhale right.

Inhale up, exhale left. Again, inhale center, exhale go to the right. Then inhale center, exhale turn all the way back to the front of the mat. Left foot forward, root your right hand. Inhale, left arm rising.

Exhale, release it. Ground the right heel. Right arm opens. You inhale, Warrior 2. Exhale, reverse, stay for your inhale.

Exhale, Side Angle. Inhale back up, exhale reverse. Stay for your inhale. Exhale, hands come all the way down inside left foot. Sway through the center all the way over to the right facing the back of the mat.

Left hand down. Inhale, right arm up. Exhale, release. Ground the left heel. Left arm opens.

You inhale, Warrior 2. Exhale, reverse. Reach back. Inhale, Warrior 2. Exhale, Side Angle.

Inhale, rise again. Exhale, reverse it. Stay for a huge inhale. Exhale, both hands down inside of that front foot. Come to the center and one last Prasarita Padottanasana.

Take any variation your body feels for. Just easing into it for three (inhales) (exhales), two (inhales) (exhales), and to neutral. Come out of whatever you've chosen. Plant your hands. Inhale halfway.

See that left foot. Exhale back to the front of the mat. Step directly into plank pose. Stays for your inhale. Exhale, lower.

Inhale, lift the heart. And exhale, Downward-Facing. Keep rooting through the hands. With your inhale, take your right leg up to the sky and, again, exhale, open the hip, bend the knee. You're welcome to just stay here, keep breathing into it.

If you have a practice of flipping open and you feel for it, go for it. Plant that right foot, reaching up and out, extend through the right fingertips, lifting through the heart, three (inhales) (exhales), two (inhales) (exhales), and unwind it. Inhale, right leg goes back to the sky. Exhale to shake it out. Let it go.

Second side. Left leg, inhale up. Exhale, open it. Keep it there or mindfully plant that foot, flip it open, backbend variation. Lifting through the heart.

Three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales) (exhales). And one, inhale, left leg back to the sky. Exhale, shake it out, let it go. Downward-Facing and inhale here.

Exhale, knees to the earth. I promise, it's the last one. Forearm plank, root it down. Tuck the toes, lift the belly. Holding steady.

10 breaths. (inhales) (exhales) Nine (inhales) (exhales). Eight, fire up the legs. Seven, shoulder blades down the back. Six (inhales) (exhales).

Five (inhales) (exhales). Four (inhales) (exhales). Three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales) (exhales). And release.

Beautiful. Knees to the earth, hips to the heels, Child's Pose. Let it all just drop and rest for at least a few breaths here, maybe sway the hips a little side to side. Just rock a little on the forehead. The spine is supple and fluid.

(deep breathing) Finding stillness in your Child's Pose as you're ready and then the inhale, float back to the hands and the knees. Exhale, tuck the toes. Downward-Facing from here into Pigeon. Inhale, take the right leg up. Getting some space, some opening.

And then exhale. Ease the right knee and the right shin forward. Take any support you want here underneath that right hip sit bone area and then inhale. Lengthen up through the heart and exhale, melt down. The legs have worked hard for you.

Stretch 'em out here, just releasing down. A full slow, deep, five breaths. (deep breathing) Right down into the hip and glute muscles on that right side. Three more breaths into any resistance. (deep breathing) And nice and easy, inhale, begin to walk your upper body back in and up.

Strong active hands. Exhale, tuck the back toes, lift that knee. From the arms and the core, inhale, lift the right leg back to the sky. Anything you feel for here. Drop it up and over, shake it out, circle it around.

Just unwind and find Downward Dog as you're ready. Pigeon second side. Inhale, left leg up and exhale. Draw that knee and shin through and down. And once you're situated with any support you might need, inhale, lift up through the heart and exhale, go ahead and ease down and just enjoy this, sending your breath and your awareness into the left hip and glute muscles.

(deep breathing) Five (inhales) (exhales). Three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales) (exhales). And one. Slowly, with your inhale, walk that upper body back in and up.

Ground the hands. Exhale, tuck the back toes, lift the knee. From the center, inhale, left leg floats all the way back up and, again, you can shake it out, drop it up and over, circle it, whatever feels good. And returning to Downward-Facing, let's wash it all away with one last Vinyasa. Inhale forward into Plank.

Exhale to lower. Inhale, lift the heart. And exhale, Downward-Facing. The bottom of your next exhale, we're coming through to sit. Hop or step and extend the legs out for Dandasana, Seated Staff.

Rooting through the sit bones and really tall through the spine. Just grounding the hands. Tall through the central channel and breathing here. Just one more breath here. And then you inhale, sweep your arms up and exhale, fold forward for Paschimottanasana.

Take any grip you like. Inhale, send the heart out and exhale, let yourself melt and fold. If you wanna keep the fluidity, feel free. There can be a soft rise with your inhale and a rippling down with your exhale. Spine stays supple.

Mind stays soft. Three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales) (exhales). And then inhale, we'll rise all the way up and reach the arms to the sky and then exhale, extend them out directly in front of the body, palms open, just a little bit more love for the core. Take a big inhale and very slowly, using the abdominal muscles, keeping the neck and the shoulders soft, begin to ease towards the earth.

Yeah, when you're almost down, come on back up. Exhale, easing down. Inhale, rock it up. Exhale down. Last one, inhale up and exhale slowly easing all the way to the earth.

Three, soft shoulders. Two (inhales) (exhales). And then all the way down. Stay on your back. I'm just gonna flip it around.

And we'll meet here. Draw your knees in towards the chest. Wrap your arms around the legs and just rock the body a little side to side. And keep the knees bent. Plant the feet on the earth.

Take a backbend here. This can be really gentle and simple. You can come right up into full Urdhva Dhanurasana, anywhere in between. Whatever you feel warm and ready for. So grounding down through the hands and the feet or just the feet if you're staying low.

Scoop the tail bone, lift the hips and, as you're ready, press it up. Five breaths right into the heart (inhales) (exhales). Four (inhales) (exhales). Three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales) (exhales).

As you're ready, easing all the way back down and just grounding here for a breath. (inhales) (exhales) And then we'll rise again. Feel free to take the backbend that feels best in your body. Planting hands and feet or just the feet and, again when you're ready, inhale to rise up. If you're in full Urdhva and it feels really good, you might walk the hands a little closer to the feet, deepening into it.

Breathing, five (inhales) (exhales). Four (inhales) (exhales). Three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales) (exhales). And gently release.

Come all the way back to the earth and we'll meet in Supta Baddha Konasana. Take the soles of your feet together, let the knees drop open, right hand to heart, left to the belly and close the eyes. Beginning to slow it all way, way down. Beginning to integrate the practice. (deep breathing) Nice passive release for the inner thighs that have worked so hard for you through Skandasana and the standing flow.

Grounding, releasing for the whole body. Three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales) (exhales). And take the hands outside of the thighs, draw the knees together, wrap the arms around and, again, rock yourself a little side to side and from here, keep your left knee drawing in and extend the right leg all the way out on the earth. Take a big inhale and then exhale, twist to the right, left knee crosses over, right hand just gently resting on top of that knee as the left arm extends to the left and a soft gaze follows.

Breathing to release through the low back after your back bending. Three (inhales) (exhales). Two (inhales) (exhales). And then inhale, come back to center. Keep your left knee hugging in.

Add the right knee as well and then extend. Left leg goes all the way out and down. Stay for a nice big inhale and exhale, twist it to the left. Reach the right arm out. Heavy through that right shoulder.

Soft gaze out towards the right. (deep breathing) Give it one more full breath, unwinding that low back. And then, again, inhale. Draw it back to center. And when you arrive, hug both knees in towards the chest, wrap your arms, rock yourself side to side.

If you're craving shoulder stand, feel free to come into it and just take your time, closing your practice. If there's anything else you're feeling for, trust that. Just play. Otherwise, simple Happy Baby, holding the feet or the ankles and keeping that sense of fluidity, maybe rock the body a little, maybe lengthen one leg and then the other letting them just sway in and out. Three more breaths.

(deep breathing) (humming) And then finding center, really big inhale and exhale. Let it all go. Extending the legs out, resting the arms alongside the body and surrendering the weight of the body down into the earth. Let yourself rest and release like you're just effortlessly floating on a beautiful body of water somewhere, completely supported and stay soft. We'll take a gentle inhale (inhales) and open your mouth, exhale (exhales).

Resting and floating. Let it all go. Gently deepening the breath. Draw your awareness back and with an inhale, extend the arms up and over and exhale, bending the knees, feet to the earth. Gently roll the body to the right and then guide yourself all the way back up.

Find a comfortable seat and just rest the hands, close the eyes for a moment of stillness (sighs). Even in the stillness, pull that slight wave through the central channel keeping the body supple and the mind soft. (deep breathing) Drawing the hands to prayer at the heart center and let's close together with the sound of om. Exhale all the breath out and together, big inhale (inhales). (chanting) Gently inhaling and just a soft bow forward with the exhale.

Namaste. Thank you so much for sharing the practice. Be well. Enjoy. Namaste.


Diane C
2 people like this.
Thank you Rosemary for a wonderful class to awaken, lengthen and strengthen.
Jennifer D'Avanzo
Thank you! This was my fav so far. It brought me right into the zone!
Briana N
1 person likes this.
really enjoying your classes!
Rosemary Garrison
Thank you, Briana! Makes me so happy to hear...
Helene S
1 person likes this.
Love this powerful flow! Thank you!
Rosemary Garrison
Thanks, Helene! Makes me smile. Continue to enjoy the flow...
Barbra A
1 person likes this.
Beautiful journey.....thank you.
Rosemary Garrison
You are most welcome, Barbra. Thank YOU.
Amy G
1 person likes this.
We loved this flow! My husband and I did it while our son napped. Such a gift, Rosemary. Thank you!
Rosemary Garrison
I'm so glad! Thanks for sharing the goodness. Xxo
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