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Season 2 - Episode 8

Kriya for the Lymph Glands

45 min - Practice


Open yourself up to radiant health. Aimee guides a practice that helps us connect to our lymph glands or the guardians of health. We clear the toxins and find a new sense of vibrancy.

Please see attached mantra sheets to practice along with Aimee. We also work with the mantra: Har Guru Siri Guru Wahe Guru.
What You'll Need: Mat


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Welcome. This kriya is designed to connect you to your lymph glands, which protect your body from disease. We call them the guardians of health. And so allowing yourself to access them, work them, we're clearing them with any toxins within them, really opening ourselves up to radiant health. And so let's begin.

Come seated in a cross-legged position, also known as easy pose. Have your palms facing upwards at your knees, and gently, slowly close your eyes. And become aware here of where within your body you would like to clear, to cleanse, to purify regarding your health. Any sicknesses, illnesses, diseases, discomforts, pains, aches within. Let's do our best to allow them to come through, instead of denying them.

Become aware of them. Call them in. With every inhale here, so that you're breathing in health, care, peace, purification, clarity. And with every exhale, starting to release them, to soften them, not resist or deny them, but to create a relationship of ease with them. And together, let's inhale, and with this exhalation, release a sigh.

Again inhale long and deeply, into all that feels unhealthy within, and as you exhale, let them go. And inhale long and deeply, radiant health, beaming, bright, beautiful health within. And exhale, let go of any resistance, blocks or barriers. Begin rubbing your palms together, treating a heat between your hands, charging up your energy. And then bring your palms together in prayer at your heart center, shoulders relaxed.

Eyes still closed, focus at your third eye point. We'll tune in chanting Aung Namo Gurudev Namo, and then Argriname, Jugaar Guriname, Saar Guriname, Sri Gurudave Namme. Mantra is to call in your own wisdom, your knowledge, your truth, to connect to the golden chain of wise ones who've come before you, and then calling in that wisdom and that truth for protection. Let's inhale to tune in together. Aung Namo Gurudev Namo, Argriname, Jugaar Guriname, Saar Guriname, Saar Guriname, Saar Gurudave Namme.

Aung Namo Gurudave Namme, Jugaar Guriname, Saar Guriname, Sri Gurudave Namme. Aung Namo Gurudave Namme, Saar Guriname, Sri Gurudave Namme. Inhale, suspend your breath holds. Feel the mantras vibrating through you from your heart around yourself, around where you're practicing today, out into the beyonds, and exhale, Sat Naam, and relax your arms here. Continuing to sit in easy pose, bring your hands to your knees for a spinal flex.

We'll start with a warm up. You're inhaling, flexing your spine forward, shoulders back, exhale, rounding your back, shoulders forward, inhale, exhale, and begin. Eyes close, focus inwards and upwards into your third eye. You're starting to loosen any tensions along your spine, between each bone in your spine, as well as across your chest, in your guts, as well as your hips. Good.

Start to quicken your pace here for these last moments. Inhale into the center, holds. Feel that heat that you started to cultivate, let it rise up from the base of your spine to the crown of your head, and exhale. Help your palms over for a moment, just experience this warm up. Feel where the heat is, where changes are occurring.

Feel where within you is still cold and maybe asleep. No judgment, just notice. And inhale, exhale. And now we will begin the Kriya. So feel free to switch up your stance here, whichever leg is in the front, bring it to the back, balancing your hips.

You're going to place your hands onto your head, spread your fingers wide, and then your thumb is going to cover your ears. So cover them gently first so that you can hear me. Open your shoulders, so bring your elbows back. And the movement is this, you're going to twist to the left, center, right, center. So it is a very staccato kind of movement, it's not fluid.

So it's inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. So come into this asana, join me here, and let's begin. Eyes closed, focus at your third eye point. Make sure you're pushing your elbows back. Find a straight, make sure your head is going with you.

Okay, continue here. Use your breath to relieve any tensions you're feeling in your shoulders and your arms. Keep up here. Inhale into the center, hold, and exhale. Relax your arms, open your eyes for a moment.

And now I'm going to demonstrate the next asanas, you just want to keep that energy that we're cultivating going to flush out our system and really clear through our lymph glands. So you're going to bring your thumb to the mound underneath your pinky finger known as your mercury mound. So here we are, thumbs right here underneath our mercury fingers, our pinky fingers. And so your elbows are bent and you're going to bring your elbows into your rib cage, your palms are facing you, but see how my hands are in an angle. You're going to inhale and then exhale, switch.

This is a very powerful movement. You want to actually strike your rib cage. So you really want to shake your system awake here. So it'll look like this. So come into the asana, eyes closed, and let's begin.

Make this movement be so powerful. Clear through your system. Break up the stagnant energy. Allow yourself to sweat. Allow yourself to cultivate that heat, that heat means change.

Now at your own pace. Keep up here. Keep up here. Inhale, arms both up, hold, clear, cleansing, purifying energy, receive, receive, receive, and exhale. Relax your arms.

Bring your shoulders up, back and down, shake out your arms, shake out your hands. Powerful practice here. We'll continue using this energy. Since you're going to flip your palms to face upwards at your knees, this is called a lion's roar. Your inhale is going to be through an O mouth and it's going to sound like a roaring sound.

So it's not just, you're not sipping in your breath, you're breathing like this. So really it's like a gust of air coming in. And then as you exhale, so that's why it's called a lion's roar. So it's a very powerful breath, remember, this is all about clearing, cleansing, any kind of dis-ease, discomfort, sickness, illness, anything that's heavy, stagnant, or blocked, you want to clear it out. So let it be a powerful breath and let this be a powerful movement.

So as you inhale, you're bringing your arms up overhead. And then as you exhale, you're bringing your hands back down to your knees. Remember, palms are upwards the whole time. And so come into this asana. And let's begin, eyes closed, focus at your third eye point.

Go at your own pace. Keep up, you're doing it. Keep up, you're doing it. Commit to your health. Call in that lion's courage.

Oh, that has been stressful. Oh, that has been heavy. Feel like you're clearing, cleansing, and putting it into your past. Dump it behind you. Last one.

Inhale, arms overhead. Hold, strong, steady, stable, healthy. Through your mouth powerfully exhale. Relax your breath. Stay here for a moment.

Palms facing upwards, just pause. Feel the effects of the asanas. And inhale, exhale. Gently, slowly open your eyes. And you're going to bring your thumbs back to your mercury mounds here.

Just like we did in an asana before, this last one. Your arms are stretched wide, palms facing downwards. And so the movement is this. You're going to inhale here, exhale down, inhale, exhale. So it's two pumps, like that.

And then you're going to come up for two pumps. So it's inhale. That's what the asana looks like. And so join me here. Remember, your thumb is at your mercury mound.

Arms open wide, eyes closed, focus at your third eye point. Inhale, exhale, arms down. Inhale up, exhale down. Inhale up, exhale up. Go at your own pace.

Continue here. Feel like you're cleansing your electromagnetic fields, the energy all around you. Clearing out your lower energy centers, clearing out your upper body centers. Inhale, arms open wide, hold, balance. And exhale, relax your arms.

Palms facing upwards at your knees. Just rest, relax for a moment, recalibrate. And inhale, exhale. Gently slowly open your eyes. And now I'm going to demonstrate the next asana that's called frog pose.

So I'm just going to push my bolster aside when I come to standing. So here as I'm standing, I'm first going to ground myself. We did a lot of floor work, a lot of pranayama, a lot of breath work. So I'm just going to stop my feet on the earth. I feel like I'm here, I'm steady, I'm stable, right where I am, right where I'm standing.

And so I'm going to bring my heels together. So I'm creating a V with my feet. My heels are touching and I'm going to come bending down. Notice that when I come bending down, my heels are going to stay touching. And so I'm going to do my best to stay on my tippy toes with my heels touching throughout this whole asana.

I'm on my fingertips and I'm going to bring my fingers in front of me, not right in between my legs, otherwise I'll tip over and fall over. So I just want to catch myself already. I'm going to bring my fingertips in front of me, in front of my body. I'm going to inhale and straighten my legs, keeping my heels together, staying on my tippy toes. I'm straightening my legs, my chin is in my chest, and then I'm going to exhale, bend my knees and bring my forehead up to the sky.

It's very important that you do this and you're really lengthening, bringing your forehead up. Watch me again, inhale, chin into my chest, straightening my legs. Exhale, bend my knees, bring my forehead up. So join me here, come standing, take your time. Stomp your feet on the ground, feel solid and steady, stable.

Have your feet in a V, remember your heels are touching. And then gently, slowly, come lowering down, try to keep your heels still touching, and now you're on your tippy toes. Fingers in front of you, you're on your fingertips, feel solid, steady and stable here. To modify, you don't have to come all the way down or all the way up, you go to your limit. So maybe your knees stay bent the whole time.

That's completely up to you. You can also put your cushion or your block in front of you if you have one, and hold on to that too. Those are a couple modifications. So we're going to be here for a couple minutes together, and let's begin. Inhale, chin into your chest, straighten your legs.

Exhale, bend your knees, bring your forehead up to the sky. Again, inhale, chin into your chest, straighten your legs. Exhale, bend your knees, forehead up. Close your eyes and continue here. Move through this at your own pace.

Enjoy the stretch and excellent asana to do on its own, particularly to start your day. This is one of the asanas that we feel allows you to really feel embodied truly within your body glove, stretched into your body glove. Breathe in to that heat, that burning sensation in your legs. I'm sure you're feeling, but embrace it. Something is burning through, clearing through.

You're releasing something. Something's changing within you, and that's why we're here. So embrace that. Feel that power, use that heat to strengthen yourself. And inhale, last one, straighten your legs, chin into your chest, hold, and exhale, bend your knees, forehead up to the sky.

Open your eyes. Excellent work. And so let's stretch our legs. Give them a shake, a little massage if you'd like to, and then come lying onto your back. So here as you're on your back, we're going to begin bicycling.

You can place your hands underneath your buttocks for that extra support for your lower back, or they could be down onto the earth by your side. So bring your knees into your chest, and begin moving your legs in circles. So join me here. And just a slow, steady breath. Eyes closed.

Focus at your third eye point. Move at your own pace. Feel that this movement is clearing and cleansing and purifying. Any stagnant energy within your legs and your hips that are keeping you from change or moving forward into a healthy life, into a healthy state. Keep up with the movement.

And now continuing to bicycle here. If you can come into a shoulder stand, please do so. If you cannot, then you're going to stay here on this bicycle. So I'm going to come up into my shoulder stand and continue bicycling. Supporting my lower back with my hands.

Remember, the option is just to stay on your back, continue bicycling. Notice the difference here in your shoulder stand. A steady breath. Existing, flushing, clearing, cleansing. Focus at your third eye point, keep up.

Switch your legs up in your shoulder stand. And now you're going to touch the floor behind you and plow post scissors. For those of you who are on your back and not in shoulder stand, do alternate leg raises. Do your best to let your toe touch the floor behind you. This is just a short moment here.

Inhale and up into your shoulder stand. Put your legs up to the sky, and now as you exhale, I want you to gently, slowly lower yourself down. Walk your hands down your back, slowly letting yourself down. You can bring your feet down to the earth, knees bent. Relax your legs out in front of you just for a moment.

And pause, palms facing upwards, just relax for a moment. Feel your energy balancing, system flushing, reorganizing, upgrading. And inhale, exhale. You can bring your knees into your chest for a moment, rock left and right, and back and forth, or roll over to your side and come seated up into an easy pose position. I'll meet you there. Take your time.

Now here, back in easy pose, feel free to place a bolster, a blanket underneath you. And we'll begin our meditation. And so the mantra that we're going to be chanting here is Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru. And so it's calling in that creative energy, that teacher, that guru, that wise one within us, to excel, to come through, to express excitement and ecstasy for coming through. So again, it's Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru.

It's Har, H-A-R, tip of the tongue strikes the roof of the mouth, Wahe, Wahe, Guru is like guru, but again, tip of the tongue striking the roof of the mouth of that R sound, guru. City is S-I-R-I, so like Siri, but you're saying city. So that R sound, tip of the tongue striking the roof of your mouth, City Guru, Wahe Guru. So again, it's Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru. Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru.

So as we're chanting this, you're going to bring your palms to face outwards, your left palm is facing out towards me, your right palm is in the back of your left hand, your arms are parallel to the earth in front of your heart center, shoulders relax up and down. Eyes are closed, focus at your third eye point. Let's inhale and begin. Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru. Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru.

Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru. Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru. Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru. Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru. Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru.

Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru. Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru. Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru. Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru. Har Guru, City Guru, Wahe Guru.

Har Guru, Siddhi Guru, Wahe Guru, continue chanting as you begin bowing. So open your eyes for a moment and as you're chanting, you hit Wahe Guru and your hands then touch the earth and then you come back up on an inhale and continue again like this. Har Guru, Siddhi Guru, Wahe Guru, Har Guru, Siddhi Guru, Wahe Guru, Har Guru, Siddhi Guru, Wahe Guru. Join me. Har Guru, Siddhi Guru, Wahe Guru, Har Guru, Siddhi Guru, Wahe Guru, Har Guru, Siddhi Guru, Wahe Guru, Har Guru, Siddhi Guru, Wahe Guru, Har Guru, Siddhi Guru, Wahe Guru, Har Guru, Wadeguru Hareguru, Siddhih Guru, Waheguru Hareguru Siddhih Guru, Waheguru Hareguru, Siddhih Guru, Waheguru Hareguru, Siddhih Guru, Waheguru Hareguru, Siddhih Guru, Waheguru Hareguru, Siddhih Guru, Waheguru Hareguru, Siddhih Guru, Waheguru Hareguru, Siddhih Guru, Waheguru Harsel Hara Guru Siri Guru, Vahay Guru Harsel Hara Guru Siri Guru, Vahay Guru Harsel Hara Guru Siri Guru, Vahay Guru Harsel Hara Guru Siri Guru, Vahay Guru Harsel Hara Guru Siri Guru, Vahay Guru Harsel Hara Guru Siri Guru, Vahay Guru Harsel Hara Guru Siri Guru, Vahay Guru Harsel Hara Guru Siri Guru, Vahay Guru Ha k transport, ha k transport, ha k transport, and hurt your Foreman.

Vaheguru, last round, Har Guru, Siri Guru, Vaheguru, stay in the down position. You can allow yourself to really surrender down into the earth, left palm facing down into the earth and begin breath of fire. Clearing cleansing breath, even inhalation, exhalation through your nose, navel pumping in with every exhale. Relax your breath, relax your head and just be. And in this asana, silently state a prayer of ultimate health for your mind, your body, your heart, your spirit.

And inhale, exhale, if you'd like to stay in asana, you can, otherwise gently slowly come rising up and lower yourself down for shavasana. Keep relaxation, feel free to place your bolster, your blanket underneath your legs, underneath your head, whatever allows you to find utmost comfort, allowing the vibrations of the gong to continue to cleanse and purify as well as amplify your health, your beautiful radiant health. Thank you.


Jenny S
1 person likes this.
Such an effective way to begin one’s day...I’m feeling refreshed and ready to step out into the world with that kundalini “glow” 🌟
Chuck C
2 people like this.
I accidentally Selected  this video while wanting an appropriate video for my  first day back after over a year of no yoga anytime.  And wouldn’t you know  it this is the perfect video for me.   I’m undergoing antibiotic therapy for a stubborn infection which became systemic.   The universe again shows me it has my back      Thanks Kirya and yoga anytime 
What a positive coincidence, Chuck! Glad to hear that Aimee's class is helping you out, and wishing you health and continued recovery. I hope you feel better soon, we're here for you!

Warm wishes,
Ashley from Yoga Anytime
Italia B
Very effective! Thank you so much!
Lisa H
Absolutely love your instruction! This class was fantastic! Thank you!!!
great class!>> very powerful! I want to see more kundalini episodes please!!

Diane C
Wonderful class. I felt challenged, refreshed, and invigorated. Many thanks.
Awesome class, I feel soooo good! I really hope there will be another season of this show sometimes soon!
Janet F
Great practice, thank you

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