Yoga Groove Artwork
Season 3 - Episode 2

Rise and Energize

35 min - Practice


Rise up and energize your entire body. Suzy guides us through a fluid standing flow practice of creative postures including Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations) and balancing postures before moving low to the mat for hip opening and a calming breathing practice. You will feel refreshed and relaxed.
What You'll Need: Mat, Block

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This is a standing flow practice that will help you to rise up and energize. We'll start at the top of the mat, so come on down, take your feet hips width, so you've got some breathing room for the low back, and let's just forward fold right out of the gate to bow, and oh it feels so good as you let it all just pour down, and on your next wave of breath rise up, leading from the heart, exhale, pour back into the earth and feel the earth giving you energy, again inhale rippling belly ribs, chest lead with the heart and then empty it all out, inhale once more out over the edge of the mat and bow palms open receiving. On the next breath walk your hands up the legs and just piece yourself together, come to a flat back as though you were drawing the shoulders down the back and again you're sort of pitching out over about to dive in, and then exhale and bow once again. This time interlace your hands behind your back if you need a strap, you can use a strap and sort of pull apart in the elongate here as well, threading through the hands and then bend your right leg and open your chest to the left and let your heart rise up and then bow forward rinsing to the other side, left leg bends, chest expands and then you exhale back to center, bend both knees let the arms go again and then roll it up maybe use your hands this time push off and with the flat back hands to hips come to standing. I'm feeling better already okay bring your feet together and then stand nice and strong firmly rooted in your base arms reach out walk the right arm behind the left right wrist behind the left and then bring the palms to touch as you press into the point of contact integrate the front body rise up and over to the right side and then to the left side these side bends give us energy inhale back to center look up lift up and then exhale bring the fingertips in toward you and then pour out anything you don't need bend the knees empty it out come halfway up push off flat back exhale drip back down and then bend the knees hands to knees push off hands to hips realign stack and steady inhale sweep the arms out and up left arm comes behind this time and palms come to touch create a little halo around the skull and then inhale up and over to the left side let the hips go with and then the right side and just blowing in the breeze of your breath inhale back to center exhale into the center let it all go as you forward fold bend the knees a little bit palms open this time come halfway up lift your chest shine your heart forward and then exhale bow plant your palms in the earth step the right leg back and then the left to follow inhale rock the weight shift it forward and back a few times just getting a sense of this strength that you have pouring from the heart to the hands from the core feeding down into the hips into the feet and then pike back up into downward facing dog wag your tail little side to side here and then on an inhalation we're gonna skip chaturanga what yes we're skipping it we're going right to upward facing dog and then sneak attack we lower down cobra oh so it's kind of like a push-up but don't tell yourself that and then press back child's pose curl the toes under inhale downward facing dog so let's take it twice more this little reverse vinyasa you roll through the waves tops of the feet upward facing dog strong arms strong legs and then easy descent lower down through cobra bow pressing back child's pose inhale down dog third one's the charm inhale push through the feet up dog exhale lower down through cobra and then press it on back child's pose downward facing step your feet together this time the right leg lifts generously to the sky bend the knee coil in get round and then float it back up right knee comes to the right shoulder and then take a little elevator right here right knee to the right pinky finger oh jeez and then you drop in a little bit here and start to open through the outer right hip inhale exhale come back take that right leg up again and then cross the body knee to left shoulder now you could take fallen triangle or you could lower the shin right so phase one we always say fallen triangle like it's easy it's so flipping hard oh my gosh that first one is really nice and then come back to center but you gotta meet the challenge and then step back downward facing wag it off here through your up dog who rinse on down and then pour back downward facing left side is excited inhale float it high coil it get round gather inhale left knee left shoulder and then it rolls right down to that pinky finger drop in chest lifts inhale lift back left leg sweeps up and then take it across the body knee could come down towards that right elbow right shoulder for variation of fallen triangle or extend the leg out at 90 and then build this nice strong base exhale coming back to center down dog rinse through to up dog lower down exhale child's pose curl the toes under downward facing and then bend your knees look forward and then float towards the top of your mat half lift exhale bow inhale this time sweep the arms out reverse swan dive come all the way up hands to your heart tadasana i'm gonna take a little step forward so i've got some more room behind me here and then the right leg is going to come across the body and the arms reach out the right arm is going to lift up and you'll hold the right arm with your left palm give it a little massage and then reach up and over tractioning the hand and creating some space in the wrist so this should feel good after those last few arm balances we're working with now circle down drop it all off left hand comes to cinch your waist right hand to the ankle and then flatten the back breathe inhale the right foot just paints up the left inner thigh so we'll come to our tree pose either above or below the knee and then stepping into your firm base inhale steady your gaze exhale sweep the arms up maybe even take the gaze up up deepest breath of the day and then the right leg freeze up oh hands free it's really nice and then you're going to step that leg behind you in a little curtsy across into a twist as low as makes sense in your body yeah and as you twist the arms to the left the chest opens and come back through center from that shiva twist reach up on the diagonal and then cosmic curtsy you're simply gonna bow over the front of the mat inhale come back to center bring the knee in towards your chest and then exhale step back long stride warrior two base front heel migrates to the center in line with that back arch unfold palms open and then deepen with each exhalation here right arm sweeps behind maybe you can even wrap it around that left inner thigh and then the left arm is going to sweep up and back reverse inhale circle that left arm parsva canasana it's kind of nice here even if you want to interlace the hands and get a release through the wrist as well and let your head neck shoulders get a little heavier so that you're freeing up that right upper trapezius as well inhale exhale right hand comes to that inner left thigh and then you'll straighten the left leg coming into triangle here since the lengthening through the left side waist the gathering through the right side waist inhale energy out through the crown of the head and then exhale deepen free it back up and you're just going to paddle out up and over the waves step back down dog you could stay or move through that flow up dog cobra child's pose down dog inhale exhale right leg paints the sky bend your knee open your hip from here pull forward till you come to the knife edge of your left foot you stack the weight of the shoulder over your left wrist step outside yourself and flip your dog circle the arm around fingertips to the floor step the right foot and then the left to the top of your mat inhale halfway lift exhale spread the sits bones and then sweep the arms out reverse swan dive come to stand tall hands to heart breathing into your base lift and shift left leg steps across inhale sweep the arms out and up and then from here side bend so you're going to hold on to that left forearm give it some love compression massage as you pull the left hip in and then side bend up and over to your right breathe into that whole left side waist on your exhale circle down pause here left hand to the ankle right hand cinches the waist and then you lengthen deepen your breath push down through the roots of the right foot and then thread that left leg up above or below the knee incrementally taking your gaze upward and then firm it all in and then firm it all in steady your gazing points inhale sweep the arms out maybe even look up breathing nice and easy and then exhale that left knee so you can use all the work in that side body to lift that leg up whoa it almost took me down to go and then take it across behind you knees are crossed you're gonna sweep and clear coming into your shiva twist elongate the spine float up arms go right chest turns right and then come back through center inhale a little rebound and then exhale sweep and clear cosmic curtsy bow shoulders lifting and then scoop it back up through center steady your gaze that left leg now steps way back warrior two base adjust your stride check in make sure your inner thighs tracking to the outer knee everything is nice and mellow here as you inhale reverse it that left arm can come behind your back and the front rim of the pelvis lifts maybe you even can walk walk walk walk walk your hand to that inner thigh draw the limbs back into the center and then from here reach out coming into parsha konosana but you can interlace the hands here and release through that right wrist let it all breathe head neck shoulders just pouring down feel like you're pulling the feet together start to slide and then the left hand will drop off behind and then thread the legs back up and into the center lengthen out triangle pose inhale lengthen the right side gather through the left rotate open deepest breath of the day breath of the day bend the right leg reverse it give yourself a little paddle on the back there and then paddle out that's the sound it makes as you step back through downward facing dog inhale left leg you can take the flow oh almost skipped it oh how could I almost skip that I really wanted to do oh it feels so good I'm being generous with myself by doing another chaturanga there in reverse flow back to down dog inhale gather and center left leg lifts bend the knee open the hip but stay square and connected at heart pull forward shift to the blade of your right foot stack over shoulders over wrists and then big reach open hearted energized circle back around knee to nose step it through push off and then step the feet together inhale exhale bow wow inhale sweep the arms out and up and stand tall breathe in if you have a block it would be handy and helpful for this next variation so I'm going to place mine at its highest level at the the top of the mat there ready okay now it's a duet okay so from here we float the arms out just a big yawn and then exhale bring the hands back to center take the right leg across this time you're going to come to the top of your right foot here so you're sort of pressing down and into it and you might pause and stay here breathing in reach the arms out and up and then lean to your right pressing into the top of the right foot right elbow towards the thigh and you're in this nice long energizing side bend come back through center inhale reach up hands to heart take the leg up standing tree at the leg in a figure four here sit down into temple dancer and then press back up sit down and up and last one just a little easy grounding maybe go deeper on that last one and then lift take the leg up and twist across right leg comes behind sweep the arms to the left inhale rise up and then a little cosmic curtsy bowing back inhale root and rise through the center step way back warrior two inhale reverse it letting this just flow now circle down left elbow parsha rebound coming back up reach out for triangle just a breath and then little seesaw action back up reverse it this time instead of flowing you're going to lift and shift the weight light touch the fingertips on the block and then if you need heel toe the back leg in and then carve that leg out and up to stack in a line for half moon breathe in it should feel like there's very little weight on that bottom hand you might even be able to bring the hands to the heart in prayer pressing energetically through the back leg and then unfold it release step back long stride flip it on down stepping back downward facing dog or take your flow inhale through the waves up dog exhale bow and then oh little head bump there right exhale meet back in your down dog inhale right leg lifts bend it pull forward shift and flip this time come to the top of your right foot don't put the ball of the foot down but kick into the top of the right foot so you're getting that bow energy through the right leg and then circle back around right leg steps through maybe even a little standing splits moment if you need to build the floor up to meet you yeah and then feet together half lift exhale bow inhale reverse your swan dive come all the way up exhale tadasana hands to heart left leg steps across coming to the top of the foot and then externally rotating that leg really press into the top of the foot to balance yourself here inhale reach out and up and then exhale you're going to rise up and tip over not all the way but elbow left elbow into that side waist and really breathe into the right mid back even feel the right armpit kind of breathing and relaxing here circle the arms back down inhale you're going to bring that leg up now to that figure four feeling tree feeling above the knee and press back sitting down utkatasan feeling getting to know the lucky legs press into the palms to steady you even more lift up and sit back engage through the glutes as you press the hips forward last one maybe a little deeper oh yes and then breathe back left leg lifts take it up nice and high and then sweep across shiva twist left leg behind turning twisting to the right right inhale back through center hey exhale forward sweep cosmic curtsy inhale back to the top of the mat bring the left knee in and then let it flow warrior two swoop it open reach out and reverse circle on down drop off the elbow reach out and extend and drop swing into triangle inhale exhale since the left side waist is doing all the work here and you pull back up bend the right leg reach up and over keep that space in the right side bring the block in maybe a little bit closer so you can push off or walk the back foot in just a little bit more flex through the blade of that foot and then zip it all up maybe hands to heart right so it's this whole left side that's making everything more connected energized lighter and then step it on back reverse it come up and over so that you don't bump yourself in the head move your block step on back down dog if you want to catch that wave and flow through empty out pressing back last variation here shrug the shoulders come back to down dog inhale left leg sweeps up bend your knee lift and shift the weight knife edge of the foot don't come to the ball of the foot come to the top of the foot like bow and kick kick kick kick breathe in circle back around whoo slippery suckers and then step that left foot to the top inhale push off standing splits and then exhale two feet are one rise up bow now sit down deep chair and then let the chair take you on a little deeper ride all the way down to the floor that's why we have a cushion back there because sometimes it's a bumpy landing so find your boat pose inhale and then exhale and pause let the chest lift and we're going to come on to our backs so have your block handy nearby and we'll come on to our backs for our final little release through the hips and the low back every transition is an is core work right it's just an opportunity to integrate so come down with some grace oh and then you can make those sounds after you get down grab your block and we'll place it on the first level to start so lift your hips it's always helpful to lie down first and then move the block yeah and as you come into this just that is enough didn't even been doing so much work standing this gentle release is gonna feel so decadent now if you want to stay here ride it out groovy another option is to walk the right leg to start back now you get into this and you'll go what what is she crazy that's that's a terrible idea if you feel any pressure on the knee come up a little higher if you feel a little bit of uh let's just call it feedback on the top of the foot you're gonna be all right so walk the right leg back until perhaps you can flip to the top of the foot so all that work we've been doing to kind of bring some attention some um awakening to the top of the foot and lower leg and free up those tight compartments the ankle coming into play here really wonderful release for the hip flexors from the standing work and for the organs of digestion this really healing opening up through the front of the hip if you live through it because it can be intense so walking the inner thighs together and lifting zipping up through the low back or through the low belly and the pelvic floor to give some space to the low back and this is it just inviting the wisdom here and this unfolding and clearing the stagnation through the right leg when you feel ready to transition come out of it in the same and a couple steps there plant it oh it'll feel a lot lower than the other one and then second side you may find that you need more height or even less height to walk that left foot back you'd stay on the ball of the foot and create traction i'm gonna go up a little higher because i know me and less is more you're gonna walk the left foot back follow the foot top of the foot and then really feel that you're tractioning this the pelvis away from the spine maybe this side let the arms float up and over like yay shavasana is coming and slide the leg back a teeny bit more if you can relax the glutes the jaw your forehead and then inhale baby steps to come out of it no quick movements and then play your foot good so yogi's your choice staying here in this dog tilt drawing the legs one at a time towards the sky just this feels really nice you can interlace the hands beneath or make it a little more active and step on the clouds and just let the legs drain the low back release from your standing grounding work i even like to kind of massage my back a little bit here too i want to take a little figure eight great and then when you're ready might be sometime tomorrow because it's pretty fun up here just floating draw the legs back in palms to the floor toes in the sand lift the hips as high as you can and then maybe slide the block out from underneath you walk the hands down press the arms into the backs or into the legs there press down one last little lowering and then send the legs out shavasana inhale and just opening into all the space around you palms open hands lower than your heart sigh it out and then breathe in for a count of four suspend seven exhale eight energizing breathing and four four suspend in that overflow all the potential right there overflowing and then exhale eight eight inhale four overflow and suspend seven seven let go eight so so Gently feel the energy stirring, your roots as you plant the feet, traction the thigh bones away from the pelvis. One big breath. Exhale, sigh it out, arms reach up, and then roll to your side.

Rolling up to seated, and feeling awake and ready and energized to take on whatever you have to tackle today.


Jenny S
2 people like this.
A lot goes on here in 35 minutes: vinyasas with a refreshing variation, really cool transitions, and the funny and encouraging cueing from Suzy. Love this!
Martha K
Thanks for getting me going!
Annie T
1 person likes this.
Thanks Suzie . It's nice having you back for another season of great sequences and interesting poses.
Phuong E
I was struggling this morning from lack of sleep, but I could feel my mind body and spirit lighten as I flowed through this sequence. Genius as usual. Thanks, Suzy!
Annie T
You are amazing Suzie...clever sequencing, fun class and I am looking forward to your next season.

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