Practice with Jani Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 1

Welcome to Season 2

1 min - Show Intro
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Jani welcomes us to Season 2 of Practice With Jani where he will share tutorials on 8 Bandhas and their Marmas so that we can learn apply this to our asana practice and ultimately improve our concentration.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Jun 09, 2018
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(gentle music) Like the preity, bandhas are important part of our energetical body. They save, they help us to lead the physical and mental body together. So in a bandhas are built with the marmas. Marmas are like energetical, small, energetical center. Next we're gonna go to eight of these bandhas and how they are built with the marmas.

And how we can use the bandhas to improve our practice and also improve our concentration.


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