Welcome to Ashtanga Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 11

Ashtanga Led Primary: 1st Half

75 min - Practice


Dylan guides us in the first half of the led Ashtanga Primary Series. With the traditional counted breath guiding our practice, we cultivate steadiness, ease, and efficiency.
What You'll Need: Mat


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Welcome to the Lead Primary Series. Today we'll do a traditional ashnanga practice counted in the Sanskrit language. We'll move at a fairly steady and comfortable pace. If at any point you feel like you need to slow down or modify a posture for any reason, please feel free. This practice is not designed to get you to move quicker but to find an efficiency and a very steady pace that will guide you through your developed and consistent ashnanga practice. Please join me in Samastitihi and we'll do the opening mantra. Abahu purushakaram shankachakrasidharinam sahasrashisham shwetam pranamami patanjalim. Exhaling completely with strong legs, suyinamaskara ekam. Inhale, rise the hands up, see the thumbs meet. Exhale, folding forward, following your breath, head down. Trini, inhale, head up, look forward. Chaturthi, exhaling your way, jumping back to chaturanga. Pancha, inhale, upward facing dog. Shat, exhale, downward facing dog. Long smooth, steady full breaths. One will guide you through the entire practice. Two, so keep your breathing the consistent center of your practice. Three, always making sure you can hear the sound of your own deep full breath. Five, sapta, inhale, stepping or jumping the feet forward, head up. Ashtau, exhale, fold forward, drop the head. Nava, inhale, rising up, see the thumbs meeting together. Exhale, samastitihi. Ekam, inhale, see your thumbs. Dwe, exhale, fold forward, look upon the nose. Trini, inhale, head up, looking forward. Chaturthi, exhale, step or jump, chaturanga, dandasana, chin forward, drishti, nose. Pancha, inhale, upward facing dog, looking down the nose. Shat, exhale, downward facing dog, letting the head dangle and hang. One, looking down the tip of the nose or gazing towards the navel even. Two, at any rate picking a still spot somewhere on the body. Three, and letting the eyes, the drishti, settle into stillness as well. Four, five, sapta, inhaling, stepping or jumping the feet forward, the head lifts, look forward.

Ashtau, exhale, fold forward, see your nose. Nava, inhale, rising up, see the thumbs meeting together. Exhale, samastitihi. Keeping the belly strong, udhyana bandha ekam, inhale, arms up, see thumbs. Dway, exhale, folding forward, completing the exhalation, feeling the belly scoop and keeping scoop. Trini, inhale, head up, look forward. Chaturthi, exhale, jump back, chaturanga, dandasana, still strong in the bandha. Pancha, inhale, upward facing dog. Shat, exhale, downward facing dog. One, spreading the fingers, spreading the toes. Two, so you keep a good solid grounding happening through the root knuckles. Three, the index finger mound and the big toe mound, grounding deeply. Four, as you find the grounding of udhyana and mula bandha inside, deep and grounded. Five, sapta, inhale, step or jump, the feet forward, head up. Ashtau, exhale, fold forward, drop the head. Nava, inhale, come all the way up, seeing thumbs meet. Exhale, samastitihi. Hearing the sound of your breath. Ekam, inhale, dweh, exhale. Trini, inhale, chaturthi, exhale. Pancha, inhale, shot, exhale. Inhaling, exhaling. One, allowing your breath to guide you through the practice. Two, remembering that the breath could be the cause and shape the body, moving the limbs. Three, in response to your deep full breathing with sound. Four, five, sapta, inhale, head up. Ashtau, exhale, fold forward. Nava, inhale, rising all the way up. Exhale, samastitihi. Last one. Ekam, inhale, see your thumbs meet. Dweh, exhale, folding forward, drop the head, keeping legs strong. Trini, inhale, head up. Chaturthi, exhale, jump back, chaturanga. Pancha, inhale, upward facing dog, the chest open. Shot, exhale, downward facing dog, letting the head dangle and hang and breathe. One, a little smile on the lips, the tongue curled behind the upper teeth. Two, three, spreading fingers and toes, grounding through the roots. Four, both externally and internally, finding mula bandha, rudiyana bandha. Five, sapta, inhale, step or jump feet forward, head up. Ashtau, exhale, fold forward, drop the head. Nava, inhale, rising all the way up, see the hands meeting together. Exhale, samastitihi. Surinamaskar B, Ekam, inhale, bend the knees, dropping the pelvis, rise the hands up together, keeping the tricep area rolled forward towards the face. Dweh, exhale, fold forward, dropping the head with strong legs. Trini, inhale, broaden the collarbones, roll the shoulders back and down and chaturthi. Exhale, stepping or jumping, chaturanga. Pancha, inhale, the chest goes forward through the shoulders, roll back and down. Shat, exhale, downward-facing dog. Sapte, inhale, draw the right foot forward, bring the hands up together, roll the shoulders away from the ears and ashtau. Exhale, back to chaturanga with the broad collarbones. Nava, inhale, upward-facing dog, chest forward, shoulders back. Dasha, exhale, downward-facing dog. Ekarasha, inhale, the left foot forward, rolling the tricep forward to the face, see thumbs. Dvadasha, exhale, chaturanga dandasana.

Triyugdasha, inhale, following your breath forward to upward-facing dog. Chaturgdasha, exhale, downward-facing dog. Long, smooth, fully breathing with sound. One, allowing the tricep area to roll forward towards the face. Two, melting the shoulders away from the ears, so upper trapezius doesn't bunch up. Three, but instead there's plenty of space between the shoulder and the ear itself. Four, Five, pancharasha, inhale, stepping or jumping, feet forward, head up. Chodhasha, exhale, fold forward, drop the head. Saptarasha, inhale, bend your knees, keeping knees squeezed together, see the thumbs meet. Exhale, samastitihi. Ekim, inhale, bend the knees, arms up. Dvay, exhale, fold forward, see your nose. Trini, inhale, head up, broad collarbones. Chhatwari, exhale, jumping back, strong in chaturanga. Pancha, inhale, upward-facing dog. Shat, exhale, downward-facing dog.

Sapta, inhale, stepping on the left heel, right heel in line, arms up, see thumbs. Ashta, exhale, chaturanga dandasana. Nava, inhale, upward-facing dog. Dvay, exhale, downward-facing dog. Ekarasha, inhale, left foot forward, arms up, see your thumbs. Dvay, exhale, chaturanga. Trayogdisha, inhale, upward-facing dog. Chatyogdisha, exhale, downward-facing dog. Long, smooth, full, deep breathing with sound. One, keeping the kneecaps lifted and inner thighs strengthening. Two, you may be able to feel the inner thighs knitting together at mula bandha, lifting the pelvic floor. Three, so you keep centered and strong and stable at your very core. Four, letting the smooth breath guide you through the practice. Five, pancharsha, inhale, stepping or jumping forward, head up. Shorsha, exhale, fold forward, see your nose. Saptarsha, inhale, bend your knees, see your thumbs meet. Exhale, samastitihi. Doing the last one, just count it in Sanskrit. Follow your breath. Ekam, inhale. Dvay, exhale. Trini, inhale. Chatwari, exhale. Pancharsha, inhale. Shar, exhale. Sapta, inhale. Ashta, exhale.

Navain, inhale. Darsha, exhale. Ekarsha, inhale. Left foot forward, arms up. Dvay, exhale. Triyug, inhale. Chatwari, exhale. One, two, three. Finding stability in your breath, in your drishti, and in your stable downward dog. Four, mula bandha, ludhyana bandha. Five, pancharsha, inhale. Shar, exhale. Saptarsha, inhale. Exhale, samastitihi. Inhale, hopping your feet hips distance apart. Exhale, fold forward, grab your big toes. Parangustasana, Ekam, inhale, long spine, head up. Dvay, exhale, folding forward, bending the elbows, looking on the nose. One, feel the kneecaps lift and the thighs strengthen.

Two, and just like any posture, if you need to modify to find more comfort, feel free. Three, you may need to bend the knees to relieve pressure on the lower back or hamstrings, that's fine. Four, if you can, approach the posture with straight legs, leaning weight forward. Five, trini, inhale, head up, long spine, shoulders roll back and down with straight arms. Exhale here. Parangustasana, Ekam, inhale, putting the hands under the feet and lengthening the spine, head up. Dvay, exhale, fold forward, drop the head, and breathe. One, still melting the shoulders away from the ears. Two, with the elbows out to the side and drawn back a little bit. Three, again modifying if needed or with straight legs. Four, feeling free to draw weight forward towards the fronts of the feet. Five, trini, inhale, head up, exhale here, and then find your way to Samasthiti. Inhaling up, exhaling feet together. Utthito Trigonasana, Ekam, inhale, take your right foot, step a medium-sized step to the back of the mat and pivot on your right heel to face towards the back of your mat. Dvay, exhale, reaching your right arm out over the right thigh, grabbing towards or taking the big toe and looking up towards your lifted left thumb. One, leg staying strong, the hips gently opening. Two, kneecaps, lifting, drawing the thigh back into the pelvis. Three, spreading all your toes. Four, and grounding through the roots. Five, trini, inhale, come up, pivot on your heels to change the side efficiently. Chaturi, exhale, reaching out over the left side, taking the left big toe or modifying as needed. Gazing right thumb. One, if the eyes don't comfortably reach the lifted right thumbnail. Two, you could gaze on the wall or ceiling somewhere. Three, as long as the eyes find a comfortable resting place. Four, and you can hear the sound of your own deep full breathing. Five, punch, inhale, come up, pivot on the heels, change the side, hips square to the front. B, Dvay, exhale, folding forward, keeping the hips in line and shoulders in line, and then dropping the left hand down, raising the right shoulder above the left, the top of the head, extending away from the pelvis, and the lifted right thumb above the head, gazing. One, and opening the shoulders back and down away from the ears. Two, keeping that open collarbone experience. Three, and feeling the twist through the thoracic spine. Four, five, trini, inhale, come up, pivot on the heels, square the hips. Chaturi, exhale, folding forward, keeping the hips square, drop the right hand down, draw the left shoulder back, the arm installed just above the shoulder. One, and Drishti, onto the left thumb. Two, keep drawing the top of the head away from the hips. Three, so you find length through the entire spine here. Four, five, punch, inhale, come up, feet parallel, arms out, exhale, stepping back to samastitihi. Utitaparshvakonasna akiminhale, take a long step with your right foot towards the back of the mat, pivoting on your right heel, do an exhale, bend your right knee deeply, either the forearm on the knee or the hand down outside the foot, gazing into the left palm. One, udiyana bandha still drawing the belly into the spine. Two, and staying somewhat locked and lifted through both bandhas. Four, even as the left tricep spins forward to the face. Five, trini, inhale, come up. Chaturi, exhale, go down. One, the left hand spread on the mat. Two, grounding through the root knuckle of left big toe mound, left index mound. Three, and the right hip drawing away from the left knee. Four, as the left knee moves into the right shoulder, into the left shoulder. Five, punch, inhale, come on, pivot on the feet, change the side.

B, do an exhale, bend the right knee deeply, and now put the left shoulder over the right knee, and they come into connection as you twist deeply. If you need to modify this posture to anjali mudra, simply putting the palms together, feel free. One, but try to keep some good connection between the left shoulder and right knee. Two, three, so that you can create opening through the thoracic spine, four, bending the right knee deeply. Five, trini, inhale, come up, pivot on the feet, change the side, and here, chaturi, exhale, bending the left knee and drawing the right shoulder over. Again, if you can't get the shoulder all the way locked over the knee, maybe you're an anjali mudra with the palms together as you twist gazing upwards. One, or if you could keep the shoulder all the way locked over the knee. Two, keep the left knee deeply bending. Three, and install the lifted arm, lifted left arm. Four, rolling the left tricep forward towards the face to release the shoulder. Five, punch, inhale, come up, feet parallel, arms out, exhale, samasti, tihi, top of the mat. Prasad, ritaparottanasana, ei, aka minha, take your right foot and take a long step with the feet parallel, hands on the waist. Dwei, exhale, fold forward and put your hands down a shoulders width, ideally in between the feet. Again, inhale, head up, long spine, look forward, trini, exhale, bending the elbows, drop the top of the head down towards the mat. One, keep the kneecaps lifting, toes spreading. Two, the fingers spreading, grounding through the root, knuckles. Three, keeping mula nuriyana bandha. Four, stable and centering. Five, trini, chattwari, inhale, head up, look forward, exhale here, punch, inhale, come up, and exhale, hands on the waist. Bi ekam, inhale, arms out to the side. Dwei, exhale, hands take the waist again, fingers pointing towards the center. Again, inhale, tailbone down, chin down, chest lifts. Trini, exhale, fold forward and drop the head down towards the mat. One, if you're able to get the head to touch, two, feel like you're lifting the hips back up towards the ceiling. Three, assisting the hip opening by finding a little pressure as you lift the hips. Four, keeping strong legs, mula bandha, udiyana bandha. Five, chattwari, inhale, come all the way up, then exhale here. See, ekam, inhale, arms out to the side. Dwei, exhale, interlace the fingers back behind the spine. Again, inhale, then trini, exhale, fold forward, drop the head, gaze towards the nose. One, and gently allow the hands to move away from the sacrum. Two, three, leaning weight forward as it's comfortable. Four, five, chattwari, inhale, come all the way back up, exhale, take the waist. Dye, ekam, inhale, lift the chest, chin down. Dwei, exhale, fold forward, grab your big toes, yogic talak. Again, inhale, long spine, head up, look forward. Trini, exhale, drop the top of the head, gazing towards the nose, breathing deeply. One, again, you can lean weight forward towards the fronts of the feet. Two, if you're comfortable with straight legs, the kneecaps lift, the thighs stay strong. Three, try to keep your thumbs up off the mat. Four, maybe just putting the top of the thumb right onto the big toe. Five, chattwari, scooping the belly, head up, look forward, exhale here, pancha, inhale, rising all the way up, exhale, samastitihi, stepping to the top of the mat. Parshvottanasana, ekam, inhale, take your right foot and step it, a smaller step back, heels in a line, hips square to the back as the hands rise up towards the spine, and keeping the kneecaps lifted and legs strong, Dwei, exhale, let the chest fold forward, let the shoulders lag behind and look upon your right big toe, breathing deeply, trying to keep length through the entire spine to avoiding the temptation to crouch or hunch, 30, instead keep the extension through the spine for lengthening the breath. Five, trini, inhale, come up, pivot on your heels, change the hips to square to the left and chattwari, exhale, folding forward, gaze upon your left big toe, long smooth, full deep breathing with sound, one, two, spreading your back right toes, three, keeping grounding through the root knuckles, strong legs, four, five, pancha, inhale, come up, release the arms and exhale, samastitihi, uttita hasta padangusthasna, Ekam, inhale, taking the right leg straight up and forward as you grab the right big toe, Dwei, exhaling, rolling the right shoulder back and down, you can lean forward towards touching as you like, one, or if you prefer to take it as a standing straight up posture, two, that's fine as well, three, the left fingers curling around the front of the left hip, four, feeling, udiyana bandha, five, trini, inhale, the head up, straight up and down, the foot still forward, chattwari, exhaling, keeping the right sitting bone pointing down towards the right, towards the left heel, draw the right leg out to the side, look up and over your left shoulder, one, so the drishti goes up high, two, the left fingers help to remind udiyana bandha, three, four, the left leg straight and strong, five, pancha, inhale, draw the foot back to the center, chattu, exhale, lean forward towards touching and sapta, inhale, head up, let your foot hang in space, fingers curling udiyana and breathe, one, two, both legs straight and strong, three, leaning the chest forward, shoulders roll back, four, and five, exhale, leave your right leg and come right back to samasti tihi, the right hand can stay where it is, grasping udiyana bandha, ashta, inhale, draw the left leg up and catch, nava exhale, again you can choose to lean forward or keep the head up high, one, two, pointing the big toe forward, three, and rolling the left shoulder away from the ear, four, five, dascha, inhale, head up only, the karasha, exhale, bring the left foot over to the left side, the left hip stays low and look up and over your right shoulder, one, catching a drishti, two, looking on a still spot, three, and reflecting that stillness at your very center, four, five, dvarsha, inhale, draw the foot back to the center, trayogdasha, exhale, lean forward towards touching, trayogdasha, inhale, head up, hands on your waist, leave your foot hanging and breathe, one, two, the right leg standing straight and strong, three, little smile on the lips, four, five, exhale, samastitih, arabhata padmottanasana, ekam, inhale, take the right foot up towards half lotus, reaching under the leg to assist the deep binding action, or simply take any modification along the way, to exhale if it's comfortable in the right knee, folding forward with the left hand, fingers just outside the foot and dropping the head as you breathe here, one, keeping equal weight through the hand, through the foot, two, making sure that the left leg takes plenty of weight, three, not leaning overly on your hand, four, five, trini, inhale, head up only, look forward and exhale here, just exhale, you can bend the left knee if you like, chatwadi, inhale, coming up, keeping the left hand empty and holding the right big toe with the right hand, exhale, pancha, come back to samastitih. Shot, inhale, take your left foot towards half lotus, you can use the hands to deepen the lotus position, if you're very comfortable there, the left hand reaches around behind the back, binding the left foot, it's up to exhale, folding forward if you're comfortable with the right hand, grounding outside the right foot, drop the head and drishti nose, one, again make sure there's an equal amount of pressure that you too have some weight coming through the right foot, three and melting the right shoulder away from the right ear, four, five, ashta, inhale, head up only, exhale here, just exhale using patience and restraint, you can bend the right knee as needed and nava, inhale, rise up, leave the right hand empty, come all the way back up to standing and exhale, release the leg, feet together in samastitih. Utkatasana, the vinyasas begin, ekam inhale with straight legs, the straight arms, rise up, see thumbs, twae exhale, fold forward, drop the top of the head down, trini, inhale, head up, look forward, chhatwadi, exhale, jump back, chaturanga, pancha, inhale, upward facing dog, shot, exhale, downward facing dog, finish the exhale completely and it's up to inhale, jump forward with your knees bent, land the feet together, squeeze the knees together, still bending the knees and then rise up the arms, see the thumbs meeting together and breathe, one, weight into the heels, dropping the pelvis deeply, two, feeling the knees squeezed together, three and finding comfort, stability, in utkatasana, four, drishti and the thumbs, five, keeping the knees bent, exhale, fold forward, put the chest on the thighs, the hands down just in front of the feet, spread the fingers, leaning weight forward, ashta, inhale, lift your feet up off the mat a little and nava, exhale, jump it back to chaturanga, dasa, inhale, upward facing dog, ekadasa, exhale, downward facing dog, virabhadrasana, sapta, inhale, pivoting to step on the left heel, the right foot really far forward, arms up, see your thumbs with the right knee deeply bending and breathe, one, two, three, remembering to let the shoulders, four, melt away from the ears, five, ashta, inhale, straighten the right leg, keeping the hands up, pivot on the heels, change the side and exhaling, bend the left knee, sinking down to the second side, one, drawing the right hip forward so the hips would like to square towards the back, towards the left side, two, three, drawing the belly in, four, and keeping the left knee deeply bent, five, virabhadrasana, b, nava, inhale, peel out the arms, open the hips, the chest and the entire abdomen opening to the side, one, as you gaze out over the left hand, two, three, keeping the left knee deeply bent and shoulders rolling away from the ears, four, five, dascha, inhale, straighten the left leg, pivot on the heels, change the side and exhaling, bend the right knee, gazing out over the right hand, one, the tailbone pointing down towards the mat, two, so the belly stays strong even as the hips are opening, three, the thighs externally rolling, four, and breath rising to the top of the chest, five, exhaling, put the hands down, step the foot back a little bit, ekadasha, inhale, leaning weight forward, lift the legs, dvadasha, exhale, jump back, chaturanga, triyugdasa, inhale, upward facing, chaturgdasa, exhale, downward facing dog, paÅ?imatanasana sequence, sapta, inhale, stepping or jumping, the feet forward and sitting down in dandasana with straight legs in front, dandasana, taking five breaths here, one, in the neutral pose of seated, the stick pose, two, dropping the chin down into the chest, three, gazing down the tip of the nose, four, kneecaps lift, strong legs, five, ashta, inhale, reaching forward, keeping the feet flat like they're on the floor, even as you nava exhale, fold forward into paÅ?imatanasana, a, gazing towards the big toe, one, breathing deeply here, two, still keeping the legs strong, just as you have done in all the standing positions, three, drishti and mandana and breath, four, five, dasya, inhale, head up only, so long, straight arms and spine, exhale and change your hand position, either taking the tops of the feet or the sides of the feet or even reaching beyond the feet and taking a wrist, again inhale long spine, b, nava exhale folding forward, looking towards the toes, one, the feet staying flat, two, and the shoulders melting back and down away from the ears, three, four, strong legs, long breath, five, dasya, inhale, straight arms, straight spine, head up and exhale, breaking the drishti, releasing the bind, cross the legs and plant the hands, the seated vinyasa, ikarasha, inhale, lift up, dvadasa, exhale, jump back, traranga, triyugdasha, inhale, upward facing dog, tratugdasha, exhale, downward facing dog, purvatanasana, sapta, inhale, jumping through, straight legs sitting down, exhaling, put your hands far back behind you, fingertips facing forward and ashta, inhale, pushing to the hands and heels, lift your hips and point your toes, feet together, one, modifying if you need to with knees bent, two, or keeping the legs straight if you're able, three, four, five, nava, exhale, bending the knees, letting the hips come down, crossing the legs, dasya, inhale, lift up, ikarasha, jump back, traranga, dvadasa, inhale, upward facing, triyugdasha, exhale, downward facing dog, arabhada, padma, paÅ?imatana, sapta, inhale, jump through to the straight-legged dandasana position, exhaling the right foot back to lotus, wisely and judiciously, modifying if needed, binding if accessible, inhale, reaching the left hand forward, take and ashta, exhale, wrapping the right shoulder around towards the left foot, as you go forward, one, two, wrapping the right kidney towards the left thigh, three, then keeping the left foot straight up and down, four, taking about halfway on the foot with the left hand, five, nava, inhale, straight arm, straight spine, head up, exhale, and let go, dasya, inhale, lift up, ikarasha, jump back, chaturanga, dvadasa, inhale, upward facing, triyugdasha, exhale, downward facing dog, chaturagdasha, inhale, jump through, second side, exhaling the left foot towards lotus, binding, as is comfortable, inhale, reaching forward with the right arm, and then pancharasha, exhale, folding forward, looking towards the right big toes, one, comfort in the knee is always your priority, two, so if it feels pinched or some overstretching, make sure you can lessen the posture, three, or even come out whenever you need, four, five, chursha, inhale, head up, exhale, and let go, saptarsha, inhale, lift up, astarsha, exhale, jump back, ikunu, vimshati hi, inhale, vimshati hi, exhale, to downward facing dog, triyugdasha, ikunu, vimshati hi, sapta, inhale, jump, you could come to dandasana, or jump right into the posture, exhaling, draw your right foot back, sit down next to your heel, inhale, reach forward with both hands, taking towards the left foot, and ashta, exhale, folding forward over the left thigh, one, internally rolling the left thigh, two, externally rolling the right thigh, three, so that the right sitting bone reaches back and down towards the mat, four, five, nava, inhale, head up, exhale, let go, dasra, inhale, lift up, ikarasha, jump back, chaturanga, dvara, inhale, upward facing, triyugdasha, exhale, downward facing dog, chaturagdasha, inhale, and jump to the left side, you may be coming through dandasana, and then exhaling, putting the foot and sitting bone down, inhale, reach forward, pancharasha, exhale, and fold, forward towards the right toes, one, drishti, moving that direction with a soft forehead, two, and soft jaw, three, four, right thigh engaged, kneecap lifted, legs strong, five, shodhasha, inhale, head up, exhale, and let go, saptarasha, inhale, lifting up, ashta, ashta, exhale, jump back, ikuna, vimshatihi, inhale, upward facing, vimshatihi, exhale, downward facing dog, janushashasna, asaptai, inhale, jump through, straight legs sitting down, exhale, and draw the right foot towards the center, towards the perineum, inhale, reaching forward, lengthen the spine, shoulders back and down, and ashta, exhale, the chest forward through the shoulders, rolling away from the ears, one, two, three, aware of where the shoulders are in space, trying to keep them four, more, less level, five, nava, inhale, long spine, long arms, head up, exhale, and let go, darshah, inhale, lift up, ekhadashah, jump back, chalaranga, dwarashah, inhale, upward facing, trayogdisha, exhale, downward facing dog, chaturgdisha, inhale, jump through, straight legs sit down, exhale, the left foot back, like tree position, inhale, reaching forward, and pancharasha, exhale, and fold, one, two, three, four, mula bandha, udiyana bandha, five, shurushaya, inhale, straight arms, straight spine, head up, exhale, and let go, saptarsha, inhale, lift up, ashtarsha, exhale, jump back, ekhadashah, inhale, upward facing dog, shurushaya, exhale, downward facing dog, b, saptar, inhale, jump through, straight legs sit down, exhaling, take the right foot back to janu shushasana, a position, and then lift the pelvis up, still exhaling, place mula bandha down upon the heel, the right knee might scoot in a little, inhale, lengthen the spine, reach the foot, and ashta, exhale, fold forward towards the left foot, one, two, remembering to do forward bending, three, lengthening the spine and not doing downward bending, crouching, four, five, nava, inhale, straight arms, straight spine, head up, exhale, and let go, release the leg, plant the hands, darshah, inhale, lift up, ekhadashah, exhale, jump back, dwarashah, inhale, upward facing, drayugdashah, exhale, downward facing, chaturdashah, inhale, jump through, straight legs, sit down, exhale, the left foot back, like a, lift up, sit down on the heel, so mula bandha is deeply engaged, the knee in a little, inhale, and then punch out ashta, exhale, and fold, one, notice that the left knee is out about 80, 85 degrees, two, again if there's any pain pressure in the knee you're always free to modify, three, find mula bandha with each and every breath, four, and keep mula bandha rising away from the left heel, five, shodashah, inhale, straight spine, head up, exhale, and let go, saptarashah, inhale, lift up, ashtaarashah, exhale, jump back, ekhadashah, inhale, upward facing, vimshatihi, exhale, downward facing dog, janashishasna, sis, up to inhale, jump through, straight legs, sit down, exhaling, draw the right heel towards the center of the body, and put the right toes down just next to the thigh, you may even lift the pelvis forward once more to get the foot more straight up and down, and drawing the knee in even more deeply, inhale, reach forward, vedashta, exhale, folding forward over the heel, one, again forward bending, not downward bending, two, the chest, through the shoulders, roll back and down, three, and udiyana bandha, scooping the belly up towards the spine, four, five, namah, inhale, straight spine, straight arms, head up, exhale, and release, darshah, inhale, lift up, nakadashah, exhale, jump back, dwarashah, inhale, upward facing, triugdashah, exhale, downward facing dog, chaturdashah, inhale, jump through, straight legs, sitting down, and exhale, left heel up, toes down, inhale here, reaching forward, pancharsha, exhale, and fold, one, two, three, shoulders rolling away from the ears, four, five, shouldershine, inhale, head up, exhale, and release, saptarsha, inhale, lift up, nashtarsha, exhale, jump back, chaturanga, ekuna, vimshatihi, inhale, upward facing dog, vimshatihi, exhale, downward facing dog, marichyasna, eh, sapta, inhale, jump through, straight legs, sit down, and exhaling, draw the right foot back, the heel a little wider than the sitting bone, the right shoulder low, internally rolling, the right shoulder low, and then drawing the left hand, hand, back, bind, inhale, and ashta, exhale, folding forward, letting the collarbones broaden as the center of the chest goes forward towards the left toes, one, the left thigh internally rolling, two, three, and keeping the right root knuckle, big toe mound grounding, four, one, five, nava, inhale, head up, exhale, and release the posture, darsha, inhale, lift up, ekarsha, exhale, jump back to chaturanga, dvarsha, inhale, upward facing dog, triyugdasha, exhale, downward facing dog, chaturgdasha, inhale, jumping or stepping through, getting to dandasana, exhale, the left knee high, the shoulder low, and then opening the right shoulder back, the right elbow back, the hand comes in and bind, inhale, here with a long spine, punch darsha, exhale, and fold forward towards the lifted right toes, one, two, the right thigh internally rolling, three, the left shoulder rolling back, so collarbones broaden, four, five, shodhisha, inhale, come back up, still binding with the hands, exhale, from there let go, release the knee, saptarsha, inhale, lift up, nastarsha, exhale, jump back, chaturanga, akhuna, vimshatihi, inhale, vimshatihi, exhale, bhi, sapta, inhale, jump through straight legs sitting down, exhaling, put your left foot towards lotus, your nearest comfortable modification is fine, your right heel back, heel a little wider than the sitting bone, right root knuckle grounding, and with space between the knees, the right shoulder comes low upon the right knee, and internally rotate the entire right arm, the right hand up high, binding or modifying as best you can, if you're still moving towards a position, draw the left shoulder back, the left elbow back, the left hand comes in, inhale, here and ashta, exhale, folding forward, moving the chest forward through the shoulders and through the knees, one letting the broad collarbone experience, two of samastitihi, refine itself even when challenged by the deep binding, four, five, another inhale, come up, then exhale, letting go, unfolding, dasa, inhale, lift up, akarasha, exhale, jump back to any chaturanga, dvarsa, inhale, upward facing dog, triyogdasa, exhale, downward facing dog, chaturdasa, inhale, stepping or jumping through, straight legs, exhaling, the right foot to lotus, the inner ankle open and smooth, even as the left knee comes up, the left heel just outside the sitting bones, looking for the bind, stopping anywhere along the way if you need to, perhaps binding and then inhaling, and pancharasha, exhale, letting the chest go forward through the shoulders as they roll back and down, the chin extends and drishties down the tip of the nose, one, so this last posture of the great forward bends, it's still not downward bending, don't crouch the spine, to instead try to keep the length of the spine coming forward from the hips, forward, forward, the chin reaching forward slightly, five, shoulder shine, inhale, coming all the way back up, but still bound, exhale, release, and saptarasha, inhale, lift up, ashtarasha, exhale, jump back, akuna, vimshati, inhale, upward facing dog, vimshati, exhale, downward facing dog, murichesna, see, sapta, inhale, jumping through and exhaling, making the posture, so the right knee comes up first, space between the foot and thigh, get the entire chest past the right thigh, and perhaps you can still explore the twist by binding, drawing the left, the right shoulder back, the right elbow back, and the right hand in to the left hand to bind, and breathe, one, catching a drishti, two, still spot, gazing with the eyes, three, four, still grounding through the right big toe mound, five, inhale, and exhale, let it all go, cross the legs, ashtav, inhale, lift up, nava chaturwadi, jump back, darshai, inhale, upward facing dog, ekadasha, exhale, downward facing dog, darshai, inhale, jump through straight legs, exhaling, take the left foot back, the left knee up, planting the left foot with some space between the foot and thigh, grounding through the left big toe mound, and still exhaling, or again exhaling, twist to get the entire chest past the left thigh, and then take your right elbow or right shoulder even, and twist deeply, breathing freely with sound to fully explore the posture, roll the right shoulder down the left knee, bend the elbow, and if you're still exploring the bind, slowly take your time, draw the left shoulder back, the left elbow back, and reach in and bind and breathe, one, you can bring the left knee to the left side to help to accentuate the twist, three, keeping the top of the head lifted as best you're able, four, binding with all the fingers, five, inhale, and exhale, let it all go, cross the legs, plant the hands, triogdisha, inhale, lift up, chaturgdisha, exhale, jump back, pancharsha, inhale, upward facing, shursha, exhale, downward facing dog, marichyasna, dhi, up to inhale, jump through straight legs, sit down, exhaling, put your left foot to lotus, and the right knee up, just as you did for b, and then twist, just as you did for c, getting the whole chest past the thigh, then slowly step by step, building the bind, so the left hand wants to flip up towards the left thigh, and then the right shoulder, right elbow, and right hand come in towards binding, using all the fingers or grabbing the wrist, even breathe, one, two, three, four, five, inhale, and exhale, unwind the posture, let it all go, ashta, inhale, lift up, navachatwari, jump back, dascha, inhale, upward facing, pekarsha, exhale, downward facing, duarsha, inhale, jump through straight legs, sit down, and exhaling, make the second side, so the right foot to lotus, left knee up, twist, bind as it is accessible to you, or take a modification along the way, one, two, as best you can, finding the collarbones open, three, looking for the samastitihi in every pose, four, five, inhale, exhale, let go, triyugdisha, inhale up, chaturgdisha, jump back, pancharsha, inhale, shursha, exhaling to downward facing dog, navasana, sapta, inhale, jumping through with the legs lifting up, one, two, three, four, knees straight, five, exhale, cross the legs, plant the hands, and ashta, inhale, find some fashion of lift up, exhale, sit down, sapta, inhale, navasana again, one, the chest shining up through the shoulders, two, rolling the shoulders back and down, three, four, the hands just outside the knees, not touching, four, five, exhale, plant the hands, ashta, inhale, lift up, exhale, sit down, sapta, inhale, navasana, one, two, a little smile on the lips, three, still measuring your breath, four, five, exhale, cross the legs, plant the hands, ashta, inhale, some fashion of lift up, exhale, sit down, sapta, inhale, navasana, the boat posture, one, two, long, smooth, fully breathing, three, three, four, five, exhale, cross the legs, plant the hands, ashta, inhale, lift up, exhale, sit down, and sapta, inhale, navasana, gazing in the toes, last one, one, two, three, four, straight knees, five, exhale, cross the legs, plant the hands, ashta, inhale, lift up, navachatwari, jump back, chaturanga dandasana, dasha, inhale, upward facing dog, ekharasha, exhale, downward facing dog, sapta, inhale, jump through the straight legs, sitting down. All right, so that is what we conventionally know as a half primary. You've practiced through navasana. If you are continuing to do the entire and complete full lead primary, you go to part two of this series, lead primary, or if you're just doing a half lead primary, which again is a complete and full practice, then you can stay watching and practicing with me and we'll do backbends and finishing postures together here. So from dandasana, with straight legs, exhale and lie down on your back, ashta, prepare, exhale, bending the knees, putting the feet flat on the floor and the feet spread at least a hips distance apart with the toes facing just straight forward. You can keep the hands just by the side of the torso for now or place the hands behind the shoulders if you like for full udvadhanarasana. Preparing by really finding the bandha deeply engaging, finishing an exhale there and then nava, inhale, pushing through the hands and feet if you're coming to full udvadhanarasana to lift up and breathe. One, two, bandha and breath and drishti. Three have never been more important than they are now in backbends. Four, really finding the central core of your practice. Five, darsha, exhale. If you've come all the way up, come down into your head. You can feel free to walk your hands in a touch if you like and then nava, inhale, lift to either variation, the modified or full back bend as you like. One, two, I love to keep my tailbone tucking forward. Three, as best I'm able to feel that there's plenty of space and no pinching in my lower lumbar spine. Four, five, darsha, exhale. You could come down into the head and walk the hands in once more or you could take either variation coming all the way down and with your next nava, inhale, lifting either to full back bend or yogi's choice, rolling the shoulders under and taking the modified back bend. It's always an option. One, two, three, bandhas and breaths and drishti. Four, plenty of space in the lower back. Five, darsha, exhale, come all the way down. Either taking your knees into your chest and rolling up to the front of your mat for regular vinyasa. We're doing chakrasana, ekarsha, inhale, rolling the limbs back, exhale, and pushing your way into chaturanga dandasana.

Dwarsha, inhale upward facing, triyugdasa, exhale, downward facing dog and sapta. Inhale, jump through straight legs and sit down. Paschimattanasana as a counter pose. Exhale here in dandasana and then ashta. Inhale, reach forward, taking the feet where it's comfortable and nava. Exhale, folding forward, taking 10 full deep breaths here. One, one, keeping legs strong and belly active. Two, but also allowing relaxation. Three, as we move towards finishing four, starting to counter pose the entire practice. Five, six, you can let the head drop a little bit, but keep the eyes seven, moving forward. Even if you can't see the toes, eight, keep the eyes gently moving forward. Nine, ten, dascha, inhale, straighten the arms, straighten the spine, head up, and exhaling, break the drishti, let go of the feet. Cross the legs, plant the hands, ekarsha, inhale, lift up, dvarsha, jump back, triyugdasa, inhale, upward facing, triyugdasa, exhale, downward facing dog, salambasarvangasana sequence, sapta, inhale, jumping through, straight legs, sitting down with straight legs, exhale, lie down on your back, take a breath or two here as needed, and then ashta. Inhale, draw the feet above the hips and the hips above the shoulders as you raise the toes straight up towards the sky and breathe. Trying to keep both shoulders pushing back into the mat so the space between the shoulders is lifted, keeping drishti down the tip of the nose, six, and drawing in rudhyana bandha, seven, mula bandha as well, eight, nine, ten. Halasana, exhaling the straight legs back behind the head, letting the tops of the toes touch the floor behind you and interlacing the fingers, rolling the shoulders under deeply, modifying if needed, one, by taking the hands around the pelvis, two, but if you're comfortable with straight legs and toes pointing, three, interlace the fingers and get that deep roll for under the shoulders, five, five, six, seven, eight, keeping the drishti on the nose, karnipirasana, exhale, bending the knees, letting the knees go into the ears like earplugs, one, two, three, smoothing out the sound of your own breath, four, five, six, seven, eight, returning the hands to lower back, inhaling back up into shoulder stand, urdvapadmasana, nava exhale, bending the knees, taking a lotus, half lotus, or simple cross-leg position, palms on the knees, lifting the knees, one, the same height as the hips, two, rudhyana, three, four, four, five, deeply grounding through the shoulders, six, seven, eight, the pindasana, exhaling, let the knees come down and wrap the elbows around and breathe, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, matsyasana, inhaling, let the spine roll down the mat, extend the knees down towards the floor and lift the center of the chest, top of the head reaches onto the mat and breathe, one, if you're in lotus comfortably you can grab the tops of the feet, two, straightening the arms, extending the left knee down, three, to get more chest opening, four, if you're in comfortable cross legs, five, just make sure you're not sitting on your hands, six, you can use the elbows on the mat to help lift the chest, seven, and then try to straighten the arms, eight, udon parasana, inhaling, raise the hands above the pelvis, the feet the same, angle and breathe, one, drishti down the tip of the nose, two, three, udhyana bandha, four, five, six, seven, eight, keeping the limbs lifted, let the spine, neck and head come down on the mat, you could roll up and take a regular vinyasa or again chakrasana, dasa, inhale, rolling all the limbs back, the hips above the shoulders, exhale, into chaturanga dandasana, nakarasana, inhale, upward facing dog, dvartasana, exhale, downward facing dog, shirshasana, headstand, sapta prepare, drop onto your knees and I'll turn around so you can see a little better, interlace your fingers and keep your elbows quite close together, still in the preparation breath you can make sure that there's good contact between the head and the hands, very little contact with the head and the mat, just a slight contact there as you walk the feet in and with straight legs try to elevate the hips above the shoulders, perhaps this is your headstand practice for today or as you're ready, ashta inhale and come up, long, smoothly breathing with sound, one, two, three, four, you may be working yourself through the four steps to get here, six, you may be taking on any of the steps and just holding it there, seven, you can refer to the tutorials and how to safely and comfortably approach headstand as a daily practice, nine, ten, keeping good weight between the hands and the head, twelve and keeping the elbows pushing the mat, the shoulders wrapped away from the ears, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, the halfway lift, exhale and the feet might come down just a touch or they may be down all the way halfway as you breathe here, pointing the toes and keeping good bundles, avoid the temptation to fall, try to stay with it and breathe, eight, nine, ten, now inhale, draw the legs straight up and down the headstand and asha, exhale slowly with straight legs, allow the descent and keep the head down, keep the hands crossed and down on the mat and simply take rest here, with your next exhale begin to find the bandhas once more, inhaling lift the head up, spread the fingers to the front corners of the mat and then exhale, step or jump and lower down to chaturanga, inhale upward facing dog, exhale downward facing dog, the final finishing asana is up to inhale and jump through straight legs sit down in dandasana, exhaling to baddha padmasana, that's bound lotus, if you're comfortable in full lotus, taking the feet behind you, otherwise modifying however you need and taking the elbows, inhale here let the drishti, the eyes rise up to third eye center, yoga mudra nava exhale folding forward, keeping the eyes lifted and the breath long, one, two, remembering that the three end of the practice is just as important as the beginning, four, five, making sure to take the time that's needed, six, to shut down your practice, seven, and find a calm centered breathing, eight, nine, ten, padmasana dasa, inhale come up, release the hands, keep the legs crossed in your comfortable position and take chin mudra, index finger and thumb lightly touching, the other three fingers extend and breathe, one, the center of the chest rising high, two, the lower belly moving towards the spine, three, four, aware of the right and left sitting bone, five, and aware of the spaces between the sitting bones, six, where mula bandha resides rising, seven, keeping the centering aspect of your practice, of your breath, eight, nine, hearing the sound of your own deep full breath at your own pace, ten, planting the hands and lifting up, one, two, three, keep lifting, four, the knees up, the hips up, five, six, the low belly strong, seven, that little smile on the lips, eight, the feet in front of the arms, nine, ten, you might lower down or you might jump back right from uklutihi, dasa exhale, tucharanga, a karasha inhale, upward facing dog, dvarsa exhale downward facing dog, then for today inhale come to a seated posture and lie down, take rest, really important part of your practice that you're able to completely let go and take a nice deep full rest, unrolling and unfolding and unfurling all the limbs, making sure that the head can find a comfortable resting node so that you need no muscular support to just completely dissolve into the mat, letting go of the physical engagements of the bandhas as you breathe, so the belly is free to float with breath, silent breathing with the eyes closed, if there's anywhere in the physical body that feels like it's tight or tense, put your mind's eye, your subtle awareness there and allow the deep relaxed breath to completely release that area as you completely release and relax all the systems of the body, allowing for a good even steady natural flow of breath and prana and awareness to flow through all the systems, to flow through the body as you relax and take rest still relaxed with a deep flow of breath, bring awareness sweeping through the relaxed body and you can gently bring some movement into the physical body however you like, moving neck and head or hands and feet, eventually you may choose to inhale and stretch long, drawing the feet together and the hands together above the head and exhale, roll over into one side or the other, bending the knees and taking a few breaths in a fetal pose there, doing nothing, and then gently bring yourself back up to a seated posture, any comfortable seat will do, having practiced an entire and complete and comprehensive practice at a good comfortable efficient but sustainable pace, we'll now do the closing mantra where we set our intention that our practice is not only to refine ourselves but to bring about a better experience for all beings everywhere, join me as you like. may these practices be of service to all keep in touch keep practicing and keep well


Michelle F
2 people like this.
Thank you so much, what a delightful pace and I most appreciate that you included the closing mantra...its elusive! --have a lbeautiful day!
Dylan Bernstein
Michelle Thanks so much for the appreciation. The closing mantra is elusive! But it is far older and more wide-spread than the opening mantra, which is specific to the modern Ashtanga practice. No one can be sure where the closing mantra came from. Rumors that it appears in the Rg Veda are false; it's just not in there. But it is seriously ancient and it may very well be the introduction of the incredibly popular -- "Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu" (May all (beings within) the realms be joyous)  I'm glad pacing suits you and be in touch with any comments or queries. Keep practicing and LSSB ;) 

Michelle F
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Hi again Dylan,
That´s a thoughtful reply - thank you!  "Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu" was the first Sanskrit, after the Om, which totally resonated with me and always sounds so familiar and somehow just right!I´m getting more into chanting - for years I found it barely possible to lie in Savasana! but now I l often find myself just sitting singing at the end of my practice - and sometimes spontaneously throughout-not very Ashtangi perhaps haha! 
Im looking forward to trying the second half of primary class!
have a beautiful day

1 person likes this.
Thank you … this has started me on my Ashtanga journey ….
Tina Anderson
Thank you Dylan. Im doing your practise to go to Peter Sansons workshop end of Dec - Jan here in NZ. My left leg has ben very tight and now after your practise i feel the fascia has woken up. Thank you so much. I will go and find the closing mantra to practise. Om Shanti. Tina
Dylan Bernstein
ELIZABETH most welcome! Blessings on the path and enjoy the ride! 
Dylan Bernstein
Tina Anderson thanks so much for giving this a go! I think you'll find my approach compatible with your work with Peter. I am curious about the tight leg however. I really want you to take good care of that and make sure that it all feels easy and healing. Please give me a message with details as I'd love to keep that on the mend until you see Peter. Looking forward.

Katherine S
First time I've ever followed an Ashtanga lesson.  It was tough, found it challenging, had to adapt a lot along the way and even pause on occasions but loved it!  I found the breath counting really hypnotic to the point that I achieved asanas that I didn't know I could!  At the age of 54 I just love still exploring new practice and continually challenging myself although I think after this I'll need a Yin Yoga practice tomorrow! :)  Thank you again for these teachings and I love the fact that you include these wonderful mantras. 
Kate M
1 person likes this.
I wanted to do an ashtanga practice today in honour of Sri Sharat Jois, the grandson of Sri Patabhi Jois (who first elaborated the Ashtanga Vinyasa system) who passed away yesterday. Om shānti, shānti, shāntihi.
Kate M
1 person likes this.
Dear friends at YA: what do you think about organizing one of your thematic practice recommendation emails as a remembrance of Sharat Jois with links to your various Ashtanga practices?
Much love.

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