This episode is part of a course.
Yoga and the Somatic Experience Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 3

Tips for Success

1 min - Talk


Suniti offers five tips for stepping into our work together in this course—setting an intention, gathering a toolkit, tracking the experience, practicing curiosity, and engaging with the material. You will need a yoga mat, two blocks, a blanket, and a journal for this course.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Oct 27, 2019
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Here are five tips for stepping into this work together. One, intention. Create an intention that is both meaningful and inspiring for you. Two, gather your toolkit. You're going to want to have a yoga mat, two blocks, a blanket, and a journal.

Three, track your experience. Practice articulating what you're feeling. What are you noticing? Four, practice curiosity. Have fun experimenting with new ways of being in your body, new ways of moving.

You get to move like yourself. You get to be yourself. This is a creative practice. Five, engage. Engage with the material.

Engage with the forum. I'd love to hear from you. Engage with the homework, and notice how these practices are coming to life for you. Let's begin.


Agnieszka G
For half of my life I am trying to find an answer "who I really am" and really feel it, so I can find the peace in me and place for me to live a fulfilling and happy life. I'm in my forthies, stress levels are skyrocketing and I still haven't found my place in life.. I hope that with your yoga practice I can finally find my answer.. Or is it too much to expect? ;) ..or maybe I should just live in the question?? :)

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