Inner Workings Artwork
Season 6 - Episode 5

Wake Up!

20 min - Practice


Emma shares a short, energizing practice to jump start your day and wake up the entire body. You will feel alive and awake.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Hi, good morning. Thanks for joining me for this short, energizing practice. So come on to your knees, and we'll start with three cleansing breaths. So it's a full breath in through the nose, and we fold forward, take our weight on our hands, and give a forceful exhale through the mouth. We'll do that three times, it looks like this. Pause at the top, and exhale. Full breath in again. Forceful exhale. Pause at the bottom. Inhale completely. Pause at the top. Exhale. And one more. And exhale. Breath moves first. Inhale, arms up. And exhale, hands down. Inhale, arms up. Exhale down. Come forward to tabletop. Full breath in here. And exhale, child's pose. Exhale up. Exhale, dimer dog. And take a minute in your dimer dog here to paddle out side to side. Stay with your breath. Full elongation from your hands to your hips. And from your hips down the backs of your legs. Keep your knees bent, your feet, your heels don't need to come to the floor. Inhale, tabletop. Exhale, child's pose. Tabletop again, inhale. And exhale here. Inhale, right leg up and left arm. Hold them and exhale here. Full breath in. Exhale down. Other side. Exhale down. Full breath in. Exhale, cut around your back.

Look in towards your belly button. When the inhale comes, go the opposite way to Kai pose. And exhale. Around your whole spine. And the inhale moves and the body moves to go the other way. Inhale again. And exhale, dog pose. Right leg up, inhale. And then exhale through between the hands. You come into a low lunge. Have fingertips on the floor, back leg straight. Lift up and in as you inhale. Soften and release as you exhale. Three more breaths like that. Another breath in. Plant your hands, take that leg all the way. Up into the air and you exhale. Full breath in here. And exhale down. Paddle out your dog. Left leg up, inhale. Exhale through between the hands. Fingertips. Lift and rise as you inhale. Soften and expand as you exhale. Three more breaths like that.

And another full breath in. And all the way back to three, like a dog. Full breath in here. And exhale down. Paddle it out. Inhale forward to plank. Take your knees down, bend your elbows. Exhale. Inhale cobra. Exhale release. Inhale cobra. Exhale release. Inhale table top. Exhale down your dog. Right leg up, inhale. Exhale through between the hands. Keep your left hand on the floor and inhale open up. Stay here and exhale. And again. One more breath. And exhale down. Full breath in. And I'm her dog. Take two breaths here. Left leg up. Exhale through. Right hand on the floor. Open up. Exhale here. Two more breaths. Another breath in. And take your hand to the floor. Full breath in again. Exhale down her dog. Inhale plank. Knees down, bend elbows. Exhale cobra. Exhale down. Inhale. Lift up. Exhale down. Table top. Inhale. Stay here for a breath. And again. Exhale down her dog. And walk your feet. Slowly up the mat. Come onto fingertips. Until you come into uttanasana at the top of your mat. And keep your knees soft. Relax your neck. Breath moves first each time. Inhale to halfway lift. Follow the exhale back down. Two more times.

Infold. Power through your legs. Inhale all the way up. Look up. See your hands. And exhale to the midline. Inhale arms wide. And exhale fold. Inhale halfway. Exhale fold. Inhale all the way up. Strong legs. Reach up. Look up. And exhale handstine. Inhale wide. Exhale fold. Halfway on the inhale. Exhale fold. All the way up. Inhale both arms. Reach up. Look up. And exhale hands to the midline. Sip your feet a little closer together. Find your breath. Connect with your sense of aliveness this morning. Release your hands by your side. Inhale sit back. Reach up. Exhale fold. Inhale halfway. Exhale down. Inhale all the way up. And exhale down to your squat. Stay there for a breath. Full breath in. Exhale hips up. Inhale all the way up. Exhale handstine. Utkatasana. Sip back. Reach up. Exhale fold. Away lift. Inhale. Exhale fold. All the way up. Inhale. All the way down to your squat.

Stay for a breath. Full breath in. Exhale hips up. Inhale halfway. Exhale fold. Strong legs all the way up. Exhale hands on the midline. Find your breath. Give attention to whatever is happening in your body. Something with your breath, your heart beat, your temperature. Release your arms down by your sides. Bring the alarms up and down with the breath. Pause at the top. One more. The body movement is the breath. The body expands only as far as the breath will take it. Arms up again. Crop hold of one wrist. Exhale to the other side. Exhale takes you high up. Switch hands. Exhale. Inhale up. First side again. Exhale. Inhale up. Second side. Inhale reach up. Hold it there as you exhale. Full breath in. And exhale hands down. Thumbs back, chest up. Inhale. Exhale round your back, bend your knees, pinky fingers together. Inhale moves first to take you into this standing back bend. One more. Exhale all the way up. Exhale right arm forward, left arm back. Inhale to center. Exhale other side. Inhale up. Exhale first side again. Inhale up. Second side. Inhale up. Exhale fold forward. Halfway lift. Exhale fold all the way. Inhale. And hands to your heart. Take a breath. Take a wide sense to the side. Turn your feet out so they stay in line with your knees and bend your knees so you come into a steep squat. Find your breath here.

Keep your arms together. Inhale. Push through your legs. Reach with your hands as high as you can go. Huge breath and exhale pull. Four more. Gather all your strength. Alivening your body. Reach through your arms and exhale pull. Two more. Gather again. Step back to Tadasana. Feel what's happening in your body. Give yourself a moment for your breath to calm down. That's what you need. You come back to balance and go get them for your day. Thank you.


Oceanna M
2 people like this.
Oh my gosh, I love your pants!!! Where did you get them?!? I was listening to Coronation mass while watching this yoga video, so it was so perfect!
Eleanor M
1 person likes this.
This is real Yoga , thank you Emma 💫❤️
Simon ?
2 people like this.
Go get ‘em! :)
Hannah A
1 person likes this.
Yum! I logged on this morning to have a wee nosy around, not expecting video no.3 to be waiting! Perfect wake up for my body. My heart was beating faster and my temperature was up and i felt a flow of energy moving through me (i also had jelly beans for breakfast so it could partly have been sugar). At one point - i think it was in child's pose - the video paused itself and, being accustomed to your spacious teaching, i didn't notice and spent many extra breaths ther before i began to suspect something was up.

I love the breath in each pose, the time to notice what's going on in my body, and the silence that allows me to tune into my own experience.

Thank you!
Emma Warmington
Thank you everyone for your comments! This is certainly amongst my favourite practices and I'm so glad you enjoyed :)
Emma Warmington
Oceanna you know I'm not sure where these leggings came from, they are quite snazzy though :)
Emma Warmington
Eleanor I'm so glad you are enjoying the classes
Emma Warmington
Simon yup! Works, huh?
Emma Warmington
Yay, Hannah thank you! I do appreciate the detail in what you write. I love that you found yourself in such long breaths and that it felt fitting. What a thing to be known for - wonderful!
Emma Warmington
I'm curious Oceanna how you are doing with finding your own pace and that magic something that happens when we let our breath tell us when to move?
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