Practice with Jani Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 10

Anahata Vakya: Heart Ujjayi

5 min - Tutorial
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Jani guides us through a tutorial on Anahata Ujjayi to find vibration and resonation in the heart center. We explore the pranayama on its own and within Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose).
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Apr 21, 2018
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(waves softly crashing) And our next breathing technique, second ujjayi is anahata vakya ujjayi, where we try to bring the resonance from the throat to the heart center. So that that energetical movement goes from the throat. Because the physical movement is in the throat, because that's where the sound comes from. But the energetical resonance, we try to bring it down so that the breathing is starting from the heart center. And now, as alambana, as a base, as a support, we use ardha ha jathara bhedana.

So the half active abdominal breathing. So let's start with that. So inhale, breathe from the perineum to the armpits, and exhale from the armpits back to the perineum. And now try to control the dome of the diaphragm. So little bit restrict the movement of the dome of the diaphragm.

And then first bring the ujjayi to the throat center. Feel the physical sound vibration in the throat center. And then we're gonna use technique called saranagathi yoga. So that try to develop desire to move the sound towards the heart center. So you're not actually trying to force the movement of the sound move to the heart center but you're developing desire.

You try to be very specific with the desire and then you just try to surrender that desire. So physical anatomical sthula sarira breathing is still on the throat center but the energetical prana sarira, breathing is on the heart center. Now correspond the buddhi mayakosh its intellectual level, so it activates the intellectual level of that subtle body, jnanamaya level. And this is a good ujjayi when we do the standing sequence. Now we're gonna try to apply to the parsvakonasana.

So you can stand up, feet together. And then first build the alambana, the support. So inhale perineum armpits, exhale from the armpits perineum and dome of the diaphragm is controlled. And this was ardha ha jathara bhedana. Half active abdominal breathing.

And then try to feel the breathing in the heart center. To feel the ujjayi, the sound vibration of the breathing in the heart center. Then inhale and exhale, step or jump, turn the right foot out. You can bring the arm on the front thigh or hand next to the outer foot and left arm overhead. And hold one, two, breathe from the perineum to the armpits when you do inhalation.

Three, when you do exhale from the armpits, perineum, four and feel the breathing in the heart center. And five, inhale come up and then turn, left foot out and exhale, and down, and your right arm over the head, inhale, control the dome of the diaphragm, exhale, still maintain the dome of the diaphragm still, inhale, feel the breathing in the heart center. Exhale, relax lower abdomen, inhale breathe from the perineum to the hearts, to the armpits. Exhale armpits back to the perineum. And then inhale, come up, 10 toes forward and then middle fingers together and exhale samasthiti.

So this is anahata vakya ujjayi, ujjayi in the heart center. Thank you.


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