Your 30-Minute Go-to Yoga Sequence Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 4

Go-to Sequence v.3

30 min - Practice


Find spaciousness and ease in all the sticky spots of the body in this 30-minute go-to sequence led by Rosemary.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Welcome everyone, we're going to dive right in, meet me at the front of the mat, grounding down through the feet, let's inhale or reach the arms out and up and then interlace the fingers over the head, pressing through the palms, take a big inhale, lift the heart and exhale ease to the right, breathing into the left side body and then inhale back to center and exhale easing to the left, opening that right side, good and then inhale just straight back up and with your exhale reach the hands behind the back, interlace those fingers, inhale reach up through the heart and exhale soft bend in the knees as you fold forward, let the arms come up and over, deep inhale and exhale let the hands release towards the earth, keep that soft bend in the knees and just slowly on an inhale rolling the body all the way back up to stand and exhale release the shoulders down the back, let's do that again, inhale rise, slight variation, hook the thumbs this time and exhale ease to the right, feel free to take a soft bend in that left knee, inhale back to center and exhale to the left, inhale center and again exhale reach behind the back, take the other thumb on top, inhale rise through the heart and exhale again folding forward, give up the weight of the head, relax the neck, deep breath into the shoulders and with your exhale release, hands fall to the ear, heel to the feet together preparing for chair pose, bending the knees, inhale scoop it up, sitting down into it a little bit nice and strong through the center, tall through the spine and then inhale rise to stand and exhale take the hands home to the heart center. From here inhale reaching the arms out and up and exhale bow out and down, with your inhale halfway long spine and with your exhale step your left foot to the back of the mat nice long runner's lunge extending out through the heart breathing down into the hips a little long through the spine, give that one more breath and then with the exhale simply plant the hand step straight back into downward facing dog and pedal it out a little bit bending one knee and then the other saw through the neck and then with your next inhale sweep the left leg to the sky and with the exhale step it forward between the hands coming into your runner's lunge on the second side, pressing out through that right heel extending out through the heart shoulder blades sliding down the back breathing into any sticky spots nice big inhale and with your exhale simply step right foot forward to meet the left inhale lengthen halfway exhale fold forward bending the knees inhale rise chair pose and exhale home to your mountain pose hands at the heart diving right back in bend the knees inhale lift up exhale bow out and down inhale halfway up this time with your exhale step back with the right foot coming into that long lunge root the right hand and inhale float the left arm to the sky twisting lunge strong back leg wide open heart shoulder blades down the back just kind of wringing it out warming it up stay for a big inhale and with your exhale release the hand of the earth release the back knee to the earth and pull the hips straight back and just kind of moving between these two inhale easing forward exhale draw it back saying hello to the hamstrings inhale forward exhale back let's do that once more inhale come forward exhale pull it back and then inhale come forward you're welcome to stay there maybe just take the hands to that front thigh or reach the arms all the way up and hook those thumbs again rise through the heart keep engaging through the belly deep breath with your exhale take the hands behind the back find that clasp inhale wide open again through the heart exhale release hands down hips pull straight back lengthen the left leg again and then inhale come forward bending the knee and exhale tuck the back toe step straight back downward facing dog one breath and then with the inhale lift the right leg to the sky and exhale step the right foot forward between the hands root the left hand of the earth and inhale reach right arm lifts shoulder blades down the back strong through the foundation ringing it out a little bit more with your exhale release right hand to the earth lower the back knee pull the hip straight back with your inhale easing forward shine through the heart exhale draw back inhale forward exhale back once again inhale forward exhale back this time inhale come forward you're welcome to stay low simply take the hands to the front thigh or reach the arms all the way up hook the other thumb and rise through the heart center supporting it with that strong deep belly pulling in and up with the exhale reach the arms behind take that other thumb on top inhale lift a little more through the heart and then exhale simply release hands to the earth tuck the back toes and this time we're stepping the left foot forward to meet the right inhale lengthen halfway exhale full bend the knees inhale chair pose and exhale simply come to stand hands to prayer heart center from here let's step the left foot back coming into a wide stance hands to the hips drop the tailbone inhale lift the heart and exhale just kind of roll yourself down soft through the knees hands on the earth and then bending the right knee easing over to the right inhale to center bending that left knee ease to the left waking up through the inner thighs saying hello to the hips center again to the right and center and to the left and center and then keep that soft bend in the knees head heavy slowly inhale just roll yourself all the way back to stand exhale soft through the shoulders let's turn to the right for warrior two arms go wide finding a little dance with the breath here inhale lengthen that leg reach the arms up exhale bend and reach the arms out inhale to rise exhale bend inhale rise exhale bend and then pause just sitting down into it for a moment strong through the legs one more breath then inhale lengthen the right leg and we'll simply spin to the back of the mat coming into warrior two on the left side sit down into it and then inhale lengthen the legs lift the arms exhale extend again inhale lengthen and lift exhale extend once again inhale rise exhale bend pause strong legs steady gaze one more breath and then inhale lengthen the left leg exhale turn the feet to parallel again this time clasp the hands behind the back inhale rise through the heart and exhale fold continue to deepen that opening through the shoulders soft through the neck and jaw and then big inhale with your exhale release the hands down to the earth and then inhale lengthen the spine and with your exhale walk the arms out into hammock just releasing the heart towards the earth surrender into that for a moment and then slowly inhale walking the hands back in and as you exhale you're going to start to walk the feet a little closer together coming into a nice deep squat so sinking hips towards the earth finding your sweet spot hands to the heart deep breath simply release hands to the earth sail the hips back to the sky coming into a simple standing forward fold soft bend in the knees as you inhale roll yourself all the way up to stand and exhale releasing the shoulders back and down palms open standing mountain pose and take a moment to savor that feel the strength in the legs the length in the spine the ease you're creating in the shoulders and then we'll shift into tree paws rooting down through the right foot you're welcome to take any variation you feel for in this moment maybe toes down maybe lift a little maybe all the way to that inner thigh and the hands stay at home at the heart or if you're feeling for it rise letting the arms lift keeping the foundation your roots into the earth nice and steady and then exhale if you've lifted the arms draw hands home to the heart release that left leg shake it out a little bit and then root the left steady the gaze take the right foot up a little or a lot and again any variation you feel for with the hands and the arms if you're steady and you want to play inhale arms go up maybe even lifting the gaze finding the ease here in the stability and the strength of your tree and then simply hands home to the heart if they've lifted and really shaking out that right leg beautiful let's meet back at the front of the mat from here we'll move into a few more standing poses so inhale reach the arms out and up exhale bow out and down inhale halfway and with your exhale step your left foot to the back of the mat and spin your left heel down to the earth then just slowly guide your right forearm to your right thigh left hand of the hip for a side angle just for a moment opening the circle of the rib cage towards the sky finding that sweet space and then we're going to move straight into triangle so begin to lengthen the right leg and release the right hand above or below the near down to the ankle float left arm to the sky draw belly in and up tailbone towards left heel and then maybe if you feel for it reach that left arm up and over keeping the shoulder blade down the back feel that sweet extension in your triangle pose and always feel free to gaze where the neck feels the best we'll give that a couple more breath and then we'll inhale rise back into a side angle you're welcome to have forearm to thigh again or hand to earth and again that credible length on the left side body rooting through the left heel extending through the left fingertips a couple more breaths and then fill the body give yourself a big inhale with the exhale windmill that left arm all the way back down to the earth and then spin the back heel up you can step it forward a little bit and then begin to lengthen the right leg coming into a really long pyramid releasing the upper body down over the right leg saw through the neck good and then inhale bending the right knee root the left hand and reach right arm to the sky coming again into sweet open twist here notice if it feels a little more spacious since the opening of your flow big inhale exhale release right hand to the earth and then nice and easy step the right foot back downward facing dog give the body a breath here from here on your inhale let's start to walk the feet forward towards the front of the mat lengthening when you arrive and exhaling diving right back down into the fold then inhaling rolling all the way up reaching the arms to the sky and exhale right back down into your fold inhale to lengthen halfway and this time with the exhale step the right foot to the back of the mat spin that right heel down coming into side angle gently for this first cycle forearm to thigh right arm reaches up and over feel the length in the right side body and then inhale lengthen that left leg release the left hand down towards the ankle or the earth right arm straight up for triangle pose on your second side build your foundation and then if you'd like reach the right arm up and over extending out through the fingertips rooting through the right heel opening the side body couple more breaths gaze where the neck is happy and then we'll draw it back into side angle so bending that left knee rooting the left hand or forearm back to thigh reaching right arm up and over and keep pressing through the right heel three breaths and then with the exhale reach that right arm back and release it all the way down spin the right heel up you might step the right foot forward a little bit for long pyramid stance lengthen inhale deep and exhale give that a moment and then inhale bending that front knee root the right hand and reach left arm to the sky coming back into that twisting lunge notice any differences since the opening big inhale exhale release left hand of the earth step your left foot back downward facing dog take a breath here with the next inhale let's ripple forward into a plank pose shoulders over wrists and hold here building a little internal heat belly to spine energy out through the soles of the feet through the heart and the crown three two with your exhale simply release the knees to the earth let's take a few cycles of cat cow inhale lifting the tailbone the heart the gaze exhale to round release the head inhale lifting tailbone heart gaze exhale around just once again inhale lift shoulders way down the back and exhale around just for a moment sink back into child's get a little taste let the whole body surrender and then we'll inhale lift back up onto the hands and the knees and exhale transition all the way down onto the belly for our back bending sequence starting simply with sphinx so slide the forearms out and root down through the elbows and then inhale start to rise through the heart shoulder blades down the back feel the back muscles engaging the legs stable and steady on the earth big inhale and then exhale melt yourself all the way down take the arms alongside the body and then hands outside of the rib cage for just a baby cobra back bend to inhale lifting through the heart kind of feeling into your own edge here no need to overdo it still warming in exhale releasing all the way back down this time arms alongside the body palms open coming into locust strong through those back muscles rising up reaching out through the fingertips on the toes strong and steady three exhale releasing down pause just for a moment and then back into locust this time we'll take the variation of the hands clasping behind the back inhale to rise feel that sweet shoulder opening you've generated through the rest of your practice big inhale and exhale again let it go and then one last back bend here on the belly you're welcome to repeat locust with or without the clasp or reaching back for the feet or the ankles for bow pose as you're ready inhale reaching up wide open heart lifting the gaze a little but keeping the neck soft three two big inhale and exhale let it go back to the earth hands alongside the rib cage inhale press up onto the knees and exhale all the way back into child's pose lay it down give yourself a few breaths here this time countering the back bending inhaling to rise and from here exhale just let the knees move to either side we're going to roll all the way down onto the back easing down how the knees into the chest let yourself rock a little side to side for a moment and then plant the feet rest the arms alongside the body grounding the feet scoop the tailbone bridge pose and you can keep the arms right where they are or clasp the hands under the back rolling the shoulders in and under deep breath wide open heart three two hmm release the clasp if you have it and melt from the top to the bottom of the spine back to the earth hug knees in towards the chest again and then keeping the knees bent and pressing into the thighs feel the belly draw towards the spine engaging through the core you're welcome to stay right there or you can lift the head and shoulders just for three two let it tremble a little and then just rock yourself up to sit and inhale reach the arms out and up exhale into your seated forward fold length and inhale and exhale melt back down another really beautiful counter pose to your back bending you can begin with a straight spine and then let it round for three two inhale lengthen and exhale we're just coming right back down onto the earth hug the knees into the chest and then threading the needle across the right ankle over the left knee flex the foot protecting the knee joint loop the hands around the left thigh or left shin breathe another right hip and then for our final twist here on the back we'll just slide that right knee over the left and let the knees fall to the left reaching the right arm out deep breath into low back and sacrum maybe follow the right fingertips with your gaze hmm one more breath inhaling draw it back to center and unwind the legs taking the left ankle across the right knee loop hands around right thigh or right shin threading the needle second side breath into left hip slowing it down soothing the body and then for the twist draw that left knee across the right and ease the legs over to the right and then reach the left arm out to the left hmm feels so good another breath or two inhale draw yourself back to center unwind the legs once again hug those knees into the chest wrap the arms around rocking a little and then take a big inhale and exhale let it all go shavasana final rest legs extend and roll open palms roll open heart relaxes open lay it down let it go allowing for the integration of your practice just rest coming back to that deep breath waking the body up again take an inhale as you extend the arms up and over and then exhale bending the knees feet to the earth let yourself roll to either side and then dieting yourself all the way up to a comfortable seat taking just a moment to transition mindfully from your practice into the rest of your day hands to prayer at heart center soft bow forward to yourself for showing up for your practice namaste and thank you.


Jenny S
5 people like this.
Version 3 is so yummy...I’m feeling well wrung-out and so grateful for Yoga Anytime ❤️
Kate M
3 people like this.
Thank you Rosemary! Sweet little practice : ) Thank you all for continuing to explore new ways to bring us into the practice : )
2 people like this.
thanks for the 30 min fix! loved the twisting and sequence. gratitude!
Diane C
2 people like this.
Thank you for a wonderful class. I can't think of a better way to relax at the end of a work day. I loved the flow of this particular class. Diane
Rosemary Garrison
I'm so happy to hear this, Diane. If I remember clearly, I was well steeped in the practice at this point... hence, the most juicy! Enjoy. 
2 people like this.
I agree with Diane, this is a fantastic unwinding relaxer! Really enjoyed this V3. It’s going into my Evening Playlist!  Thank you! 
Rosemary Garrison
Yay, Emfortee! I'm so happy it made your playlist. Enjoy!
Leah K
2 people like this.
Thank you, Rosemary! This was the perfect pace for me today. 
1 person likes this.
Bliss. Perfect pace, perfect cues. Thank you.
Shandi S
1 person likes this.
That was the best shavasana ever! And I don't normally like shavasana, usually something is sore, but this practice was perfect! Thank you Rosemary!
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