Carrying on in the seated forward fold journey, Alana is going to come into Marichyasana A. This is a very simple adjustment, just help to deepen the pose a little, okay? So her left leg is active and extended, her right foot is firmly rooted, she's in the full bind, you don't necessarily need to be, same adjustment would apply, okay? So I'm going to step my left foot outside of her left side body, bracing myself, my right hand is coming onto her knee to root it down and my left hand is coming right around her mid-upper back, the hand on her right knee is rooting down and very slightly drawing back to counter the movement of my left hand easing her forward and down a little deeper into the fold. So just in case it isn't clear where my left hand is, I'm going to release my right so you can see right around her mid-upper back easing her forward and a little deeper into the fold, okay? And then to release I take some weight off of her body, release my left hand from her back and release her knee. Thanks Alana, beautiful, okay? Play with that, namaste.
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