30-Minute Yoga Flows Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 9

Slow Shoulder Flow

30 min - Practice


Sarah guides us in a slow meditative flow to stretch and open the shoulders. We move through a series of Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutation) variations and standing postures to create space the chest and shoulders, before easing our way to the floor for a sweet release.
What You'll Need: Mat


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Welcome back so we're going to move through a slow meditative flow today to get into the shoulders a little bit so please meet me seated we'll start in a comfortable cross legs seated position circling the spine forward as you inhale and then exhale round good inhale as you come forward exhale rounding back good again inhale forward and exhale round and then start to make the circles a little bit smaller so starting to find your center and then as you come to center we'll take some cat cows seated so as you inhale offer the heart forward and then as you exhale rock back on your sitting bones round through the spine coming back again inhale as you rock forward and then exhale as you come back beautiful and then coming back through center and just changing the crossing of your legs so taking the opposite leg in front and then we'll start to roll to the left so as you inhale come forward and then exhale round good again inhale forward exhale round inhale forward relaxing the head the neck the shoulders and then again just starting to make the circles a little bit smaller and then coming back to center as you inhale draw the chest forward rocking forward and then exhale rock it back good again inhale coming forward and then exhale draw it back rounding through the spine let the shoulders kind of roll forward and then come back through seated and we'll meet in all fours so coming to a tabletop position bringing the shoulders over the wrists the hips right over the knees and then finding some barrel rolls with the spine so draw the navel in to the spine rounding through the back and then start to shift the weight to the right let the belly melt down toward the earth shift the weight to the left and then rounding back up so taking these circular motions with the spine moving hips a little bit here and just feeling into this so whatever feels good for you if it feels good to take them a little bit bigger and then go for it and just finding that shifting around of the weight to start to warm the spine and then maybe take it to the other direction just finding some circles here in the body barrel rolls good and then coming back to a neutral spine inhale your right arm up to the right and then we'll come into a shoulder stretch nice and early here so threading the right arm through come on to your right shoulder and the right temple you can walk the left fingertips forward if that feels good or maybe the left hand comes behind your back for a half wrap and just taking a breath or two here maybe even massaging through that right shoulder a little bit feeling nice and grounded on the earth slowly coming out of there pressing through your left hand to come back up to all fours and then keeping your hips over your knees start to tent your fingertips and then walk them forward so that you start to melt the chest down toward the earth maybe the hands flatten out you can bring the forehead down that feels okay or maybe the chin comes to the earth coming into on a hot asana and then start to walk the hands nice and slowly back in towards you coming back to your tabletop position and then we'll take that shoulder stretch to the left so inhale the left arm up opening up to the left and then exhale threading through coming on to your left shoulder left temple and then again maybe the right hand crawls forward or maybe that right hand comes behind your back for a half wrap and then maybe massaging shifting the weight back and forth a little bit on that left shoulder just noticing if this side feels any different nice and then coming out of that side using the right hand to press you back up to all fours finding a tabletop and then we'll tuck our toes lift the hips up and back and come into our first downward facing dog and then in downward facing dog rise up onto the toes and then let the heels melt back down we'll do that a few more times inhale rise up onto the toes let the heels come back down and again inhale up onto the toes and let the heels lower back down and then glide forward into plank pose so come to the top of a push-up bringing the shoulders right over the wrists press back through your heels engage your core take a big breath in here reaching through the crown of the head and back through your heels and then lower your knees down press the knees together sink the hips back towards your heels finding a closed leg child's pose here and then inhale come up to all fours start to bend the elbows bring the chin and the chest down and then gliding into cobra pose draw the shoulders away from the ears press through the hands and lift up good and then exhale lower down coming back to downward facing dog pressing up to the knees tucking the toes lift your hips up and back good and then let's take that a few more times start to warm the body inhale glide forward to plank exhale knees down child's pose and then inhale back up bringing the chin and the chest down cobra pose inhale exhale back downward facing dog either coming to the knees or keeping the knees lifted through plank pose one more inhale glide forward exhale child's pose inhale all fours chin and chest down inhale cobra pose and exhale downward facing dog good from down dog inhale rise up onto your toes put a bend in your knees look forward step or lightly come to the front of your mat with a hop and then inhale lift up halfway exhale fold back in let's do that two more times inhale lift up halfway exhale fold inhale Arda Uttanasana halfway up exhale folding here Uttanasana from here bend your knees tuck your chin and just slowly roll your way one vertebra at a time up to stand let your head be the last thing to arrive and then as you get toward your Tadasana bring your shoulders up towards your ears and then just roll them down the back and let's do that a couple times so as you inhale bring the shoulders up towards your ears exhale roll them down the back one last time inhale bring the shoulders up and exhale roll them down and then we'll take that to the other side so inhale rolling them back and forward inhale back and forward and then last one here good bring your hands together in front of your heart center and moving through some sun salutation variations to start to warm the body inhale sweep your arms all the way up over your head and then as you exhale hinge forward at the hips and fold good inhale lift halfway up and then exhale step your left foot to the back of the mat lower your back knee down and then come up to Anjaliasana so reaching the urns up at first front knee right over your ankle and then take the hands behind your back this time interlace the fingers behind the back and then draw the shoulders away from your ears start to lift up through the heart and maybe sink down a little bit deeper into that front leg good if this isn't possible if this does not feel good with the interlace you can always hold on to opposite elbows here good taking one more breath in and then as you exhale reach your arms all the way back up lower them down to the earth and then step back to downward facing dog on your exhale inhale glide forward to plank pose you're welcome to lower your knees here we're gonna lower all the way to the earth inhale cobra maybe upward facing dog if you feel ready for that and then exhale downward facing dog good from here inhale the left leg sweep it up and back as you exhale step the foot through between your hands lower your back knee down inhale sweep your arms all the way up good and then this time take your arms in front of you take your right arm underneath and wrap up your arms for Eagle arms so Garandasana start to lift your elbows up toward the height of your shoulders and then lifting up through the heart any amount finding a few full deep breaths right here good and then releasing the arms sweep them all the way up as you exhale lower the hands down tuck your back toes and step your right foot to meet your left coming to a forward fold at the front of the mat inhale lift halfway up exhale fold root down to rise all the way up to stand and then draw your hands into your heart center taking it to the right side inhale arms sweep up exhale hinge forward at the hips step your right foot to the back of the mat this time let the back knee lower down inhale sweep your arms up and then again take them behind the back this time opposite thumb on top so the one that feels a little weird and then draw the shoulders away from your ears and lift up through the heart taking a couple of full deep breaths here and then release and reach your arms all the way back up let the hands lower down step back downward facing dog exhale inhale glide forward to plank pose you're welcome to lower your knees maybe keep the knees lifted coming halfway down chaturanga cobra or upward facing dog inhale exhale downward facing dog inhale sweet the right leg up exhale step it through lower the back knee down reach your arms up and then this time the right arm will come underneath wrap up the arms eagle arms as you inhale lift the elbows up toward the height of your shoulders and then maybe start to tilt back a little bit allowing two more full deep breaths here good and then opening up the arms sweep them up let the hands lower down and then step to a forward fold at the front of the mat uttanasana inhale lift halfway exhale fold root down to rise all the way up to stand sweeping the arms up and then draw your hands into your heart center good taking that one more time one breath per movement so making this more of a flow here as we move inhale arms sweep up exhale folding forward good step your left foot to the back of the mat let the back knee lower down and then right away hands behind the back interlace it's sinking down into that front leg release the hands down exhale downward facing dog inhale forward to plane exhale vinyasa lowering through cobra or up dog on the inhale downward facing dog on the exhale inhale the left leg up exhale step it through let the back knee lower taking the right arm underneath come right up into eagle arms take a big breath in and then exhale step to a fold at the front of the mat inhale lift halfway up exhale fold over the legs and then root down to rise inhale arms sweep up hands to your heart exhale last side coming to the right inhale arms sweep up exhale soft knees as you fold forward good step the right foot back lower the back knee down hands come behind the back interlace draw the shoulders away from your ears take a big breath in and then exhale downward facing dog inhale forward to plane taking a vinyasa here inhale cobra or up dog exhale downward facing dog inhale the right leg up exhale step it through lower the back knee down this time left arm underneath lift it up eagle arms and then hands lower down forward fold front of the mat inhale lift up halfway exhale fold root down to rise arms sweep up hands to your heart exhale and then inhale come to chair pose utkatasana sweep the arms up take the hands behind your back as you fold forward interlace uttanasana let the hands go and inhale come halfway up and then exhale your choice step or lightly float back through chaturanga taking a vinyasa inhaling up dog or cobra exhale downward facing dog good inhale the right leg out exhale step the foot through between your hands spin the back heel down and then reach the arms up into warrior one sinking down to the front knee sealing the outer edge of the back foot to the earth and then from here hands behind the back as we did in our Sun salutations start to draw the shoulders away from your ears take a big breath in lift up and then exhale folding over that front leg devotional warrior letting the crown of the head sink down toward the earth you can rest your torso on that thigh or bring it to the inside of that front thigh it's really rooting down firmly through the feet and then your next inhale will bring you all the way back up warrior one start to straighten through your front leg and then bend your right elbow excuse me take a hold of your right elbow with your left fingertips so that you're kind of patting yourself on the back here and then just feel that nice stretch in the upper right arm and then let that go come out to warrior two so letting the front heel come into alignment with the back arch and then taking the arms in front of you take your right arm underneath coming back to eagle arms so drawing the elbows up toward the height of the shoulders sinking down toward 90 degrees in that front leg and then let that go back to warrior to flip your front palm inhale reverse and then exhale circle the hands down moving through a vinyasa or you can skip it and take downward facing dog cobra or up dog on your inhale down dog exhale inhale your left leg up to the sky exhale step the foot through between your hands spin the back heel down warrior one arm sweep up good sinking down into that front legs earn your shoulders and the hips toward the front good and then from here take the hands behind your back interlace with the opposite thumb on top draw the shoulders away from your ears start to lift the chest up as you look up lengthen and then devotional warrior folding over that front leg crown of the head heavy allowing a few full deep breaths here let your next inhale bring you all the way back up warrior one get out of that front leg straightening through the front and then this time bending the right elbow taking your left hand to the right and just patting yourself on the back a little bit feeling that stretch in the upper arm good and then open it up to warrior two bending through that left leg this time front knee over the ankle and make sure the knee is tracking over the second and the third toe sinking down a little bit deeper maybe and then bring the arms in front of you this time left arm comes underneath wrap it up eagle arms start to lift up the elbows toward the height of your shoulders and just hang here for a couple full deep breaths and letting the arms go back out to warrior to flip your front palm inhale reach back reverse and then exhale circle the hands down finding your flow here if you'd like lowering chaturanga cobra or upward facing dog inhale exhale downward facing dog nice job take a big breath in side out the mouth and then glide forward to plank pose you're welcome to lower your knees if you'd like and lower your way all the way down onto your belly and so coming into a nice shoulder stretch here let the forehead rest down toward the earth bring your right arm out to the right with the palm facing down and then tent your left fingertips and bring the right side of your face to the earth and then from here start to roll to your right hip bend through your left leg and step your left toes behind you letting the head rest down on the earth good and then if it feels okay you can start to bring the whole sole of the foot to the earth staying right here or maybe bending through both knees bringing the soles of both feet to the earth if that's too much and come out of there just finding your edge and just holding for a few full deep breaths nice and then slowly roll your way out of that side coming back to your belly and we'll come to the other side so flattening out the left palm bringing the left arm out to the left side take your left cheek to the earth tent your right fingertips so that the right elbow is bent and then start to roll to your left hip this time and as you come start to bend through that right leg and then step your right toes behind you and then notice this side might feel a little different so you might stay right here flatten out the foot maybe bending through that left leg as well and just taking a few full deep breaths to breathe into that left shoulder lovely and then slowly unravel come back to your belly and then stack your hands bring your forehead to the top of your hands and just breathe notice the effects the echo of that pose nice and slowly release the hands bring them behind the back interlace the fingers start to draw the shoulders away from your ears hug the ankles together start to peel the chest up off the earth maybe add the legs coming into shalabhasana gonna take a big breath in and then exhale lower it down taking one cheek to the earth and then maybe rocking the hips from side to side or reverse windshield wipering the legs behind you good and so one more time coming into shalabhasana if you liked that version you can stay right there or maybe coming into dhanurasana taking the feet hips with bending through the knees flexing the feet and then start to roll the shoulders away from your ears lift your legs up first so you're lifting the legs from your hamstrings and then reach back with your hands either holding the tops of the feet or the ankles kicking the feet into the hands and lifting up take a big breath in and then exhale lower down take the opposite cheek down to the earth and then let that go maybe rocking the hips from side to side or reverse windshield wipering the legs beautiful I'm impressing up coming back to your knees sit back on your heels for a moment bring the hands to the tops of your thighs and breathe good so from here we'll come into gomukhasana so I will face you we're gonna cross your right leg over the left stacking at the knees and drawing the heels in toward you so this pose is often not accessible in the legs so if this feels like too much for you you can always sit up on a block or take cross leg seated position so it's really more about the shoulders here but this is a very deep hip opener as well so finding what works for you and we're gonna bend through that left elbow so we just did this when we were standing so bending the left arm taking your right hand to your left elbow and you're kind of patting yourself on the back again here rolling the tricep in so hugging the tricep into your ear and then you can take the right arm out to the right internally rotate that right shoulder and then taking the right hand behind your back maybe holding on to fingertips here you might have a strap between your hands maybe holding a towel or your shirt and then keeping the length in the spine you can start to tilt forward any amount but the sitting bones glued back so keep the length in the spine as you come forward and breathe yeah and then slowly let go of that side take your fingertips out on either sides of your hips and just notice how you feel and we'll come to the other side just shaking out the legs for a moment and then we'll take the right knee in crossing the left knee on top of the right drawing the heels in toward you again if this doesn't feel so hot in the legs sit up on a block or you can find a comfortable crossleg seat we'll let this be about the shoulders so left leg is on top start to bend through the right arm taking your left hand to your right elbow hugging it in good and then again left arm out flip the palm so it's facing behind you and then bend through that left arm maybe hooking fingertips maybe a strap maybe your shirt or a towel good and then noticing this side keeping the length in the spine and then maybe start to fold forward any amount keeping your sitting bones connected to the earth as you come forward last couple breaths here and then let the inhale bring you all the way back up release the arms breathe and then come to a seat here with the legs out in front of you flexing through the feet sitting up high on the sitting bones and then inhale reach your arms all the way up as you exhale hinge forward at the hips let the hands fall wherever they fall and then leading with the heart so what would it mean to lead with your heart instead of your head here keep the length in the spine breathe beautiful and then as you inhale come all the way back up and then I'm gonna spin around here we'll come on to our backs if there's anything else you'd like to explore here in your practice feel free to take it here otherwise rolling onto your back for shavasana so letting the palms come to face up relaxing legs and then just taking a scan of the body all the way from the crown of your head to the very tips of your toes and relaxing everything a little bit more feel the support of the earth beneath you and then finally soften your shoulders where can you soften just a little bit more you you you and slowly bring the awareness back to the body meaning to deepen your breath maybe rolling the head from side to side and massaging out back of the head then when you're ready reaching your arms up over your head finding a nice full body stretch take a big breath in and then let it go bring the soles of the feet to the earth gently roll to one side taking a moment on your side to pause check in just notice any shifts from when we started any change in the body breath thoughts and then keeping the same ease of shavasana pressing your way up making your way into comfortable cross-leg seated position and then as you arrive springing the hands together in front of the heart center bowing your head towards your hands and gratitude taking one more big breath in together holding your breath at the top and then sip in just a little bit more air through the nose sigh it out namaste


Simon ?
2 people like this.
Sweet practise. Deep without effort. Love your energy. Bless you Sarah.
Sarah Beston
Simon Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment and really love being able to share yoga together as a community on Yoga Anytime. Wishing you a wonderful day and blessings to you!
all the sequences are great! Thank you!
Sarah Beston
1 person likes this.
Hi Mariia! I am so happy you are enjoying the sequences! I am filming a new season this month - let me know if you have any special requests. All the best, Sarah
1 person likes this.
Wow! That's a wonderful piece of news! Looking forward to season two then (no special requests except that I love Level 2 and up). Thanks again, Sarah
Katarina V
tThank you Sarah! I needed this!
I wish you a happy new year!
Love Katarina
Sarah Beston
Hi Katarina! I am so happy to hear this was a good practice for you! Wishing you a happy, healthy, and peaceful New Year! Much love, Sarah
Tesa Urbonaite Dunn
Very fun practice! I really enjoyed this! Thank you!
Sarah Beston
So happy to be practicing together here Tesa Urbonaite Dunn ! I am glad this was a fun practice for you! All the best, Sarah
Laura M
1 person likes this.
So good!! Thank you!!
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