(waves crashing) Hi. And now, next is four different levels of ujjayi. So there's four sound centers and there's in the body one it the center of the throat, Vishuddhi, then we have heart, anahata vakya, then we have navel, manipura vakya, and then we have perineum, maha varkya. We have these four sound centers and now we try to build the ujjayi breathing by using them or try to get the ujjayi resonate on these four different sound centers. And this is, again, you can do it as a separate pranayama practice.
But you can build it inside the asana practice also. So that when you start the sequence you start with the sun salutation, you do the vishuddhi vakya. So it resonates, the sound is vibrating on the throat. And then when you start to do the standing sequence the sound is, you feel the sound vibration in the heart center. Physical sound is generated with the throat, but energetically you can feel it, it start from the heart center.
And then when you go to the sitting sequence, then it's navel. And then when we do the inversions then it's perineum. And then when the savasana, then you release the ujjayi. Naturally there's no ujjayi in savasana. So these are the four different levels of ujjayi.
And now we're gonna go do them.
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