We are going to take a look at Utkatasana. You ready, Amy? Okay, come on into it. Just one very simple hands-on adjustment in this pose. We'll mostly look at the alignment and some verbal cues, okay? So we want to make sure that there's some grounded even weight through the feet. You might even encourage your student to look down and make sure they can see their toes so the knees are not pitching too far forward, which will ultimately create strain on the knee and ankle joints, okay? Legs are engaged, tailbone is descending, belly is drawing in and up, shoulder blades are soft down the back, and there's this beautiful rise through the central channel, tall spine lifting through the crown of the head. And then if the arms are falling asleep or just kind of sloppy, noodley arms, you can come behind them, taking your forearms essentially outside of their upper shoulders and your hands right around their upper arms and then twisting in and even drawing your forearms down a little to ground their shoulders, yeah? And then you can take fingers to their upper shoulders and just gently guide them down to create a little more spaciousness through the neck. Perfect. You can release that as you're ready, okay? Thank you. Thank you so much. Namaste.
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