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Chakra Course Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 2

What are the Chakras?

10 min - Talk


Are the Chakras real? We dive deeper into the chakras—what they are and how you can explore them within your own being.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Apr 20, 2019
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Hopes for this Course

This course is for everyone and as we begin to come back to ourselves and look at ourselves daily through the lens of the chakras that we can become empowered to make changes in our lives in any way to become happier and healthier to be able to serve the world. So, by transforming ourselves, by healing ourselves in this way we can become more effective agents for the world around us.

What are the Chakras

Chakra can translate simply to wheel and so there are these cyclical patterns that exist within our bodies and that we can begin to affect and create change with because change has to do with movement but they're specifically related to these intersections within our body and that they begin to connect our physical, our mental, our emotional, our spiritual selves so that through accessing them we can begin to transform and heal not only the deepest wounds that we may have within us but then also be sources of healing and transformation for the world around us.

Are the Chakras Real

I feel they are real, I feel they are real, it's in the subtle body so in the most ancient temples and caves, yoga caves in India to the very first drawings of yogis like one thing that this yoga body was expressed and painted in so many different ways and it wasn't the yoga body that we think of today but that the yoga body was the subtle body and this is from like found it so fascinating these etchings on walls and there was this wonderful show at the Asian Museum in San Francisco's yoga as transformation and the yoga body and it was purely the subtle body and so all of these different channels so the nadis of the body or the energy centers within the body and then specifically the chakras so the ancient yogis really saw these as real as they begin to experience their bodies more fully, we only see our bodies as tangible but in this philosophy we have seven bodies first of all we have five bodies we have to take care of but that the yoga body has to do with the subtle because we're talking about energy we're talking about consciousness and becoming awake of the different areas of consciousness within us so I do believe that they're real and I've had the opportunity and the real experience of them being real so you know whether it starts in the mind of like this exists I don't really care because they've been sources of great transformation in my life just to be able to look at my life every single day I think of it as tuning an instrument you know that if one string is off on a guitar it's gonna not play well right you can just tell like it's just the sound is off but it's a way to be able to tune in to all the different qualities of my life because one begins to affect the rest so if I'm only paying attention to one that's gonna throw the whole system off and if one's completely denied or neglected in the same way it's gonna throw the system off so it's a way for me to look at what do I need today what part of my life is undernourished and how can I put my system back into wholeness so the way that I look at this internal blueprint

Are the Chakras Real for You

so to speak is it's a combination so like I mentioned one of the one of the first real powerful effects was Harish Johari's book chakras and so he has within it again just these this gorgeous map of specifically Hindu related and tantra related images so these yantras filled with exotic deities so I started to think of the body being this temple with all these altars to be able to pray at within my body so it became this love affair that I had with spiritual practice a lot of the Hindu practices I spent a lot of time in India studying yantras and tantra yoga which is so related and I still really hold true to those you know bowing at these altars within and in these external temples absolutely but how it began to evolve for me is that the spiritual practices began to take root more in my daily life so not only through my body as I began to age and I had different physical dysfunctions begin to happen different injuries and I would feel how it would affect the whole and that it wasn't just a satiric but it was more literally physical so if there was a if there was a certain part of my body that was injured or in pain or experiencing some sort of disease it would affect the whole system so from my emotional world to my physical organs to with my study on the glandular system and the chemical makeup of the body and I really got into neuroscience for a while and how it affects really the system of the body so the spiritual and the physical began to become united a lot more for me and it started to make sense inside of my body and so asana became really a big way to begin to heal what are the asanas how can I begin to move to truly access them again instead of a spiritual meditation my teacher Bhagavan Das would do these six hour journey through the chakras the deities and calling on them and doing pujas and offering flowers and incense and ringing bells and I mean just ecstatic in its spiritual nature like wow and vibrating them with all this great sound but then it became really practical like okay this is also real inside of my body and I can experience great health and healing in this very physical way and then it's begin to evolve not to deny any of it like the spiritual is really real for me physical is really real for me and then also how it shows up in daily life so as I begin to live a more householder life and really coming from spiritual heights and spiritual highs down to quote unquote the mundane or just being a parent being a wife being a partner and having to deal with this basic standards of living the chakras became really real there so this course is definitely so inspiring and the chakras can be so uplifting

Explore the Chakras

with all of their positive qualities that we awaken of course of our personal power and energies of grounding and our ability to express ourselves but it's also a lens to be able to explore the shadows of the chakras so these are generally the aspects of society of course and of ourselves that we deny and we don't want to look at but it's actually what makes looking at ourselves through the lens of the chakras most empowering because by actually looking at the other side of let's just say the shadow of the first chakra is fear the positive aspect of it could be safety by addressing our fears is where we can actually begin to take the steps towards healing and empowering ourselves through the lens so it is going to take a little bit of work and I'm really going to ask you to do the work that's necessary to be honest and to write down your answers to these questions as honestly as you can so that you can look at them and then begin to make the changes in any way that you can without being hard on yourself we're not here to beat ourselves up right we're here to be develop an honest relationship with ourselves and then take action where we can.


Claire V
Really nice energy only listening to Jasmine

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