Move to Meditate Artwork
Season 3 - Episode 1

Welcome to Season 3

1 min - Show Intro
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Show up for yourself. Bex Urban welcomes us to this season of Move to Meditate where she will share a variety of practices to open the body and the mind. We will focus on opening the shoulders, hips, and front, back, and side body to allow you to sit with more ease in the progressive seated meditations that will follow each movement practice. Be open to the freedom that is created from dedicating this time to yourself.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Dec 06, 2017
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Welcome to this season of Move to Meditate. I'm Bex Urban and I'll be guiding you through a series of asana practices to open up the body, to follow opening up the mind. So you will work with opening shoulders, hips, your neck, the front, the back, the side body, all in a willingness to sit in meditation. Each practice builds and each meditation gets a little bit longer and you will feel the success that you have from the moving into the meditation. So be open to the freedom that is created from dedicating this time for yourself and hopefully you'll see that you can take this meditation anywhere and that all you need to do is breathe and there's even a couple guided practices for you to learn the tools of breathing and creating sacred space. I'll be there in every practice with you and most importantly you'll show up for yourself. Thanks so much.


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