20-Minute Yoga Flows Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 5

Let's Get Flowing

20 min - Practice


Build heat and energy in just twenty minutes. Sarah guides us through an energizing flow practice of Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations), warrior postures, and balancing postures to build strength in the legs, feet, arms, and shoulders. You will feel strong and replenished.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Hello. Welcome back. Let's get flowing. Stand on the top of your mat. Big toes touch. Heels slightly separated. And on an inhale, sit back like you're coming into a chair. Reach up into your chest. Take an inhale and exhale. Fold forward over your legs. Inhale, look up. Roll your shoulders back. And exhale, step back into a high plank. Take a moment to stabilize. Broaden across your chest. Tighten a little bit in between the thighs. Inhaling. And exhale to chaturanga. Inhale, upward facing dog. And exhale, down dog. Your left foot will pivot 45 degrees. Right foot forward. Inhale to come up. Warrior one. Touching your palms together. Really reaching up through the hands. And then exhale, hands to the floor. Step back. Chaturanga, elbows in. Inhale, up dog. And exhale, down dog. Right foot pivots 45 degrees. Left foot forward. Inhale to reach up. Warrior one. Exhale, hands to the floor. Chaturanga, dandasana. Inhale, up dog. And exhale, down dog. Take some time in your dog. Establish a breath, a deep intentional inhale, and a deep intentional exhale. Let your head relax.

Look forward. Step or lightly jump up. Lift. And exhale, fold. And like you began, drop your hips. Inhale to sit. And exhale to stand. One more time like that. Inhale to sit back. And exhale, fold forward. Inhale, look up. And exhale to chaturanga, dandasana. Inhale, up dog. Exhale, down dog. Left foot 45 degrees. Right foot forward. Strong legs. Inhale, warrior one. Exhale, hands to the floor. Chaturanga, dandasana. Inhale, up dog. Exhale, down dog. Right foot 45 degrees. Left foot forward. Inhale, reaching up.

And exhale. Step back, chaturanga. Inhale, up. And exhale, down dog. Imagine you're going to rip the mat in half with your arms and your legs. And then imagine you're totally relaxed, hanging off your bones. Find a happy medium between the two. Then look forward. Step or jump up. Inhale to lift. Exhale to fold. Sitting back. Inhale. And exhale to stand. Separate your feet, hip distance, maybe a little wider if your hamstrings are super tight. And then hands at your hips. Take an inhale, lift up into the front of your body, a little in the belly. And as you exhale, fold forward. Bring your peace fingers to your big toes. Bend your knees if you need to to get the grip. And then take an inhale to look up. Really lengthen. And then exhale, fold. Keep the length. Let your head totally drop. Take the pressure off your hamstrings. They're not going to change right now.

Look for that space in your neck. Look forward in your breath. On another inhale, look forward, roll your shoulders back. And then exhale, hands come to your hips. Really push into the legs and inhale to come all the way up and step your feet back together. Once more, chair pose. Sitting back. Really establishing the weight in your heels, rolling your shoulders back away from the ears. And then bring your hands together in front of your chest. Take a moment here. Press your thumbs into your breastbone. Pull the belly in. Exhale, left elbow outside of your right knee. Look over your right shoulder. Take a few moments to breathe here. And then keeping a little work in the belly, the weight is going to come into your right heel. Pick your left heel up. Hover. You can tap down if you need to. And then gently step your left heel back. Stay in the twist. Broaden across the front of the body. Come back to your breath. And then pressing into your heel. Squeeze between your thighs. Come up. Crescent lunge. Dry and brighten in the front of the body. Take a few moments here. Feel your weight. Try and redistribute a little bit. Engage in the belly. Reach up through your hands. And then hands come down to your hips for balance. Plug into your right heel. Step up. Left knee bends. Take all the time you need. Slowly. Your right knee bends. Your left foot wraps around your right calf. Sit your hips back. Reach your arms up. Right elbow underneath your left. Elbows and wrists away. Take a few moments here. Try and lift up into the front of the body. Gently release. Shake it out if you need to. We'll try the same thing on the other side.

Inhaling to sit back. Finding your chair. And then hands come together. Try to take the belly button with you. Right elbow outside of your left knee. Look over your left shoulder. You can be your own adjuster looking down at your knees. See that they're in the same line. And then the weight moves into the left foot. Right heel pops up. Hover. Send it back. Stay in your lunge. Stay in your twist. Keep coming back to the quality of your breath. Try and slow it down.

Press into that left heel. Inhale. Crescent lunge. Keep your right heel active pulling up. Engage a little bit in the low ribs like you're knitting them together so that you have the support of your abdominal muscles. Hands to your hips. Step up. Pause if you need to. Get your balance. It's not easy. Bend your left knee. Wrap your right foot around your left. Sit your hips back. Reach your arms up. Pause.

Exhale. Left elbow underneath your right. Wrists and elbows away. Relax as much as you can without totally falling apart. And then inhale. Stand up. Release. Shake it out a little bit if you need to. If you have a block handy, this is a good time to grab it. And just bring it so that it's at the medium height near the top of your mat. And we'll reach forward in a moment. But step out with your left leg and turn your right toes away from you. As you exhale, lunge into your right knee so you're in warrior two reaching your arms out. Squeeze energetically between your heels and engage up into the midline of your body. Relax your shoulders. Relax your jaw. Flip your palms. Soften your elbows. On an inhale, reach back.

Reverse warrior. And on an exhale, right elbow to your thigh. Left arm up and over your ear. Nice long side stretch opening up in the side of the body. And then come back up to your warrior two. Straighten your right leg. You can walk your left toes, your left foot in slightly. Bend your right knee and reach for your block. Bring it about six inches on the tall or medium setting. From your right foot, float your left leg up. Keep your hips open and really push your left foot into something. Left hand can stay at your hip. This is half moon. Your top arm can come up. Take a few moments here. Try and find a little energy that can radiate out from the center so you're moving out through your foot, up through your hand. Take an inhale and exhale just in the nick of time. Left hand to the floor. Your right hand can come to the floor. Block can go out of the way. Keep your left leg in the air. Let your head drop. Doesn't matter how high your left leg goes, try to keep the hips square. From here pull up into the belly. Left leg comes up to meet the right. Inhale and exhale fold. Press into the legs. Inhale all the way up and release. Take your block and move back out. This time we'll go to the left side. The block can be ready for you just outside the left foot. Bend the left knee. Find your warrior. Shoulders over your hips, rather, extending out through your wrists. Flip your palms. Soften the elbows. Reach back. Reverse warrior. And exhale. Side angle. Stretching across the top of the body. Big deep breath. From here back up. Left leg straightens. You can walk that right foot in a little bit closer.

Bend your left knee. Start to step into your left foot. You can adjust the block. Float your right leg up. Hip tries to open. Top arm comes up. Maybe. Whoops. It's okay if you fall. This is not easy. Nice big exhale to stabilize. And then relax as much as you can without losing the energy. Take an inhale and exhale. Right hand to the floor. You can move the block out of the way. And your right hip squares. Let your head drop. Again, doesn't matter how high your right leg goes. We just want to keep the hips square. From here. Belly pulls in a little. Right foot comes up to meet the left. Halfway up. Exhale, fold. Inhale, come all the way up. And exhale. Release your hands. From here, you can just sit down. Pull your knees in. Just behind your hips. Establish a foundation in your feet. Press your heels into the floor. Press the pinky finger side of your hands into the mat. Peel your hips up into a bridge pose. You can shimmy your shoulders underneath you, interlacing the hands. And reach energetically through your knuckles towards your heels. Breathe. The more you lift your thighs, the more you press down into the feet. Really rooting here. Hands out of the way. Ease yourself back down. Do that again if that felt nice. If you prefer to come into a wheel, hands alongside your ears. And on an inhale, as the hips lift, the arms straighten. Let your head relax. A little internal rotation in your thighs. Big deep breath. Slowly easing back down. Pause. You can either go back to a bridge or one more wheel. Do the thing that feels nice for you. Inhaling. Coming up into your pose. In the wheel, you have the option to walk your feet a little bit closer. Relax as much as you can in the shoulders. Either way, really strong legs. Really nice deep breath. Slowly back down to the floor. Pause. Windshield wiper. Knock your knees side to side. Pull your knees in towards your belly. And then bring your arms out. You can wrap your right leg around your left. So you have ego legs once more. Or simply drop your bent knees to the left side.

Look over your opposite shoulder. Slow your breath down. Let gravity and time do some of the work. Rolling back to the middle. Untie the legs and either do the same wrap or drop your bent knees to the right side. Adjust so that it's comfortable. I want you to feel at ease here. Slowly coming back to the center. Untie the legs. Maybe a quick happy baby pulling the edges of the feet down. Broadening a little bit in the hips. And then knees come together. Roll up. Take your blanket or your pillow and roll it so you have a little bit of height. And then let your knees come over the top. So you have a little bit of support. Roll onto your back.

Relax. This is your last pose. Drop your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Roll your eyes back. I'll give you a few moments here to relax. I'll let you know when it's time. Without changing too much, too quickly. Wiggle your fingers. Wiggle your toes.

Pull your knees in. Give yourself a squeeze. Roll over. Make your way to an easy seat. Close your eyes. Sit with integrity in the body. Softness in the belly. Thank you for being here. Namaste.


Jenny S
1 person likes this.
Sweet little morning wake up 🌅 feeling nice and groovy now...🙏🏻✌️
Sarah Lowe
Jenny nice and groovy, love that! ✌🏻💫thanks for practicing! 
M Angela C
1 person likes this.
Sarah, I am really enjoying these 20 minute practices. I think of them as yoga bites !  They are sweet and satisfying . Your guidance throughout the series has been clear and calming. Thank you for putting these practices together. 🙏 
Laura M
1 person likes this.
So good!!! Thank you!!!!

Glenford N
2 people like this.
A beautiful calming  and energizing way to start the day. I will have fun - and a few tumbles- trying to master the balancing poses.  Thanks Sarah.
Kate M
1 person likes this.
Short and sweet - ly challenging! Very nice...
Rachel R
1 person likes this.
Amazing, thanks!
Sandra Židan
Interesting practice! Thanks, Sarah! Regards!
Tracy C
These little 20 min practises are really great! Just a perfect amount to sqeeze into a busy day. It's fun, challenging and refreshing ! Thanks!!

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