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This show has Seasons that can be taken as courses.

Hands On Adjustments

Hands on Adjustments can be a transformational part of the yoga practice. They can deepen our experience of a posture, help us access poses that we otherwise may not be able to access, and expand the entire experience of the yoga journey. Rosemary, with the help of students, helps us explore the alignment, verbal cues, and various hands on adjustments of a number of common yoga postures. It is our hope that with this new knowledge you are able to offer your students an incredible gift.

Season 1 - The Postures of Sun Salutations

Take as Course

Season 2 - Standing Postures

Take as Course

Season 3 - Standing Forward Folds

Take as Course

Season 4 - Backbending and Counter Poses

Take as Course

Season 5 - Seated Forward Folds and Twists

Take as Course

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Yoga Anytime

Anywhere, As You Are

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